The Hamilton Anxiety Scale: What you need to know

The Hamilton Anxiety Scale is one of the widely used tools whose primary purpose is to measure different levels of anxiety. This anxiety scale is not only a psychological assessment, but it can also reveal some of the body's anxiety response.

1. What are the contents of the Hamilton Anxiety Scale?

The Hamilton Anxiety Scale includes all 21 different questions, but only scores the first 17 questions. For patients who have mild depression after performing an anxiety rating scale, they should self-regulate their emotions more positively. As for the cases where the total evaluation score is over 14 points, it is necessary to immediately seek medical attention, a psychologist for the most effective psychological treatment. Here are all questions on the Hamilton Anxiety Scale:
Sentence 1 - Having a moody, pessimistic attitude about the future, always feeling sad, crying)
No symptoms Occasionally yes feeling sad or worried, no obvious signs Feeling sad, distressed, pessimistic, occasional crying, impaired functioning Basic signs of depression: sluggishness or agitation, having feelings despair Severe depression with pronounced symptoms: death-related paranoia, suicidal thoughts, excitability, or immobility Verse 2 - Guilt
Never felt guilty Sometimes There are occasional regrets about past actions. Or accuse yourself of past trifles Always brooding over your sins, trying to blame yourself for your mistakes Believe that you are sick as a result of punishment, retribution. Constantly feeling accused by others, often thinking that they are guilty of serious crimes, of being punished Have hallucinations of being accused, hearing or seeing images of themselves being punished Question 3 - Suicide
No suicidal thoughts Feeling like your life has no meaning Have fleeting thoughts of suicide, seeing suicide as a good solution Have a plan to commit suicide Have a clear plan and prepare to commit suicide Question 4 - Insomnia - difficulty getting in sleep
No signs Sometimes Frequently Question 5 - Insomnia - Feeling disturbed when sleeping, frequently waking during the night
None Sometimes Frequently Question 6 - Insomnia - Waking up many hours earlier , can't fall back to sleep
No Sometimes Often
Tình trạng mất ngủ nằm trong thang đánh giá lo âu Hamilton
Tình trạng mất ngủ nằm trong thang đánh giá lo âu Hamilton

Question 7 - Daily work and activities
Normal work and activities Not enthusiastic, reserved, passive, easily bored at work No longer interested in hobbies, rarely participate in activities Social Work efficiency declines Can't work anymore, quits Question 8 - Slow in thought, speech, action
No expression A little slow Very slow Absolutely no response Question 9 - Agitation, restlessness combined with anxiety
No Sometimes Often Question 10 - Psychological anxiety
No Stress, irritability Worrying about small things Frequently worrying, upset Totally panicked Question 11 - Anxiety - physical symptoms such as indigestion, heart palpitations, headache, shortness of breath
None Have mild symptoms Significant symptoms Severe symptoms Loss of ability to live, work Work Question 12 - Somatic symptoms - loss of appetite, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, constipation
None Have mild symptoms Severe abdominal symptoms Question 13 - General physical symptoms - feeling of heaviness in limbs, headache, muscle pain
None Mild symptoms Obvious symptoms Question 14 - Genitourinary symptoms- loss of sexual interest, menstrual disturbances
None Mild symptoms Prominent symptoms Question 15 - Doubting yourself with the disease
No symptoms of self-doubt Being too concerned about your body Too concerned about your health Complaining a lot about your health Having a paranoia that always thinks you're sick Question 16 - Depression weight
No weight loss Slight weight loss Major or severe weight loss
đánh giá lo âu Hamilton
Sụt cân là một trong các tiêu chí đánh giá lo âu Hamilton

Question 17 - Awareness - assessed based on the patient's education and culture
No loss of consciousness Partial loss of consciousness Total loss of consciousness Additional questions do not count
Question 18 - Bad symptoms more about morning or evening
A. No change
B. Some change
C There is a noticeable change
Sentence 19 - Actions, thoughts, wrong facts paranoid
A. No sign signs
B. Mild symptoms
C. Obvious symptoms
D. Severe symptoms
Question 20 - Symptoms of delusions, hallucinations
A. No signs
B. Always be alert, suspect People around you harm you
C. Have ideas of contact
D. Have delusions of contact and delusions of being harmed

Sentence 21 - Obsessive-compulsive symptoms
A. No signs
B. Mild symptoms
C. Significant symptoms

2. How to calculate the score of the Hamilton anxiety scale

Based on the total score of the 17 main questions above, we will score according to the following scale:
From 0 points to 7 points: No depression From 8 points to 13 points: Mild depression From 14 points to 18 points: Moderate depression From 19 points to 22 points: Severe depression From 22 points to 49 points: Very severe depression. Based on a set of questions on the Hamilton anxiety scale, you can rate your own depression. Besides, if there are abnormal signs, the patient should soon go to medical facilities, specialized in psychology for examination and treatment.

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