How does Behcet's disease affect the body?

Behcet's disease or Behcet's syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease that causes blood vessels throughout the body to become inflamed, sores in the mouth, rashes, and more. but then it comes back.

1. How does Behcet's disease affect the body?

The symptoms of Behcet's disease vary from person to person, and the disease may go away on its own or in remission over time. Signs and symptoms depend on which part of the body is affected.
Parts commonly affected by Behcet's disease include:
1.1 Mouth Painful mouth sores that look like mouth sores are the most common sign of Behcet's disease. The sores start out as round and then quickly rise in the mouth and turn into sores. The sores usually heal in one to three weeks, although they still recur.
1.2 Skin Some people develop sores on the skin or on the skin that appear red, raised bumps on the surface of the skin that are tender to the touch and often appear on the lower legs.
1.3 Genitals Red and open sores on the scrotum or vulva are painful and can leave scars.

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Hình ảnh bệnh Behcet ở nam giới
1.4 Eyes Uveitis causes redness, pain, and blurred vision, often in both eyes.
1.5 Joints Symptoms such as joint swelling and pain commonly occur in the knees of people with Behcet's disease. Also, can occur in the ankle, elbow, or wrist. These symptoms last one to three weeks and go away on their own.
1.6 Blood vessels Inflammation of the veins and arteries causing the person to become red; If there is a blood clot, there will be additional symptoms such as pain and swelling in the arm or leg. Inflammation in the large arteries can lead to serious complications such as aneurysms and narrowing or blockage of the vessel.
1.7 Digestive system A variety of signs and symptoms affect the digestive system, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bleeding.
1.8 Brain Encephalitis and inflammation of the nervous system causes headaches, fever, disorientation, loss of balance or stroke.
Chóng mặt
Bệnh Behcet tại não bộ gây ra các cơn đau đầu cho người bệnh

2. Causes of Behcet's disease

Behcet's disease is an autoimmune disease, which means the body's immune system attacks some of the body's own healthy cells. The cause of this condition may be an interaction between genetic and environmental factors.
Several genes have been found to be associated with this disease. Researchers think a virus or bacteria could trigger Behcet's disease in people whose genes make them more susceptible to Behcet's disease.

3. Factors that increase the risk of Behcet's disease

Factors that may increase the risk of Behcet's disease include:
Age. Behcet's disease is most common between the ages of 20 and 30, although children and the elderly can also get it. People from countries in the Middle East and East Asia, including Turkey, Iran, Japan and China, are more likely to have Behcet's disease than other regions. Gender. While Behcet's disease occurs in both men and women, severe complications are more common in men. Genetics. There are several genes that are associated with the risk of developing Behcet's disease.
Gen di truyền là một trong các yếu tố làm tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh Behcet

4. Is Behcet's disease dangerous?

Most people with Behcet's disease can have a good quality of life when symptoms are controlled with medication, rest, and appropriate exercise.
Doctors can use a variety of drugs to relieve pain, treat symptoms, and prevent complications. When treatment is effective, ulcers will occur less often, many patients go into remission and have no symptoms of the disease. However, in others, treatment does not relieve symptoms and gradually the symptoms become more severe. Severe symptoms can appear months or years after the first signs of Behcet's disease.
Complications of Behcet's disease depend on the signs and symptoms of the patient. For example, uveitis if left untreated can lead to vision loss or blindness. People with Behcet's disease need regular visits to an ophthalmologist for treatment to help prevent this complication.
To book an appointment for medical examination and consultation at Vinmec International General Hospital, customers can call the hotlines of hospitals or register for an online consultation with Vinmec International General Hospital HERE.
Reference article source:
Genital herpes is genital warts? Skin ulcers in the elderly Genital herpes during pregnancy: What you need to know

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