Stimulating pressure points for migraine relief

Migraine can be a debilitating chronic health condition. In addition to conventional treatment modalities, stimulating pressure points on the body can help relieve pain. If you press on that point, this is called acupressure. If you use a thin needle to stimulate that point, it's called acupuncture.

1. Acupressure points for migraine relief

1.1. Pressure Points in the Ear This is a form of acupuncture and acupressure that focuses on points on the ear. A 2018 research review found that this type of therapy may help relieve migraines. Another study from the same year found that acupuncture can improve migraine symptoms in children. Ear pressure points include:
The Auricular Point is found where the top of your ear meets your temple. Stimulating these pressure points can be effective for jaw and facial pain. Daith point: located in the cartilage just above the opening into your ear canal. There is a report of a case where headaches were relieved by daith piercing, which can be similar to acupuncture. The Auricular Point, found at the very top of your ear, can help reduce swelling and pain. 1.2 Hand pressure point The Hop Coc point is located between the base of your thumb and index finger on each hand, helping to relieve pain and headaches.
1.3. The pressure point at the foot of the Taichung point is located in the valley between the big toe and the second toe about 3-4 cm from the big toe, which can help relieve stress, insomnia and anxiety. Tuc Lam Khac is located in the middle and is slightly back from the fourth and fifth toes. The Planetary Point, in the valley between the big toe and the second toe, can relieve pain in your jaw and face. 1.4. Additional pressure points Additional pressure points on your face, neck, and shoulders can also relieve headaches and other pain, including:
The Yintang point is located in the center of the forehead, near the eyebrows. A 2019 study found that acupuncture on these points could improve energy and stress in a small group of U.S. military personnel. The Bao Hoang points are two indentations where your nose meets your eyebrows. Research from 2020 shows that acupuncture here will be as effective as medication for reducing the frequency of migraine attacks. The Phong Tri point is located in two hollow areas next to each other, where the neck muscles come into contact with the base of the skull, helping to relieve migraine attacks and fatigue. The Kien Tinh point is located at the top of each shoulder, halfway to the neck, and relieves pain, headache, and stiff neck.

2. The role of pressure points in migraine relief

Research from 2017 shows that acupressure can help reduce nausea associated with migraines. Participants who received acupressure points on the head and wrists for 8 weeks along with the drug sodium valproate found that acupressure combined with sodium valproate reduced nausea, while sodium valproate alone did not.
Furthermore, self-reflexology can also reduce fatigue for migraine sufferers. A 2016 study described improvements in sleep quality, relaxation, and pain relief, including headaches, when applied to these pressure points.

3. What to know when stimulating pressure points for migraine relief

If you decide to use acupressure or acupuncture for migraine relief, the following should be kept in mind:
General health assessment. This process usually takes about 60 minutes. An extended treatment plan depends on the severity of your symptoms. Treatment with specialized acupuncture needles or correct acupressure techniques. The pain-relieving effects of acupuncture may be further enhanced by the application of heat or electrical pulses to the needles. The needle stays on the skin for 10 to 20 minutes and is absolutely painless. A small number of cases may not be immediate with treatment. Relaxation, more energy, and medication and lifestyle changes can help relieve migraines more quickly.
In summary, for many people, stimulating pressure points is a low-risk way to treat migraines. Note that such migraine treatments can induce labor in pregnant women; Also, if you have a bleeding disorder or are taking blood thinners, you are at increased risk of bleeding and bruising from the needle puncture. People with pacemakers should also be cautious with acupuncture that uses electrical pulses into the needle because it can alter the electrical activity of the pacemaker. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor before trying home remedies to get the best migraine relief and minimize unwanted effects.

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Reference source: healthline
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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