Types and spectrum of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a serious illness that negatively affects people's mental health. It can happen to anyone, regardless of race. Schizophrenia if not treated early can lead to disability or inability to function.

1. What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that can lead to disability and inability to function without prompt medical attention. People with this condition often hear voices, see sights, or believe that others are controlling their thoughts. These feelings frighten patients with schizophrenia and lead to abnormal behaviors.
In essence, this illness is different from multiple personality disorder. Although schizophrenia currently has no cure, early treatment can help manage the most severe symptoms.
Tâm thần phân liệt
Tâm thần phân liệt là bệnh lý nghiêm trọng ảnh hưởng đến tinh thần cũng như sức khỏe của người bệnh

2. What are the common symptoms of schizophrenia?

Patients with schizophrenia often have the following typical symptoms:
Delusions: having false beliefs Hallucinations: hearing or seeing things they imagine in their head Catatonia: a condition that causes for the patient to become immobile or unable to move for a long time. In addition, patients with schizophrenia also have other signs such as not enjoying daily life, even withdrawing from social activities. These symptoms can closely resemble depression.
Ảo giác thính giác
Thường xuyên xuất hiện ảo giác là dấu hiệu của bệnh tâm thần phân liệt

3. Subjects prone to schizophrenia

In fact, anyone can get this disease. It can occur in both men and women, as well as among ethnic groups. The symptoms of schizophrenia usually begin between the ages of 16 and 30. Initial symptoms may appear weeks, months, or even years before the complete psychotic episode occurs. firstly.
Rarely, schizophrenia begins during childhood or after the age of 45. People with schizophrenia or other mental disorders and close family members are also at increased risk. suffer from this disease.

4. Causes of schizophrenia

Currently, scientists have not found the exact cause of schizophrenia. In general, factors associated with the disease often include a person's genes, experiences, and life context. In addition, problems with certain brain chemicals, such as glutamate and dopamine, or the activity levels of certain areas of the brain can also contribute to schizophrenia. . In addition, the disease can also occur due to differences in brain structure, such as loss of neurons that lead to cavities or ventricles that fill with fluid.
MORE: The role of dopamine in schizophrenia
Nhiều nghiên cứu chỉ ra dopamine trong não bộ có mối liên quan đến bệnh tâm thần phân liệt

5. Types of schizophrenia

Mental health professionals have divided schizophrenia into several different subtypes, including:
Catatonic syndrome Disorganized delusions Paranoid sequelae Indistinguishable However, the above classification is not really accurate. Experts now consider schizophrenia as a spectrum disorder, encompassing all of the former subtypes. It is a group of related mental disorders that share some symptoms. They resemble variants of schizophrenia in general and affect the person's real feelings. This group of mental disorders causes people to change their thoughts, feelings, and actions.
When suffering from different types of schizophrenia, the patient often hallucinates, sees or hears things that are not real. In addition, they also have false beliefs about themselves, such as delusions of competence, thinking they are the center of attention, or being famous. And yet, some people may have disorganized speech or behavior, i.e. using words and sentences that don't make sense to others, acting oddly, or repeating themselves over and over again. hour. Some patients with schizophrenia also appear lifeless, emotionless, and disinterested in any normal day-to-day activities.
People with schizophrenia will have at least two of these symptoms for at least 6 months. Symptoms will vary from time to time, may get worse or better.
Doctors can classify schizophrenia according to a patient's main symptoms for a clearer diagnosis. For example, schizophrenia with paranoid symptoms, doctors will refer to as "schizophrenia with paranoia" instead of "paranoid schizophrenia".
What makes schizophrenia different from some similar disorders on the spectrum is how long the patient has had symptoms and whether they also have signs of a mood disorder. For example, psychotic disorder will have a combination of psychotic symptoms with depression (major depressive disorder) or bipolar disorder. The patient may feel very down or irritable. If psychotic symptoms sometimes occur even when the person's mood is fine, then the person has schizophrenia. This is a rare and very serious disease.
MORE: Treatment of hallucinogens in patients with schizophrenia
Hội chứng căng trương lực (Catatonic)
Người mắc hội chứng căng trương lực (Catatonic) là một dạng tâm thần phân liệt

6. Treatment of schizophrenia

In most cases, medication is required to treat schizophrenia. Certain prescription medications can help relieve symptoms such as hallucinations, abnormal thinking, and paranoia. However, some patients may experience worrisome side effects after taking the drug, including weight gain and tremors. In addition, medications for schizophrenia can also make other drugs or supplements work less well.
Besides medication, doctors can advise patients to recognize and deal with their problematic behaviors and thoughts, and improve the way they communicate with those around them. The earlier the treatment, the more effective the treatment will be. Patients can also use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to learn to reality check their thoughts and better manage their symptoms.
Currently, Psychology Clinic - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital is one of the addresses for examination, counseling and outpatient treatment of psychological and mental health problems
With modern equipment Along with a team of doctors who are lecturers in psychiatry at Hanoi Medical University, the Psychology Clinic - Vinmec Times City International Hospital is capable of implementing psychological tests, specialized psychotherapy. services for medical examination and treatment. Especially with the enthusiasm and love for the profession, the team of doctors working at the Psychological Clinic - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital always gives customers the best services with the highest quality of service. .

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Reference source: webmd.com

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