Meals and Insulin: Timing is the Key to Control

To control blood sugar well, besides choosing foods and testing blood sugar daily, you also need to build a scientific eating schedule, use medicine and exercise.

1. Eat right to control insulin

Besides the type of food, the time of eating also plays an important role in determining the amount of sugar in the blood and the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the blood. Eating the same amount of foods (especially carbs) at the same time each day will help keep blood sugar levels steady. In addition, when arranging a fixed eating time, you will be more interested in choosing healthy foods. If you eat on an empty stomach, you may end up eating fast food and processed foods. They are unhealthy, and cause blood sugar spikes that are hard to control.
For most people with diabetes , the meal times should be arranged as follows:
Have breakfast within 1h30 of waking up. Eat a meal every 4-5 hours. Snack between meals if you feel hungry. Maybe eat a snack before going to bed. You will be guided by your doctor to find the right menu and time to do it. To do this, they may refer you to a dietitian, who will create a menu with you directly based on preference and ability to pay. After your doctor and dietitian have helped you draft a menu, you should schedule time to do it to manage your blood sugar well.
MORE: When to take diabetes medicine?

2. Note when taking diabetes medicine

Depending on the type of diabetes you have, your doctor will prescribe the right medicine, which can be insulin or another drug orally or injected. The dose of diabetes medication given depends on how many carbs you are consuming each day. Therefore, meals and medications need to be taken on time. Otherwise, blood sugar can rise or fall, making it difficult to control.
Some people are prescribed insulin only once per day, while others need to take it more than once at a higher dose. If your doctor prescribes more than one dose per day, they may include:
Base dose Other doses at mealtimes Different medications may be taken at different times. For example, if it's a capsule, you can swallow one every morning. Other medicines may need to be taken with meals. SEE ALSO: Diet and exercise for people with diabetes
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3. Exercise for diabetes

Combined with food and medicine, exercise can also help control diabetes, specifically:
Lowers blood sugar Lowers blood pressure Improves blood circulation Burns calories Blood sugar levels often reach high levels least 1 hour after a main meal or snack. After eating, you should spend some time exercising to limit the rise in blood sugar. That's because when the muscles work, the sugar will be converted into energy to serve the training process.
The process of exercise is completely gentle with only 10-15 minutes of exercise with forms such as:
Short walk Take the dog for a walk Play basketball Clean the kitchen If you want to exercise with more intensity, you Talk to your doctor because strenuous activity can cause your blood sugar to drop.

4. Check your blood sugar

Depending on the type of diabetes you have and the amount of insulin or other medications you are taking, your doctor will recommend how often to check your blood sugar daily. If you are taking insulin several times a day, you may need to test your blood sugar before each meal and at bedtime. In case you are taking long-acting insulin, you can simply check your blood sugar before breakfast and before dinner. If you are taking other medications but not insulin, you may not need daily testing.
Closely monitor your blood sugar if you exercise intensely. Physical activity can affect blood sugar levels for many hours; even the next day. As a result, you may need to check your blood sugar before, during, and after each workout.

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