What is beneficial blood fat - harmful blood fat and how to fix it?

Video content is professionally consulted by Assoc. Prof, PhD, Doctor II Chu Hoang Van, Department of Medical Examination, Vinmec Times City International Hospital

A lot of people today still don't know what cholesterol is or what cholesterol in the blood is, which makes health care more difficult. Cholesterol is formed from two sources, either from the body synthesizing or from food, is a component of blood lipids, and plays an important role in most of the body's activities.
Cholesterol is an indispensable element in the functioning of nerve fiber cells, as well as in the production of certain hormones, which help the body function normally and stay healthy.
Cholesterol plays a very important role and is present in most parts of the human body, helping the body to develop and function normally. You may have heard of terms such as low cholesterol, high cholesterol or total cholesterol, but rarely heard of HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol. There are actually two main types of cholesterol: LDL - "bad" cholesterol and HDL - "good" cholesterol.
"bad" LDL cholesterol when the body has too much LDL in the blood. This excess LDL, along with several other substances, forms plaque. These plaques build up on the artery walls, this is what we call atherosclerosis.
Coronary artery disease occurs when plaque builds up in the walls of the arteries of the heart, causing the arteries to become increasingly hard and narrow. At this point, blood circulation will be limited or blocked. Because the heart receives oxygen from the blood, this condition causes the heart to not receive enough oxygen. This problem can cause angina, or when blood flow is completely blocked, a heart attack. HDL cholesterol accounts for about 25-30% of cholesterol in the blood. HDL cholesterol plays a role in transporting cholesterol from the blood to the liver, and also removes cholesterol from atherosclerotic plaques, limiting the risk of dangerous cardiovascular complications, so it is called "good" cholesterol. Low HDL cholesterol can be related to smoking habits, not exercising regularly, being overweight, obese...
Cholesterol is essential for the body's development, however, if high cholesterol will increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. To be able to control cholesterol at an ideal level, you can apply the measures below.
Use heart-healthy foods: Reduce saturated fat, eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, increase soluble fiber, supplement “whey protein” Exercise daily and increase physical activity : Regular exercise can improve low cholesterol and high cholesterol. In addition, moderate physical activity also increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). Quit Smoking: Quitting smoking improves your HDL cholesterol levels. Weight loss: Just a few extra pounds can cause high cholesterol. You should consider and start changing the way you eat to improve the amount of LDL cholesterol in your blood. Drink alcohol in moderation: Drinking alcoholic beverages will raise HDL cholesterol, but its effect is not strong enough for doctors to recommend users to use them. Therefore, if you drink, drink in moderation.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

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