Functions of incisors

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Khanh Nam - Doctor of Dental - Jaw - Facial - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

Incisors are teeth located in front of the jaw, including 4 upper and 4 lower jaws. The incisors, like other teeth in the jaw, ensure functions such as chewing, pronunciation, and are especially closely related to aesthetics. Therefore, the function of the incisors plays a huge role.

1. Characteristics of incisors

Adults usually have 32 teeth, these teeth are divided into 4 groups, including incisors, canines, premolars and molars. Each group of teeth has certain functions. In which the incisors are the teeth located in front of the jaw, there are 8 incisors: 4 incisors in the upper jaw and 4 teeth in the lower jaw. Children also have incisors, usually when babies are 6 months old they will have their first incisors. Both adults and children have incisors with some characteristics such as:
Shape: The incisors are shaped like a shovel, with a sharp bite edge. Incisors usually have only one root. Structure: The incisors are composed of 3 layers, including the outer and inner layers of enamel, dentin and pulp. Functional characteristics: Similar to other teeth in the jaw, the function of incisors includes chewing, aesthetics and pronunciation.
chức năng của răng cửa
Chức năng của răng cửa bao gồm: nhai, thẩm mỹ và phát âm

2. Functions of incisors

Like other teeth in the jaw, the incisors also have the following functions: chewing, aesthetics and pronunciation.
The chewing function of the incisors Chewing is an important function, making the digestion process in the stomach and small intestine easier. In which the main function of the front teeth is to bite and break food into small pieces, so that the process of chewing and grinding food takes place easier and more efficiently.
With such a function, the disease of the front teeth affects the ability to digest food. In most cases there is a defect in the morphology of the incisors, especially problems related to occlusion such as chipped, broken, broken, protruded or overgrown, missing teeth. ... also more or less affect the chewing function of the jaw.
Aesthetic function Incisors are the teeth located in front and outside of the teeth and will be exposed when you smile, so they have a lot of influence on aesthetics, it is easy for other people to detect problems in the teeth. The door can make you feel shy to meet and talk to people. Many people because of problems in front teeth do not dare to smile, always feel self-deprecating. That is why these days, the correction and aesthetics of front teeth are very interested.
Pronunciation function According to many experts, the pronunciation ability of each person depends largely on the existence of the incisors. If a person loses their front teeth, it can make them unable to pronounce certain words or sounds clearly, due to a decrease in the correlation between the teeth, lips and tongue. In addition, when pronouncing some sounds in Vietnamese or English requires contact between the tongue and the front teeth to be able to pronounce correctly, so if there is a defect in the incisors, it will be difficult to pronounce correctly.
bọc răng sứ giữ được bao lâu
Một trong ba chức năng của răng cửa là có tính thẩm mỹ

3. How to take care of front teeth

In order to keep the front teeth in particular or teeth in general healthy and minimize the risk of oral diseases, it is necessary to take proper care and hygiene. Besides, we should also pay attention to diet and habits that can affect oral health. Ways to care for front teeth include:
Should brush teeth at least 2 times a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride, each time brushing for at least 2 minutes and should use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid damage to tooth enamel. It is necessary to brush your teeth about 30 minutes after eating, especially foods with high sugar content, because foods with a lot of sugar make bacteria grow better, increasing the risk of tooth decay. Drink water or rinse your mouth with clean water after eating. Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating. Replace your brushes every 3 months or when they show signs of wear. Use dental floss and mouthwash to clean plaque, food particles left on teeth and in between teeth. Do not use toothpicks to avoid damaging your gums. Do not use the front teeth to bite hard objects such as bottle caps, pens... Should wear mouth guards when playing sports with high risk of injury. Limit eating foods with high sugar content such as cakes, candies, sweet dried fruits... and acidic foods. Add foods containing calcium and fluoride to your daily diet to help strengthen your teeth. Increase the intake of vegetables, tubers, fruits... Thus, the function of the front teeth, like other teeth in the jaw, is very important. Therefore, to ensure these functions well, we need to pay attention to proper oral care and if we detect or suspect dental disease, we should visit a medical facility specializing in odonto-stomatology. is checked.
Dental - Jaw - Facial - Vinmec International General Hospital specializes in examining and treating all common dental problems in adults and children. The hospital has a team of qualified doctors and dentists and a system of advanced machinery to help support the examination process well and shorten the time.
Therefore, when there is any problem, you can go to the hospital to be examined to get appropriate instructions from a specialist to avoid long-term effects on the structure and aesthetics of your teeth. .

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