Things to know about meditation to help you sleep better

For thousands of years, people have practiced meditation for spiritual awakening and awareness, but that is not the only benefit of meditation. Studies have shown the value of meditation for better sleep or deeper sleep, even in people who don't have sleep problems. Fortunately, meditation for a good night's sleep is completely free and requires no equipment. Sleep meditation can be practiced by anyone, almost anywhere.

1. How does meditation help with sleep?

Whether you suffer from frequent insomnia or you just need some help adjusting to a new sleep schedule, meditation before bed can be beneficial. Researchers have several theories as to why meditation might help you sleep better:
1.1. Pain Relief Meditation can reduce pain. One preliminary study found that meditation helped relieve pain without affecting the brain's natural opioid chemicals. Another study in people with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition, found that meditation reduced anger and anxiety about their condition. If chronic pain keeps you awake at night, a meditation practice can help.
1.2. Mental health Meditating to sleep well can reduce anxiety, depression, and stress, helping you sleep better. A review of more than 200 studies found that meditation can have a positive impact on mental health.
1.3. Preparing your body for sleep Meditation slows your heart rate and lowers the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, two things that happen naturally while you sleep. Meditation can also cause you to have theta brain waves, the same state your brain enters when you're falling asleep.

2. How to meditate to sleep well?

When preparing to meditate, make sure you are in a comfortable and undisturbed position. Put your phone on silent and turn off the TV.
There are many ways to meditate. You can meditate to sleep soundly any way you want. Most people meditate need to sit comfortably or lie down, close their eyes and try to clear their mind. If you're having trouble getting started, find meditation classes or join a local meditation group.
There is no set amount of time needed to practice meditation to sleep well. You can try it for just a few minutes or do it for an hour. However, research shows that meditating for 10 to 30 minutes can help you sleep better.
How to meditate to sleep well requires letting go of judgment. Thoughts may come to your mind as you try to relax. Just observe them without judgment. Notice them and let them go away as you concentrate on your meditation.
Thus, there are many ways you can apply to sleep meditation, including:
Breathing exercises: While lying down, inhale slowly and count to 4. Then exhale slowly and count again to 4. Directional meditation Guide: There are phone apps and online videos that offer guided meditations. These recordings are on different topics and use different techniques. Find a way that you enjoy and try learning sleep meditation. Listen to soothing sounds: Some people like to meditate while listening to soothing music or nature sounds like rain or ocean waves. Full Body Relaxation: Don't move or open your eyes, focus on your toes. Notice how you feel before moving on to the next body part. Continue doing this move until you have completed the entire body to the fingertips and the crown of the head. Body Relaxation Meditation: This is very similar to relaxing the body. Starting with your toes, notice how they feel. Then stress them up. Finally, relax them as much as possible. Do the same for your entire body.

3. Does meditation for good sleep pose any health risks?

Meditation is considered a very safe mental and physical practice. However, you should talk to your doctor before starting to practice meditation if you have a history of mental illness. In rare cases, meditation can worsen your symptoms.
Sometimes, meditation for good sleep should not be used in place of medical care. If you have severe insomnia, you can try meditation for some improvement, but you should also talk to your doctor about other things that can help you sleep better.
On the other hand, sleep meditation probably won't improve sleep for everyone. Since there are many types of meditation, it can take some trial and error to find what works for you.
In short, many people have trouble sleeping, and overactive mental stressors can often prevent you from getting quality sleep. Research has shown that learning how to meditate for a good night's sleep can calm the mind and help promote better quality sleep. Also, keep in mind that, while it may improve your sleep, sleep meditation is no substitute for good sleep hygiene. This includes following a regular sleep schedule, turning off electronic devices, keeping your bedroom cool, quiet and dark, and avoiding caffeine and overeating before bed.

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