What is nephrotic syndrome? Recognizing signs

The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy - Endocrinologist - Dialysis - Kidney Transplant - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder that causes the body to excrete too much protein in the urine. Symptoms include progressive generalized edema, weight gain, and decreased urination. Chronic medical conditions requiring long-term treatment. Diseases and treatment affect the health and quality of life of patients.

1. Signs to recognize nephrotic syndrome

Signs and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome include:
Severe swelling (edema), especially around the eyes and ankles, and feet may be accompanied by ascites, peritoneal effusion, possibly brain edema. Foamy urine, possibly due to excess protein in the urine. Weight gain due to excess water not being drained out of the body Fatigue, blue skin, poor appetite Loss of appetite Tests indicate:
Proteinuria index is very high >3.5g / 24h Yes granules or fat pillars in the urine Blood protein index decreased to < 60g/l Protein electrophoresis showed that the Albumin index decreased < 30g/l can be reduced to < 10g/l Lipid and blood cholesterol increased. Electrolyte with decreased Na+ and K+. The level of glomerular filtration rate decreased VS (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) increased Urea, blood creatinine may be increased or normal.
Chỉ số creatinin máu tăng trong hội chứng thận hư.

2. Cause:

Nephrotic syndrome occurs when the filtering membrane of the glomerulus becomes inflamed and damaged (the filtering unit of the kidney). The glomerular membrane filters the blood in the body as it passes through the kidneys. Healthy glomeruli keep blood proteins (mainly albumin) from passing through the membrane. When inflamed, the glomerular filter allows too much protein in the blood to pass through the membrane, leading to nephrotic syndrome. Most nephrotic syndrome has no cause (primary). However, a small percentage of patients have a higher risk of developing nephrotic syndrome than others in the following cases:
Have certain diseases that affect the whole body and the kidneys are one of the affected organs, such as urine diabetes, lupus, amyloidosis, and other kidney diseases. Long-term use of certain medications: Examples of drugs that can cause nephrotic syndrome include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Having certain infections: Examples of infections that increase the risk of nephrotic syndrome include HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and malaria. Certain types of cancer.
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Bệnh tiểu đường có thể dẫn đến hội chứng thận hư.

3. Complications of nephrotic syndrome

Possible complications of nephrotic syndrome include:
High blood cholesterol and blood triglycerides: When the level of the protein albumin in the blood decreases, the liver makes more albumin. At the same time, the liver also releases more cholesterol and triglycerides. Malnutrition: Losing too much protein in the blood can lead to malnutrition. This can lead to weight loss, but it can be difficult to notice because of body swelling. You may also have a decrease in your red blood cell count (anemia), vitamin D and calcium levels. High blood pressure: due to excess salt and water retention in the body. Acute kidney failure: If the kidneys lose their ability to filter blood due to glomerular damage, waste products can build up quickly in the blood. If this happens, your body may need urgent dialysis – typically with a kidney machine (dialysis machine). Chronic kidney disease: Nephrotic syndrome can cause the kidneys to gradually lose function over time. If kidney function falls low enough, you may need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Infection: People with nephrotic syndrome have a higher risk of infection. Increased blood clotting leading to venous thrombosis of the legs or elsewhere.

4. Home remedies for nephrotic syndrome

In addition to the drug treatment prescribed by the doctor, changing the diet contributes to helping the patient cope with nephrotic syndrome. Nutritionists recommend:
Choose healthy protein sources Reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol in your diet to help control blood cholesterol levels Eat a low-salt diet to help control swelling (edema) Medications, such as steroids, can cause people to eat more and gain weight, along with adverse drug effects. Therefore, patients need to control the amount of starch or sugar they eat. Some people with nephrotic syndrome may also have a zinc deficiency. A recent study found that treatment with zinc supplements in children under 18 years of age improved nephrotic syndrome. However, consult your doctor before giving your child a supplement or taking it on their own to avoid any potential adverse interactions.
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