There is no specific medicine to treat viral fever, how to get better quickly?

A viral fever is a higher than average body temperature (37 degrees Celsius) caused by a virus. While not everyone gets a fever when they have a viral infection, a fever can be a sign that the body is trying to fight the infection. Most cases of viral fever will improve with time with supportive treatments such as cool compresses and over-the-counter medications.

1. Causes of viral fever

Viral fever, also known as viral fever, is caused by many viruses, of which respiratory viruses with more than 200 types occur most commonly, typically respiratory syncytial virus. Summer or rainy season is the outbreak of viral fever. Viruses are very small infectious agents. They infect and multiply in the cells of the human body, and fever is the body's way of fighting the virus.
Respiratory syncytial virus enters the body through the eyes, nose or mouth. It spreads easily through the air in tiny droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus is also transmitted to others through direct contact, such as shaking hands.
Viruses can live for hours on hard surfaces such as countertops, cribs and toys. After a child or adult touches contaminated objects and then touches their mouth, nose or eyes, there is a chance of getting the virus.

2. Symptoms of viral fever

Signs and symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus infection usually appear about four to six days after exposure to the virus. In adults and older children, respiratory syncytial virus often causes mild cold-like signs and symptoms, such as:
A stuffy or runny nose Dry cough Mild fever Sore throat Mild headache
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Các dấu hiệu và triệu chứng của nhiễm virus hợp bào hô hấp thường xuất hiện khoảng bốn đến sáu ngày sau khi tiếp xúc với virus

3. Treatment of viral fever

Treatment for viral fevers including respiratory syncytial virus usually includes self-care measures to help make your child more comfortable (supportive care) and hospital care in case symptoms of disease becomes more serious.
Supportive care Your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter medicine such as acetaminophen to reduce fever. Regular use of saline nasal drops and nasal suction helps patients relieve nasal congestion. Additionally, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if you have a bacterial complication, like bacterial pneumonia.
Drink plenty of fluids and watch for signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, little or no urine, sunken eyes and fussy or sleepy baby.
Hospital care If the respiratory syncytial virus infection is severe, adults and children may need to be hospitalized. Hospital treatments may include:
Intravenous fluids Humidified oxygen ventilation Mechanical ventilation Using antiviral drugs such as ribavirin (Virazole) for people with weakened immune systems. Care at home There are a few things you can do at home to help ease your child's discomfort and get rid of a viral fever caused by respiratory syncytial virus.
If your baby has respiratory syncytial virus, do your best to comfort or distract him with cuddling, reading, or playing games. Other tips to relieve symptoms include:
Create moist air to breathe. Keep the room warm but not too hot. If the air is dry, use a humidifier or nebulizer to cool and humidify the air, helping to relieve congestion and coughing. However, parents should properly clean the humidifier to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold. The ideal indoor humidity is around 50%. Drink enough to drink. Keep a cool water bottle at the head of the bed so your child can easily get water to drink. For breastfed babies, continue to breastfeed or bottle feed as usual.
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Use saline nasal drops. Over-the-counter nasal drops are safe and effective in alleviating nasal congestion, even for young children. Put a few drops into one nostril to thin out hard or thick mucus, then aspirate the nasal secretions directly from the small nostril, using a nasal aspirator. Repeat the same with the opposite side of the nose. It is best for parents to put saline drops in the nose before feeding and before putting the baby to sleep. Using an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen can help reduce fever and relieve sore throat. However, parents need to consult a doctor about the correct dosage for the age of the child. Stay away from cigarette smoke. Secondhand smoke can worsen symptoms of the disease. Viral fever is a common illness in young children with a high fever. Although there is no cure and can be cured on its own, in case of dangerous complications, patients need to be examined and treated promptly.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a general hospital with the function of examining and treating diseases such as sinusitis, rhinitis, viral fever and many other diseases. At Vinmec, endoscopic diagnosis and treatment with modern medical methods not only brings high efficiency but also minimizes complications of recurrent disease. The great success is because Vinmec is always fully equipped with modern facilities, examination and treatment procedures are carried out by a team of experienced and qualified doctors that will bring about treatment results. optimal for customers.
To register for examination and treatment of Otolaryngology at Vinmec International Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Articles refer to sources:,
Signs of viral fever in children and prevention measures Can viral fever in children come back? How many days does viral fever in adults last? Do you need to go to the hospital?
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