What do you know about plum belly syndrome?

Eagle-Barett triad, also known as plum belly syndrome, consists of three birth defects in the abdominal wall, urinary system and testicles. Plum belly syndrome causes many difficulties for patients in daily life as well as its complications affecting bones, digestive system, underdeveloped heart and lungs...

1. What is plum belly syndrome?

Plum belly syndrome, also known as Eagle-Barett triad, consists of three malformations that appear at the same time in the patient. Plum belly syndrome was first described by Parker in 1985, but it was not until 1950 when Eagle and Barett fully and completely introduced the syndrome in the world literature, so the syndrome was called under two other names. The two are plum syndrome and the Eagle-Barett triad, but the meaning is the same.
Patients with plum belly syndrome or Eagle-Barett triad will have the following congenital malformations:
Abdominal wall: The patient's abdominal muscles are poorly developed leading to wrinkled abdominal muscles like plums, the patient's It will be very difficult to sit, especially in severe cases. In addition, plum belly syndrome also affects aesthetics and dangerous respiratory complications, affecting organs in the body, the digestive system as well as the heart and lungs of the patient are less developed.
Urinary tract malformations: Lesions in the urinary tract of people with plum belly syndrome are almost the entire urinary system. In the kidney, patients with the Eagle-Barett triad often have mild dilatation of the renal calyx, renal parenchymal dysplasia, and may have reduced or completely lost renal function. In the bladder, the wall is usually thicker than the patient is prone to vesicoureteral reflux, impaired urine drainage function, the bladder neck is erased... At the beginning of the urethra, it is often dilated in combination with posterior urethral valve pathology...
Bilateral undescended testicles: Testicles are located higher than normal, may be in the inguinal canal or in the abdominal cavity.
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2. Causes of plum belly syndrome

Plum belly syndrome is a rare birth defect with a very small rate, usually from 30,000-40,000 new births with this syndrome. The exact cause of plum belly syndrome is still unknown. While the fetus is still in the womb, the ultrasound images show a distended abdomen with fluid inside, possibly due to certain problems with the urinary system. After giving birth that fluid disappears and causes the abdominal muscles to wrinkle like a plum and other organs are affected.

3. Diagnosis of the Eagle-Barett triad

In addition to the clinical diagnosis through the examination to help suggest the diagnosis process, the doctor needs to perform paraclinical tests to be able to accurately diagnose the patient's condition:
Abdominal ultrasound : Help the doctor recognize kidney damage, dilatation of the ureter, position of the undescended testicle... Retrograde cystogram with urinary strain: Determine the capacity of the bladder as well as the lesions of the bladder wall Laparoscopy : Perform endoscopy if the doctor suspects that the testes are in the abdomen Contrast urinary system : Helps determine kidney function, evaluate the external appearance of the urinary system Radiograph Renal imaging: This is an important test in monitoring the progress of plum belly syndrome on the urinary system, helping doctors in making the most appropriate treatment indications for the patient. Blood or serum tests : Assess kidney function, infection status, acid-base balance and electrolytes... Urine test : Evaluate urine infection status, make antibiotic charts.
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4. Treatment of the Eagle-Barett triad

Along with the development of medical technology, views on the management of plum belly syndrome have also changed. In the past, the treatment of plum belly syndrome was often indicated with early surgical intervention because the damage to the urinary system had not been comprehensively and accurately assessed. Nowadays, with the development of imaging techniques, the treatment of the Eagle-Barett triad is often conservative and only requires surgical intervention when the lesions cause adverse effects on the patient.
Treatment options for the Eagle-Barett triad include:
Emergency treatment Supportive treatment to prevent infection, improve patient fitness, and combat malnutrition Specialist treatment includes a variety of surgeries different shapes such as shaping and re-implanting the ureter, lowering the testicle, shaping the abdomen and treating respiratory failure after surgery if any. In addition, the doctor conducts specific treatment for plum syndrome based on the following factors:
The patient's age, overall health as well as the patient's medical history The degree of progression of the disease disease Expectations, wishes of the patient The degree of drug tolerance, specific treatment methods for each patient.
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Điều trị tam chứng Eagle-Barett nhằm chống nhiễm trùng và siu dinh dưỡng ở người bệnh

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