The body is tired and has no energy, is it chronic fatigue?

Frequent fatigue, no energy, reduced concentration, reduced ability to study and work. Many people often feel tired in the body without finding a specific cause.

1. What is chronic fatigue syndrome?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a condition in which the patient always feels tired in a general way, not due to a medical cause, this fatigue is not improved. The patient was rested. But this fatigue is not caused by the patient intentionally creating or pretending to be sick. Fatigue has a great influence on studying, working and reducing personal activities as well as social and community activities.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is when the patient shows signs of fatigue, lethargy that lasts for 6 months that does not decrease with rest and is not due to physical causes leading to fatigue such as: thyroid disease, cardiovascular disease...
Causes and favorable factors for the disease:
The cause of the disease is unknown, but it has been found to be related to many factors such as viral infection, toxins infection. The immune response is also implicated in the disease. Some other possible causes of fatigue syndrome include: Occurs after surgery, head trauma or possibly other trauma. Use of certain drugs such as Benzodiazepines, Beta Blockers, antidepressants and long-term use of antibiotics can also cause chronic fatigue syndrome. Excessive physical activity or excessive stress aggravates the disease. The most common is idiopathic fatigue syndrome Favorable factors: Females are more common than men, the age range is usually 25-45 years old...
Buồn ngủ, ngủ ngày, ngáp ngủ mệt mỏi
Hội chứng mệt mỏi mãn tính là khi người bệnh xuất hiện các dấu hiệu mệt mỏi, uể oải kéo dài trong vòng 6 tháng mà không giảm khi nghỉ ngơi

2. Is being tired all the time, is it chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms that cause the person to feel exhausted, tired, or sick all the time for more than 6 months.
In addition, the patient may have accompanying symptoms such as:
May have a mild fever Reduced ability to concentrate when doing things Sore throat Swollen neck lymph nodes Muscle pain, muscle weakness Joint pain without redness Headache Difficulty sleeping May notice signs of weight gain or weight loss Increased heart rate Chest pain Night sweats are excessive night sweats Exhaustion lasts more than 24 hours after physical exercise Symptoms It is often difficult to distinguish from physical disease, so if a patient presents with persistent symptoms of fatigue, accompanied by other signs of disorder, it is necessary to find the pathological cause of the fatigue. by clinical tests.
Conditions that can be confused with chronic fatigue syndrome include:
Lyme disease. Sleep disturbances Depression Alcoholics Diabetes mellitus Hypothyroidism Anemia Immune system diseases: Lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis Chronic liver disease and malignancies Due to side effects of certain medications If no medical cause can be found for the patient's persistent fatigue, then the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome will be directed to the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome.
So if you often feel tired and have no strength for more than 6 months, accompanied by other signs such as headache, trouble sleeping, muscle pain... Then you should see a doctor to rule out diseases. internal medicine causing the fatigue. If you cannot find any medical cause, then you have chronic fatigue syndrome.
Cổ họng đau rát, không hát to được là bị làm sao?
Các triệu chứng của hội chứng mệt mỏi mãn tính có thể đi kèm với đau họng

3. How is chronic fatigue syndrome treated?

First of all, to treat the patient's illness, it is necessary to acknowledge the patient's symptoms are completely real, not pretend. A combination of therapies is required including:
Cognitive and behavioral therapy: Advise the patient to change the way he thinks and behaves. Leveled movement therapy: Exercise includes easy and slow movements, then increase the intensity to improve muscle strength. Drug treatment: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also help in reducing symptoms of muscle aches and headaches. Antidepressants are used in patients with accompanying signs of depression, often to improve mood, control pain, and help improve sleep. In addition, a reasonable care regimen is required.
Should rest as much as possible during the treatment. Follow your doctor's instructions for exercise. Nutritionally complete diet. Do not smoke and use alcoholic beverages. Do the most important tasks in the morning when you have a lot of energy. Get help at home and at work when you feel overwhelmed. Should join groups with people with similar problems to share and help each other. Share with family members to help them understand and help in the treatment process. Chronic fatigue syndrome is also a fairly common disease in clinical practice. Treatment is quite complicated and requires a combination of multiple therapies, early intervention and treatment help to improve the disease better, and have a better prognosis than those with late intervention.
Thuốc điều trị tăng huyết áp, vì sao phải uống lâu dài?
Thuốc chống trầm cảm được dùng cho những bệnh nhân có dấu hiệu trầm cảm đi kèm, thường dùng để cải thiện tính khí, kiểm soát đau và giúp cải thiện giấc ngủ.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. and chronic fatigue syndrome treatment at the Hospital.

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