What to do when chickenpox grows too much?

The article is expertly consulted by Assoc. Dr. Dr. Huynh Thoai Loan - Head of Pediatrics - Neonatology Department, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital. Uncle is one of the leading experts in Pediatrics - Neonatology in Ho Chi Minh City with nearly 30 years of experience in examining and treating diseases of pediatric endocrinology, pediatric nephrology and other pediatric - neonatal issues.

Chickenpox or we often call it chickenpox, this is an acute infectious disease, very contagious. Chickenpox usually goes away on its own after 1-2 weeks. However, for some cases, chickenpox grows abnormally, causing confusion and anxiety for the patient. So when chickenpox grows too much, what to do? The following article will help us answer these concerns.

1. What is chickenpox?

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. The initial manifestations of the disease are blisters on the skin, high fever, and fatigue. The disease is likely to break out into an epidemic if not controlled in time. With proper care, chickenpox will clear up in about 1-2 weeks.
Chickenpox very rarely recurs in people who have had it before, because after contracting the disease, the body will create immunity to the disease. When the immune system is weakened, the virus that causes the disease will enter the nervous system and stay there, causing shingles.
Chickenpox will cause many dangerous complications if not treated properly and promptly.

2. Complications due to chickenpox overgrowing

Làm gì khi thủy đậu mọc quá nhiều?
Thủy đậu mọc quá nhiều gây khó chịu cho người bệnh.

Chickenpox is a contagious respiratory disease, after about 14-15 days of incubation is the disease stage. Usually chickenpox will develop through 3 main stages:
Stage 1: When in the early stage, it is difficult to recognize the signs of the disease because at this stage the disease does not have any symptoms which is unusual. Stage 2: A red rash like a measles rash appears on the body and will develop into blisters after a few hours, at this time it is easy to know that we have had chickenpox. Stage 3: Burns on the skin grow very quickly and grow in waves about 2-3 days apart, so there are many types of nodules (big nodules, small nodules, burn spots...) appearing on the same area. skin. About 4-6 days later, the red nodule crusts over and turns dark. These nodules scab over and do not leave scars when healed. With some cases of chickenpox growing too much on the body, especially in places such as face, mouth, private area, ... the patient can experience many dangerous complications if not treated promptly and properly. . Here are some complications caused by chickenpox overgrown:
Encephalitis, meningitis: 1 week after blisters appear on the skin, causing discomfort and itching, this complication appears. . Encephalitis and meningitis in children can leave unfortunate consequences for the baby such as growth retardation, epilepsy, deafness... Pneumonia: pneumonia is also a dangerous complication caused by chickenpox. Some of the symptoms of a patient with pneumonia are high fever, difficulty breathing or perhaps coughing up blood. Pneumonia makes it difficult to recover from the disease. Acute glomerulonephritis: The glomeruli can be attacked by the virus that causes chickenpox. This complication makes the entire filtering function of the kidneys affected, causing acute renal failure. Perinatal varicella: pregnant women are the subject of this complication. It can cause severe sequelae to the fetus in the womb and can be fatal. This complication can also cause birth defects, cerebral palsy, cataracts, slow growth, affected digestive system... Laryngitis : External blisters on the skin come out. It can also grow in the throat or nasopharynx when infected with chickenpox. This complication occurs when the pimples burst and spread to the surrounding areas causing inflammation. The central nervous system of the patient is damaged: The central nervous system of a patient with chickenpox is very vulnerable to the virus that causes the disease in the nerves. This complication can cause patients to have neurological paralysis, language disorders... Otitis: inflammation of the middle ear, outer ear .. occurs due to the blisters in the ear burst and infection. Shingles : After healing, the virus that causes chickenpox still resides in nerve cells. When conditions are favorable, they will become active again and cause shingles. Sepsis: When the viruses that cause the disease enter from the blisters into the blood vessels, this complication occurs. When chickenpox grows too much, making the patient feel uncomfortable, scratching the itch accidentally causes skin damage, sores, increases the risk of superinfection and can leave scars. One of the most common complications of chickenpox, both adults and children, is pitted or dark scars.

3. What to do when chickenpox grows too much?

Làm gì khi thủy đậu mọc quá nhiều?
Thủy đậu mọc quá nhiều có thể gây nên tình trạng bội nhiễm da và để lại sẹo

The treatment of chickenpox is not too difficult, but if not treated properly and in time, the disease will appear dangerous complications and can even be life-threatening.
When chickenpox grows too much, the most necessary and important thing is to take the patient to medical facilities to be examined and consulted by a doctor on the direction of treatment. Here are some points to note for the patient when chickenpox grows too much:
Absolutely do not touch or scratch the burn because when the blisters are broken, it will cause skin superinfection and leave scars. Clean the body, should use warm water to bathe. Do not abstain from water because it will make the patient more itchy and uncomfortable, accidentally scratching the skin, causing bacteria to attack the burn, causing skin inflammation, worse the patient may have strep throat. kidney or bacteremia. When infected with chickenpox, the sick person should avoid contact with others to limit the spread of the disease, should rest in a clean, ventilated room, follow a healthy lifestyle. Should wear loose, cool clothes, avoid rubbing on the burn. Supplement with vitamins and minerals to increase the body's resistance and fight the disease. Only abstain from foods that are difficult to digest, cause scarring, cause itching... Without the consent of the doctor, absolutely do not buy medicine by yourself Timely treatment of patients with chickenpox is very important. important, especially when chickenpox grows too much because the complications it causes are extremely dangerous. Therefore, when suffering from a disease, absolutely do not be subjective, do not arbitrarily follow folk methods, orally or arbitrarily buy drugs without the guidance of a doctor.
Infectious Diseases - Vinmec International General Hospital has the function of receiving examination, diagnosis, treatment, cooperation against epidemics and taking care of patients with diseases caused by bacteria, parasites, infectious diseases The cause of the disease has not been determined. The Department of Infectious Diseases also includes the function of organizing vaccinations under the direction of the Ministry of Health, both for children and adults, especially serving adults, typically vaccination. prevent HPV virus, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, shingles, herpes, malaria, pneumonia,...

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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