Surgery for herniated disc with microsurgery

Disc herniation is a common disease. Treatment of herniated discs includes medical treatment and surgery for herniated discs to release the pinched nerves. In particular, microsurgery for disc herniation is a modern technique with a very high success rate.

1. What is a herniated disc?

A herniated disc is a condition in which the nucleus pulposus within the fibrous ring slips out of its normal position due to a degenerative or ruptured disc. The nucleus pulposus slips out of place and puts pressure on the spinal canal or nerve roots.
Depending on the location of the herniated disc and pinched nerves, symptoms range from mild to severe. Lumbar disc herniation will cause severe pain in the buttocks, thighs, calves, possibly spreading to part of the foot. A herniated disc in the neck causes pain in the shoulders and arms. If there is nerve compression, it will cause numbness and pain, even weakness if the pressure is heavy.
Herniated disc occurs in about 30% of the population, usually in the working age group from 20 to 55 years old and tends to be younger. The disease greatly affects the quality of life and the ability to work. Therefore, timely detection and intervention is essential.

2. Treatment methods for herniated discs

Treatment of herniated discs is a combination of medical and surgical treatment. Disc herniation usually begins with conservative medical treatment, at a stage when the disc capsule has not been torn. The goal of the treatment of herniated disc by medical methods is to relieve pain, reduce numbness, restore motor function and reduce nerve compression. Patients need to rest, limit movement for a short period of time to give the disc time to recover. In addition, it is necessary to combine the use of analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, nerve root blockade procedures (epidural injection, periradicular injection) and appropriate physical therapy regimen to adjust posture. This strengthens the supporting muscles and improves mobility. If the patient responds well, symptoms can be relieved within 1-2 months, but return to normal takes at least 1 year.
Phẫu thuật thoát vị đĩa đệm là can thiệp ngoại khoa
Phẫu thuật thoát vị đĩa đệm giúp loại bỏ sự chèn ép thần kinh
However, if the herniated disc compresses the nerves severely, causing muscle weakness or large herniation into the spinal canal, causing sudden flaccid paralysis of the lower extremities accompanied by sphincter disorders and perineal sensory disturbances, surgery is required. intend to have surgery. Herniated disc surgery is a surgical intervention aimed at removing nerve compression and restoring the sensory and motor functions of the extremities. Surgical methods such as open surgery, laparoscopic surgery and the latest method are microsurgery.
Currently, microsurgery for herniated discs is being widely applied to treat herniated discs. Microsurgery for herniated disc is the best surgical method today because it takes advantage of the light and magnification capabilities of the surgical microscope more than 20 times that of the naked eye. This method helps to reduce the length and width of the incision, less damage to surrounding tissues, and less blood loss. Microsurgery has very high accuracy and safety, the incision is small, so the rate of wound infection is low, the patient recovers faster, and the hospital stay is shorter. With traditional surgical methods, patients usually take 3-4 days to be able to function again and take about 1 week in hospital. With microsurgery for herniated disc, the surgery time is short, only about 1.5-2 hours, the patient can be active again after 1 day and can be discharged after 3-4 days. Because of its many benefits to patients, microsurgery for herniated disc is considered an advancement in treatment techniques, materials, and high success rates.
In short, a herniated disc is a condition in which the disc degenerates and the nucleus pulposus moves out of place inside the vertebrae. The disease causes pain and greatly affects the patient's ability to work as well as quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose and treat herniated discs in time to avoid serious progression of the disease. Microsurgery for disc herniation is a modern method in both technique and material, with less pain, less complications, reduced hospital stay and fast recovery. This method has a high probability of success and brings comprehensive benefits to the patient.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, which now has enough equipment to perform microsurgery for herniated discs, specialists trained at home and abroad with many years of experience can help patients manage treatment with the best results.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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