Why is my mouth clean but my breath still smells bad?

Dr. Dang Tien Dat, Doctor of Dentistry - Jaw - Face, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital said that bad breath occurs when natural bacteria in the oral cavity break down food particles that exist between them. teeth and along the gum line, especially on the tongue. This process releases a series of foul-smelling compounds in the mouth.
Video content is professionally consulted by Dr. Dang Tien Dat, Doctor of Dental - Jaw - Facial, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital

1. The cause of the mouth has a bad smell even after cleaning it

If you do not clean your mouth properly, then bad breath is inevitable. However, when you have cleaned your mouth and still have a bad smell, what is the cause?
Doctor Dang Tien Dat said there are 16 different reasons that cause this condition.
Bad breath after waking up in the morning Bad breath when breathing through the mouth Eating smelly foods Having a sore throat Fasting can also cause bad breath Smoking Some medications causing dry mouth Choking The nose can also cause bad breath Diet Having tooth decay Braces and fixed appliances Drinking alcohol High blood sugar Sjogren's Syndrome Parasites, helminthic infections With these causes, even if you are hygienic No matter how clean your mouth is, it can still cause bad breath. In these situations, what should you do?
Vì sao miệng có mùi hôi khi đã vệ sinh sạch sẽ?
Vì sao miệng có mùi hôi khi đã vệ sinh sạch sẽ?

2. What to do when your breath smells bad?

Doctor Dang Tien Dat recommends that you do the following things to limit bacteria from multiplying in the oral cavity, helping to reduce bad breath:
Brush your teeth twice a day and at least 2 minutes/time. After each meal, you can wait at least 30 minutes to brush your teeth. If you brush your teeth right after eating, the acid can attack the enamel, making it vulnerable. When brushing your teeth, remember to brush your tongue clean, because this is where many bacteria and food debris hide in saliva;
Change your toothbrush every 3 months Use a fluoride toothpaste Use floss to clean between your teeth Use mouthwash to freshen your breath; Limit drinking coffee, smoking, using alcoholic beverages Drink lots of water to stimulate saliva production. If bad breath persists, you need to see a doctor for advice, because you may have dental problems or health problems.
There are many causes of bad breath and also a warning sign of an underlying medical condition. Therefore, if bad breath persists, you should go to specialized clinics and hospitals for examination and treatment.
With many years of experience in the examination and treatment of oral and maxillofacial diseases, now Vinmec International General Hospital has become one of the major health care centers, capable of examining and screening filtering and treating many diseases in depth. Therefore, if there are signs of prolonged breath that does not improve, you can go to Vinmec International General Hospital to examine and receive support and advice from doctors and health experts. .

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