How can migraines affect your health?

Migraines can cause severe pain or a pounding sensation on one side of the head, along with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can last for hours to days, and severe migraines can interfere with your daily activities.

1. Symptoms of Migraine

Migraines (English name is Migraines) usually begin in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood, can progress through four stages: vague symptoms, aura, attack and after proof. Not everyone with a migraine goes through all of the phases. These episodes may include:
1.1 Vague symptoms (Prodrome) Hours or days before a headache, about 60% of migraine sufferers notice symptoms such as:
Sensitivity to light light, sound, or smell Fatigue Cravings or decreased appetite Mood changes Excessive thirst Bloating Constipation or diarrhea 1.2 Aura These symptoms originate in the nervous system and are often associated with vision. The symptoms below usually begin gradually, over a period of 5 to 20 minutes and last less than an hour, as follows:
Seeing black dots, wavy lines, flashes of light, or unreal objects (hallucinations) Tunnel vision Loss of vision Tingling or numbness on one side of the body Unable to speak clearly Feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs A ringing in the inside ears Changes in smell, taste, or touch
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1.3 Attack phase A migraine often begins as a dull ache and then progresses to a sharp pain. This symptom often gets worse during physical activity. The pain may move from one side of the head to the other or the front of the head, or it may feel like it is present in your entire head.
About 80% of patients will experience nausea along with headache and about half will have vomiting. You may also have additional symptoms such as paleness and irritability or feeling lightheaded.
Most migraine attacks last about 4 hours, but severe attacks can have frequent migraines lasting more than 3 days. The frequency can range from two to four headaches per month. Some people may experience migraines every few days, while others experience them once or twice a year.
1.4 Postdrome This phase can last up to a day after the headache. Symptoms include:
Feeling tired or irritable Feeling unusually refreshed or happy Muscle pain or weakness Appetite or decreased appetite

2. How can migraines affect health?

2.1 Stroke Women with aura migraines are more likely to have a stroke, which happens when part of the brain is suddenly cut off from its blood supply. Studies show that your chances of having a stroke are worse if you smoke cigarettes, have high blood pressure, or take birth control pills.
2.2 Cardiovascular disease You are more likely to have heart disease, such as chest pain called angina or heart attack, if you have migraines and vice versa. But there are many things you can do to reduce this risk, such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.
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2.3 High blood pressure Some studies show that people with migraines may be more prone to high blood pressure. The studies were mainly conducted on white women, so more research is needed to see if this holds true for people of other races.
2.4 Heart Abnormalities People with migraines, especially if they have an aura, are more likely to have problems with the structure of their heart, for example the patent foramen ovale. It is a small hole between the right and left upper chambers of the heart. About one-third of people with migraines have this hole.
2.5 Seizures You're more likely to have a condition that causes a seizure, if you have a migraine. Both of these diseases share the same cause, which is abnormally sensitive neurons in the brain. And both disorders can be caused by genes you got from your parents. Doctors use several similar medications to treat them, for example divalproex sodium (Depakote) and topiramate (Topamax).

2.6 Insomnia Sleep problems, including insomnia, are common in people with migraines. They can also lead to anxiety and depression, which are linked to migraines. Irregular sleep habits are also one of the main triggers for migraines. You can sleep better if you wake up at the same time each day and avoid alcohol and caffeine later in the day.
2.7 Anxiety and depression About 25% of people with migraines have depression, and up to 50% have anxiety. More typically, if your migraines are frequent, they occur about 15 days a month. The link between headaches and these two conditions is still unclear, but it may have something to do with the way your brain sends signals from one nerve cell to another with a chemical called serotonin.
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2.8 Child Abuse If you were sexually, physically or emotionally abused as a child, you may start getting migraines earlier and migraines are more likely to turn into a long-term problem. It's not clear why, but doctors think that early childhood stress can change brain structure, hormones or nervous system, and even turn on certain genes.
2.9 Tinnitus The patient hears sounds as if ringing or hissing in your ears. For some people, this problem can only get really bad when they have a migraine. Experts are still not clear why this symptom occurs, but it is possible that the nerve cells send abnormal signals during the attack phase.

2.10 Irritable Bowel Syndrome People with irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation, are more likely to have migraines. However, more research is needed to find out which treatments can work together to help with these conditions.
2.11 Fibromyalgia When you experience this condition, you can experience generalized pain, anxiety, depression, and sensitivity to light, sound, and even stimulation in “sensitive spots.” can cause diffuse pain.
You may also be more prone to migraines. Preventing and treating migraines with them can also help prevent fibromyalgia episodes.
2.12 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) It is a response to a traumatic event such as abuse or an accident. With post-traumatic stress disorder, the sufferer recalls intense emotions that took place in the past. Patients are more likely to have migraines if they have this problem.
In people with both conditions, nearly 70% had symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder that preceded their headache. Your doctor can help you manage your symptoms with therapy and medication.
2.13 Low Blood Sugar When blood sugar is too low it is called hypoglycemia. This symptom can trigger migraines in some people. But fasting headaches aren't always caused by low blood sugar.
This can happen for many other reasons, such as not drinking enough water, cutting down on caffeine or your body releasing stress hormones when you haven't eaten.
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3. Migraine should do what?

Migraines cause pain similar to those of an injury, but with one key difference, with healthy habits and simple non-drug measures, it can sometimes stop the migraines. migraines before they start. Specifically:
Find a quiet environment Get a good night's sleep Eat a variety of foods Exercise regularly Manage stress Keep a migraine diary

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