X-ray technique of the spine with straight amputee

This article is professionally consulted by Master, Resident Doctor Tran Duc Tuan - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

X-ray technique of the coccyx spine is an effective method of diagnosing a number of vertebral diseases such as degeneration, spinal cord injury, coccyx pain, and pathological investigation in the sacral region. amputation as directed by a specialist.

1. Prepare

The person performing the x-ray of the spine with the straight instrument is a specialist doctor, an electro-optical technician.
Specialized x-ray machine facilities need to be prepared, along with film, film printer, data storage system ready.
The patient is clearly explained about the imaging procedure, removing metal objects on the sacral spine if it affects the imaging technique.
Indication sheet for x-ray from a specialist is also indispensable before performing the technique.
Bác sĩ sẽ đưa phiếu chỉ định chụp x quang

2. Proceed

The technician receives the appointment letter to take x-ray of the spondylolisthesis, identify and compare it with the part to be taken for clinical diagnosis. Inviting the patient into the imaging room, explaining and guiding the shooting procedure Adjust the shooting table, the ball is 1m away from the film. Instruct the patient in the position before the scan: The patient will lie supine on the imaging table, the head is elevated, the legs are straightened, the body line is directly above the midline of the table or film, the iliac crest is 5cm below the film border. Place the patient in a reclined position on a table with the lower arm folded and propped under the head, with the upper arms and knees flexed in the most convenient and comfortable position. Adjust the patient so that the axillary line extends to the pelvis in the midline of the table or film, the 2 iliac crests completely overlap and lie 5 cm below the upper border of the film. Adjust the center beam by bending the lamp head towards the head at a 15 degree angle, and the center beam is located 2cm above the pubic joint. Stick the letter F on the corresponding digitized sensor plate to the right of the patient. Enter the patient's name, age, and gender into the machine, select the program on the machine corresponding to the part to be taken. Adjust technical factors (T.66KV, 15mAs, N. 78KV, 20mAs). Ask the patient to stay still. Close the door of the exam room, start the x-ray. After taking the picture, instruct the patient to wait in the waiting room to get the results. Adjust the contrast, check the balance of the images on the film.. Print the film. Compare with satisfactory film standards.

3. Evaluation of the results

Film captures the entire coccyx spine in an upright position. Clear beam quality, clear contrast. The film has full information on the patient's name, F, T, date and year of the scan. lesions, described on the machine with internal connection, print the results The doctor can give professional advice to the patient and family if required
Bác sĩ sẽ tư vấn chuyên môn cho người bệnh khi có kết quả

4. Complications and treatment

X-ray technique of the spine with straight amputee without complications for patients. Some errors when the patient does not remain motionless during the scan can affect the quality of the film, the image is not clear can be considered for diagnosis and require re-scan if any.
Master, Doctor Tran Duc Tuan is well-trained in the country and many centers have prestigious medical background in the world such as: Australia, Singapore, Thailand... The doctor has many years of experience in the field of medicine. imaging and endovascular and extravascular interventions. Currently, the doctor is working at the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Vascular Unit - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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