Having a lot of headaches, what to do?

There are many causes of headaches such as: Change in weather, lack of sleep, heatstroke, overwork, stress... In which, the weather factor is the main cause of headaches, especially when the weather is bad. There is a sudden change in temperature, pressure, too hot or too cold weather... will affect the chemical factors in the brain, causing headaches, migraines.. However, patients can also apply some of the following methods to effectively relieve pain.

1. Rest, avoid stress

If you still try to endure and continue to work, the effect will not be high, but the pain will become stronger. Therefore, if you have a headache, you should pause work and rest, let your mind be in a relaxed state, do not think about anything.
If urgent work cannot be left unfinished, you should take advantage of a break for at least 10 minutes. If possible, sleep in an airy and quiet room. Deep sleep is an extremely effective method to help the mind rest and relax.

2. Drink lots of water

Đau đầu phải làm gì
Uống nhiều nước cũng là phương pháp giảm đau đầu hiệu quả

Dehydration can make headaches worse. Therefore, patients should combine rest and drink plenty of water. You can drink fruit juice to provide vitamins for the body, help the body return to a state of balance and comfort.

3. Cold compress

When a headache flares up, cold compresses can be used for temporary relief. Low temperatures can stimulate the brain, diverting attention to the new stimulus and ignoring the current pain sensation.

4. Take a hot bath

When having a headache, the patient can take a hot bath to relieve the pain, especially a headache caused by weather or symptoms of sinus disease. After bathing, drink a cup of warm water, have a light meal or drink a cup of coffee. That will reduce the feeling of sharp pain, headache, discomfort.

5. Exercise

Exercise not only brings good health, weight loss, good for the heart but also can limit headaches. Each person should exercise gently about 30 minutes/day, 5 days/week to improve health.

6. Acupressure, massage

Acupressure and massage are two traditional methods that can help relieve headaches. If you don't know acupressure, you can use your hands to massage the head, forehead, neck, and shoulders to help relieve pain temporarily.
Đau đầu phải làm gì
Bấm huyệt và massage là hai phương pháp truyền thống có thể giúp làm giảm đau đầu

7. Stay away from noise, places with strong light and strong winds

Light, wind, and noise are triggers that can make headaches worse. Therefore, when you have a headache, you should avoid going to the sun, avoid harsh light from electric bulbs, flashing lights and noisy and noisy places. Should rest in a quiet place, soft light, airy.

8. Do not sit at the computer

Sitting at the computer too much can be the cause of headaches. The light from the computer screen and the intense mental focus can stress the mind, making the patient more severe headache. When you have a headache or have signs of an impending headache, you should limit your exposure to the computer. If you have to complete work, you should close your eyes and rest for about 30 minutes to calm your mind and relieve the headache before continuing to work.

9. Reasonable diet

According to medical experts, people who often suffer from headaches should divide their meals during the day. Eating a lot of magnesium-rich foods will help reduce headaches effectively. For example: Tofu, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, olive oil...
Avoid foods that can cause stronger headaches such as: Chemical sugars, beer, alcohol, fast food, processed foods ...
Headaches that persist and recur many times not only affect work, but can also be a warning sign for other dangerous diseases. The above headache remedies are only temporary solutions. In order to completely treat a headache, it is necessary to treat the cause from the cause. Patients need to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan.
Department of Neurology - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital is one of the prestigious and effective medical facilities specializing in examination and treatment of diseases related to the central nervous system.
Experienced medical team such as Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chu Hoang Van, Doctor Vu Dung Kien with expertise in the examination and treatment of diseases related to the central nervous system (cranial, meningeal, brain) , blood vessels in the brain, nerves in the skull, pituitary gland, spine, discs, spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system (nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord).

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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