Quiz: What Causes Edema?

Edema is a symptom that manifests outside the body of many different pathological causes. Edema is also a consequence of diseases that cause homeostasis and water imbalance in the body. So what causes edema or swelling somewhere on your body? Quickly answer the following 12 multiple-choice questions that will help you get the answer.

Edema is defined as swelling or fluid retention in different areas of the body. Where it most often appears is on the skin, especially on the hands, hands, ankles, calves and feet. In addition, edema can affect other organs such as: muscles, lungs, eyes, intestines and even your brain.
Symptoms of swelling depend on what's causing them, but the most common manifestations are edema, tightness, and pain. A person with edema will experience the following:
Skin is swollen, feels like it is stretched and becomes shiny; The skin cannot return to its normal state and remains dimpled like a coin after being pressed for a few seconds and then released; Swelling in the ankles, face or eyes Body aches and stiffness ; Weight gain or loss; The veins in the arms and neck are prominent. Higher pulse rate and blood pressure; Headache ; Stomachache; Change in urination habits; Nausea and vomiting; Lethargy, lethargy; Visual abnormalities. Symptoms depend on the cause, type, and location of the edema. Here are our answers to some multiple choice questions to better understand what causes edema:

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