What is an abscess? Formation and principles of treatment

The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Tran Quoc Tuan - Head of the ICU - ICU - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
Abscess is a very common condition that occurs on many parts of the body. If not treated early, the abscess will develop into a pus-filled abscess that is painful for the patient. So the principle of treating abscess like, how to cure pus-filled abscess?

1. What is an abscess?

Abscess is an infection of the skin, characterized by a pink or dark red soft mass on the skin, with pus inside the abscess. If you touch the abscess with your hand, you will feel pain.
Common places where abscesses appear are:
Axillary, inguinal; Area near the anus, vagina; The sacral region of the spine; Abscess in the tooth. However, any location on the body can have an abscess, inside the body there are: brain abscess, liver abscess, lung abscess, breast abscess, etc.

2. What is the cause of an abscess? How does an abscess form?

The main cause of the abscess is:
The sebaceous and sweat glands are blocked; Inflamed, infected hair follicles; A sharp object penetrates the skin causing a puncture. All of these conditions create favorable conditions for bacteria and germs to enter the body. At this time, to protect the body against infection, the immune system activates white blood cells and other chemicals to create resistance for the body.
White blood cells in the body will be dispatched to the site of infection to destroy bacteria, in which white blood cells and bacteria die, forming pus. If the invading bacteria are staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus, it is easy to produce pus because they damage the tissue cells in the body. From that location, a pus-filled abscess is formed and develops into the surrounding area, causing inflammation and pain. Without treatment, the abscess will continue to grow.
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3. What is the manifestation of an abscess?

Clinically, abscesses under the skin and muscles have the following manifestations:
Swelling, Redness, Pain, warm to the touch, High fever, chills, Fatigue, Dry lips, white tongue

4. What is the method of diagnosing an abscess?

In order to diagnose an abscess, in addition to relying on clinical manifestations, it is necessary to conduct laboratory techniques with the following results:
Increased number of white blood cells, especially neutrophils; Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate; Increased fibrinogen and globulin counts; If sepsis is present, a bacterial or fungal culture should be performed; Ultrasound is applied to deep abscesses in muscles (thighs, lumbar muscles, diaphragm) and organs (liver, bile, lungs); Poke the pus-filled abscess to test for bacteria causing the infection, and at the same time drain the pus to the outside.

5. Principles of abscess treatment

The principle of abscess treatment depends on the extent and depth of the abscess.
For small abscesses that affect only the skin, pus can drain on its own, the abscess shrinks, dries up, and disappears, or medication can be used. For large abscesses, deep accumulation of pus, the doctor should make incision, poke and drain pus, pump and clean the abscess. Simultaneously, using antibiotics, treating accompanying symptoms such as fever, pain relief and strengthening the patient's physical condition.
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To treat abscesses, patients need to go to medical facilities to be diagnosed with the extent and condition of the abscess, from which the doctors will treat appropriately.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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