Schistosomiasis: What you need to know

Schistosomiasis is a parasitic infection, caused by schistosomiasis species of the genus Schistosoma. It is a chronic progressive disease with a relatively low mortality rate. However, schistosomiasis can damage many internal organs in the body, especially causing mental and cognitive retardation in young children.

1. What is schistosomiasis?

Schistosomiasis is a species of flatworm, separate male and female, parasitic mainly in the circulatory system and using blood as a source of nutrition. Currently, there are 5 species of schistosomiasis that cause disease in humans:
Schistosoma haematobium. Schistosoma mansoni Schistosoma japonicum Schistosoma intercalatum Schistosoma mekongi In which there are 3 species causing schistosomiasis in Vietnam most are S. haematobium, S.mansoni and S. japonicum.
Male schistosomiasis 4-15mm long, 1mm wide, female 20mm long. This fluke lives mainly in the blood. The female lays eggs, which then penetrate the capillary walls to enter the intestinal and bladder tissues, and then excreted in the feces and urine.
Mature eggs will become larvae with cilia, parasitizing an intermediate host, a snail. The larva then continues to develop into a larva with a tail called a larva. After reaching adulthood, the larva escapes from snails living in the water, and when conditions are favorable, it penetrates through human skin.
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2. Symptoms of schistosomiasis

If acute schistosomiasis infection (called Katayama fever) can appear a few weeks after schistosomiasis enters the body, it is usually caused by S. mansoni and S. japonicum. Symptoms will vary from species to species and stage of disease including:
Some species can cause fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, hepatosplenomegaly. When it enters the skin, it can cause itching and a rash. Intestinal symptoms include abdominal pain and diarrhea (possibly bloody stools). Urinary symptoms include frequent urination, painful urination, and hematuria. Most schistosomiasis is chronic, but regardless of initial symptoms or not, the disease can progress to serious damage to organs. Chronic schistosomiasis can include a wide range of symptoms, depending on the area of ​​infection. Gastrointestinal schistosomiasis: can cause anemia, abdominal pain and swelling, diarrhea, and blood in the stool. Urinary schistosomiasis: causes bladder irritation (cystitis), pain when urinating, increased urge to urinate and blood in the urine. Heart and lungs: causes persistent cough, wheezing, shortness of breath and hemoptysis. Nervous system and brain: may cause convulsions, headache, weakness, numbness in the legs and dizziness.
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Some complications may be encountered when infected with schistosomiasis such as:
Aneurysms of the esophagus and stomach appear. Portal hypertension causes upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Encephalopathy - liver disease caused by schistosomiasis. Primary infectious peritonitis. Intestinal obstruction or appendicitis caused by tapeworm.

3. Diagnosis of schistosomiasis

For definite diagnosis, depending on the species of fluke, we can test urine, stool test for eggs. Can be used cystoscopy, rectal examination combined with testing. Indirect diagnosis can be made by means of antigen agglutination reaction, ELISA.
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4. Treatment of schistosomiasis

Previously, people used drugs Niridazole, Nilodin, Hycanthone... to treat schistosomiasis. Today, Praziquantel 600mg is selected for the most effective treatment of schistosomiasis with a dose of 40mg/kg body weight in 24 hours, divided into 2 divided doses, taken after a full meal.
The method of prevention of schistosomiasis is to limit swimming, boating in unclean ponds and lakes, only bathing or swimming in chlorinated lakes. Carry out cooked food and drink boiling to prevent the parasites from entering through the mouth. Deworm them every year to reduce the risk of infection.
Although schistosomiasis has a low mortality rate, it greatly affects internal organs in the body. Therefore, you should not be subjective with this disease but need to find effective ways to prevent it.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for examination, treatment and prevention of many different diseases with good results and quick recovery of patients' health. Thanks to a team of qualified, experienced doctors and a system of modern equipment, they will provide an effective diagnosis as well as an effective treatment regimen.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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