Indications for Gastrin test in patients with peptic ulcer disease

Gastric ulcers are associated with increased gastrin secretion due to intracellular tumors. Increased gastrin causes acid levels in the stomach to increase as well. Where the tumor is malignant, it will lead to dangerous complications. Therefore, patients need to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

1. What is Gastrin?

Gastrin is a peptide hormone that aids in the digestion and absorption of food. Specifically, Gastrin enhances the development of gastric mucosa, gastric motility, helps to excrete HCL, increases intestinal muscle contraction. When food is put into the stomach, Gastrin will stimulate the stomach to release acid to help break down protein from food, absorbing necessary nutrients. At the same time, Gastrin will destroy the bacteria in the food, entering the body, reducing the risk of intestinal infections. Gastrin also stimulates the gallbladder and pancreas to secrete enzymes to absorb food in the small intestine.
Abnormal increase in Gastrin secretion or decrease in Gastrin secretion will affect the above-mentioned process of digestion and absorption of food, increasing the risk of intestinal infections.

2. The relationship between Gastrin and gastric ulcer disease

Nồng độ axit quá cao gây viêm loét dạ dày
Trường hợp nồng độ axit quá cao có thể dẫn tới viêm loét dạ dày

Gastric ulcer disease is a digestive disease caused by Gastrin-secreting tumors. Increased Gastrin leads to increased acid secretion in the stomach. Too much acidity causes stomach ulcers.
Symptoms of peptic ulcer include:
Abdominal pain in the stomach area Pain occurs in intermittent, dull, uncomfortable Burns in the painful area Persistent pain Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea Ợ sour, heartburn Weight loss Bleeding in the digestive tract In the case of malignant tumors, it can spread to other organs such as: lymph nodes, liver, bile...

3. How is the Gastrin test done?

Xét nghiệm nhóm máu có cần nhịn ăn
Bệnh nhân cần nhịn ăn ít nhất 12 tiếng trước khi xét nghiệm Gastrin

Before performing the Gastrin test, the patient needs to fast for at least 12 hours and not drink alcohol, stimulants for 24 hours. Medications to reduce gastric acid secretion, drugs to reduce stomach pH are also recommended to stop using before the test to give the most accurate results.
Gastrin test performed on anticoagulated serum or plasma samples. A common value in the Gastrin test is 13 - 115 pg/ml.
Increased levels are common in the following cases:
Patients over 60 years old Patients with chronic gastritis Patients infected with Helicobacter Pylori Patients with Biermer anemia Patients with rheumatoid arthritis Patients with anemia Patients peptic ulcer disease Chronic kidney disease Patients with gastric cancer Patients with pyloric stenosis Patients with diabetes Patients with short bowel syndrome... Decreased concentration may be seen in cases of gastric antrum. distention or gastric acidosis.
Gastrin blood test is often indicated in combination with Gastrin stimulation test for differential diagnosis with other stomach diseases.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. Examining and treating and performing Gastrin tests at the Hospital.

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