Natural ways to clean your teeth and gums

Oral hygiene is one of the very necessary habits every day to keep good oral health, thereby improving the quality of life. There are many ways to clean teeth as well as ways to clean gums that each of us needs to learn to be able to practice every day.

1. Dental cleaning?

Natural products can help keep teeth and gums healthy, but it cannot replace the importance of brushing, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash. Therefore, it is necessary to keep these necessary habits every day to be able to keep the most beautiful and healthy teeth.
Dental cleaning with natural products is often effective and safe for users. The main purpose of using these natural teeth cleaning products is to help limit tooth decay as well as gum-related diseases. Some natural substances that can improve dental problems are:
Peroxide: Some natural or herbal substances including foods and drinks can help clean teeth such as baking soda, peroxide Dilute carefully because it can cause burning gums, green tea, Eucalyptol, menthol and tea tree oil, chewing gum, Xylitol lozenges, vitamin D. In which, baking soda can prevent tooth decay, anti-peroxide certain types of bacteria in the oral cavity. Gargling with green tea can keep teeth from wearing down. Green tea also helps prevent starchy foods that can cause tooth decay. Some studies have shown that people who regularly drink green tea have healthier gums than those who don't drink it regularly. Essential oils like Eucalyptol, peppermint oil, and tea tree oil can kill bacteria in the mouth. This will keep the gums from experiencing gingivitis. In toothpaste or mouthwash may also contain these ingredients. Xylitol - an alcohol substitute for sugar that can prevent tooth decay. Xylitol is found in chewing gum and lozenges. In addition to reducing tooth decay somewhat, it also helps to cure dry mouth because this substance has the ability to increase saliva production in the oral cavity. Vitamin D helps the body destroy bacteria, so it is also very good for oral health. Some scientists have proven that, if the body is not supplemented with vitamin D, it will be more susceptible to gum disease. Vitamin D can be supplemented from nature through some foods and drinks such as eggs, salmon, orange juice...
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2. How to clean gums

Gum cleaning is the best method to prevent or treat gingivitis if present. If you are treating gingivitis in the early stages, ways to clean your gums with natural products are an economic and highly effective measure.
The key issue when cleaning gums is that it is necessary to treat dental plaque before it becomes tartar, at this time can also increase the frequency and intensity of brushing and flossing. Although these compounds are made from nature, they should not be swallowed and need to choose the most suitable and quality products, as well as not forget to store them at cold temperatures to keep the products for a long time.
Some natural products that can help clean gums are:
Salt water : Gargling with salt water will bring many benefits in curing gingivitis. Salt is a natural antiseptic that helps heal wounds, soothe inflammation of the gums, relieve pain, reduce bacteria, remove food plaque, reduce bad breath. The way to use salt water to gargle is to mix 1⁄2 to 3⁄4 teaspoons of salt in a cup of warm water, hold it in your mouth for up to 30 seconds, then spit it out, repeat 2-3 times a day. However, salt water should not be used too often for a long time because it can adversely affect tooth enamel. In fact, the mixture of salt and water is also acidic, so it will cause teeth to wear down if used for too long. Lemongrass Essential Oil Mouthwash: Lemongrass essential oil mouthwash may be more effective than traditional mouthwashes at reducing dental plaque and levels of gingivitis. To use lemongrass essential oil mouthwash, it is necessary to dilute 2-3 drops of lemongrass essential oil in a glass of water, then hold the solution for up to 30 seconds and then spray it out, need to use 2-3 times a day. Aloe Vera Mouthwash: Aloe vera is just as effective in reducing plaque and gingivitis as lemongrass essential oil. However, aloe vera mouthwash does not need to be diluted, just make sure it is 100% pure aloe vera. Although natural substances can help with oral hygiene, if plaque is not removed by brushing, rinsing and flossing every day, these natural methods will not work. make full use of its effects. Therefore, you need to maintain good oral hygiene habits to ensure good oral health.
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