Signs of a decline in brain function

Declining brain function is common in the elderly, worsening over time. There are many diseases that cause signs of decline in brain function, of which the common ones are dementia, mild cognitive impairment and age-related memory decline. There are many measures to help slow the decline of brain function while improving brain performance.

1. Diseases that cause impaired brain function

Signs of decline in brain function can occur due to many different diseases, of which the common ones are dementia, mild cognitive impairment and age-related memory decline.

1.1. Age-related memory decline

Age-related memory loss is a condition in which changes in cognition and memory occur with aging. Changes in memory impairment are not indicative of the decline in brain function of dementia. Older adults have a relative decline in recall, especially in speed, compared with younger people. However, changes due to memory impairment do not affect daily activities.

1.2. Mild cognitive impairment

Compared with age-related memory impairment, mild cognitive impairment causes more severe dementia; Cognitive abilities and other brain functions are also worse than those of the same age, but usually do not affect daily functioning. However, up to 50% of patients with mild cognitive impairment will progress to dementia within just 3 years.

1.3. Dementia

Dementia is a syndrome that includes signs of decline in brain function such as memory loss, behavioral changes and impaired ability to perform daily activities. Dementia has an adverse impact on the psychological, physical, economic, and social relationships of both patients and carers.
Although dementia affects mainly older people, the disease is not only a simple aging process of the brain but also a consequence of a number of disease factors. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia and may account for 60-70% of cases. Risk factors for dementia such as obesity and hypertension in middle age, alcohol consumption habits, drug use, elderly people with low blood pressure, multifocal cerebral infarction, diabetes mellitus diabetes, dyslipidemia; family history of dementia ; depression...
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2. Measures to improve brain function

2.1. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise helps the brain produce substances beneficial to the health of the nervous system and improves the ability to learn and work. Exercise also helps the body increase blood circulation, increase the amount of oxygen to the brain to help the brain work faster and more efficiently. Therefore, regular exercise will improve the decline in brain function.

2.2. Brain training

Brain training is the most effective and natural way to improve memory. There are many ways to exercise the brain such as reading books, playing word games, solving puzzles, brain games, watching TV, using the internet, participating in social activities or learning to play an instrument, learning languages new language,... Brain-related activities stimulate the nervous system to slow the onset of dementia and reduce its impact.

2.3. Listen to music

Listening to music increases the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain, which improves memory, language and concentration. Listening to your favorite music while exercising doubles the effectiveness of memory training.

2.4. Nutrition

A reasonable, scientific and balanced diet of nutrients will be very good for the brain. To slow down the decline in brain function, the diet should increase fruits, vegetables, whole grains, good fats such as coconut oil, protein from lean meat and limit eating processed foods. available variable . Specifically, the diet to improve brain function is as follows:
Fresh fruits and vegetables contain many antioxidants that help prevent free radicals from damaging brain cells. Green tea is one of the drinks that contain powerful antioxidants, which can help enhance memory, concentration and slow down the aging process. Omega-3 is an important component of the brain and is a nutrient that can only be obtained through the daily diet. Many scientific studies have shown a link between dementia, Alzheimer's disease and consuming low amounts of omega 3 in the diet. Vitamin B12 is closely linked to human mental health. Lack of vitamin B12 causes the brain to shrink, lack of concentration, and memory decline. Vitamin D enhances the development of the nervous system and plays an important role in many brain functions such as the ability to process information and memory. Low blood levels of vitamin D increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease as well as other forms of dementia. Therefore, vitamin D should be supplemented through foods such as eggs, milk, seafood or supplements as directed by your doctor. Sugar (glucose) is essential for brain function, because the brain converts glucose into energy. When there is not enough sugar to meet the needs of the nervous system, the body will feel tired, sluggish, and lose focus. Severe or prolonged glucose deficiency can lead to brain atrophy, aphasia, memory loss, and loss of mobility.

2.5. Do not smoke and use stimulants

Smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs can increase the risk of memory loss, dementia and cardiovascular diseases.

2.6. Good control of cardiovascular risk factors

High blood pressure, dyslipidemia, diabetes if not well controlled can increase the risk of stroke, which is the cause of vascular dementia.
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2.7. Good night

During sleep, the brain will be rested. A good night's sleep and 8 hours a night will help keep the nervous system and brain healthy, reducing the risk of dementia. At the same time, good sleep improves memory, concentration, creativity, thinking skills and problem solving. Conversely, insomnia or poor sleep weakens the nervous system, which can lead to many health problems, including dementia.

2.8. Keep up the good spirit

Physical activity and social interaction through club participation, volunteering, keeping spirits up, creating lots of laughter can delay the onset of dementia intelligence, as well as limit the signs of decline in brain function. Many studies have shown that people with an active, optimistic social life have a lower rate of memory decline. Laughter activates many areas of the brain that enhance concentration, learning, and creativity.

2.8. Yoga or meditation

Regular stress will destroy brain cells. Meditation and yoga are great ways to relax, balance emotions, stabilize mood, improve memory, concentration, creativity, and reasoning skills.
Declining brain function is common in the elderly, worsening over time. The signs of brain function decline are dementia, memory loss,... affecting quality of life. The application of measures to improve brain function will help patients balance life, be lucid, happy, optimistic and prolong life.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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