Vitamin deficiency in alcoholics

The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Hong Phuc - General Internal Medicine - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Drinking a lot of alcohol can cause many health consequences such as damage to the lining of the digestive tract, reducing the ability to absorb nutrients from food, leading to a deficiency of essential substances. Among them, vitamin B1 deficiency in alcoholics is the most common.

1. Alcoholism - the cause of vitamin deficiency

Alcohol and beer are diuretics. If you drink a lot of alcohol, beer will cause the body to lose water and nutrients and minerals through excretion. People who have a habit of drinking alcohol for a long time often have severe disorders in eating, leading to vitamin deficiencies. Besides, alcohol also affects the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract. Vitamins susceptible to deficiency in alcoholics are:
Vitamin B1 deficiency: On average, 1 in 2 alcoholics has a vitamin B1 deficiency. The first symptoms that appear when the body is deficient in vitamin B1 are neurological symptoms including sensory and motor polyneuropathy. If vitamin B1 deficiency is long-term, the patient may present with heart failure. In addition, vitamin B1 deficiency can also lead to diseases such as Gayet - Wernicke's brain disease, Korsakoff psychosis with symptoms such as double vision, drooping eyelids, memory loss, hallucinations, muscle weakness, low blood pressure. , fast pulse, low body temperature,...;
Ảo giác hay quên
Thiếu vitamin B1 có thể gây ảo giác cho người bệnh
Vitamin B2, B3 deficiency: Manifestations are states of anxiety, apprehension, fatigue,...; Vitamin B9 (folic acid) deficiency: Occurs when drinking a lot of alcohol, with symptoms of megaloblastic anemia; Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency: There is a manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis, possibly related to neuropsychiatric disorders in alcoholics; Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) deficiency: Usually occurs after the above vitamin deficiencies, manifested in many different pathological states such as skin erythema, gastritis, glossitis, psychosis,...; Vitamin B12 deficiency: Can occur but is quite rare because normally the body has reserves of this vitamin in sufficient quantities for many years and normal diets contain vitamin B12, which is enough for the body's needs. However, in cases of long-term alcohol abuse or other medical conditions, alcoholics may have a vitamin B12 deficiency. A lack of any vitamin can have negative effects on the body. Specifically, severe vitamin B1 deficiency caused by alcoholism can lead to heart failure. People with vitamin B3 deficiency can experience disorders throughout the body, susceptible to pellagra with manifestations of dermatitis, diarrhea, schizophrenia, ... Vitamin C deficiency causes fatigue, magnesium deficiency causes anorexia, confusion, insomnia. A lack of calcium in the body will depress the central nervous system. Lack of potassium, iron, omega 3, ... can cause skin disorders or anemia,...
Mệt mỏi
Thiếu hụt vitamin khiến cơ thể mệt mỏi

2. Measures to supplement vitamins for the body

The lack of B vitamins due to alcoholism should be treated by adjusting the diet more scientifically and supplementing these vitamins. Specifically:
Eat whole grains; Supplement immediately and regularly with vitamin B tablets or vitamin B1, vitamin B6. The dose of vitamin B1 in alcoholism needs to ensure adequate amounts to reduce deficiency, re-establish vitamin stores in cells. However, patients should pay attention not to use vitamin B6 for a long time because high doses can cause sensory neuropathy. Therefore, after a period of using a combination of vitamin B1 and vitamin B6, the patient only uses vitamin B1 alone if symptoms of alcohol intoxication are still present; Supplement vitamin B9 in intervals; When the mean blood volume returns to normal but it is still not conclusive that the alcohol intoxication is gone, the doctor will consider each case to consider whether or not vitamin PP supplements are needed; Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water to eliminate toxins; Limit caffeine, alcoholic beverages, foods containing refined sugar, white flour, red meat, processed foods,...; Supplementing with Omega 3 fatty acids from salmon, tuna, mackerel, flaxseed,...
Chế độ ăn cho người bệnh mạch vành
Một chế độ dinh dưỡng tốt giúp cơ thể khỏe mạnh
Doctors recommend that each person's body needs every day to be provided with 250mg of vitamin C, 1500mg of calcium, 150mg of magnesium and 500mg of vitamin B3 from food sources. Multivitamins or minerals such as Centrum are also recommended.
In particular, the most radical method in preventing vitamin deficiency in alcoholics is to not drink a lot of alcohol. At the same time, each person needs to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, quit smoking, stop drinking, don't stay up late and exercise regularly.
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First aid instructions for alcohol poisoning

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