8 best ways to supplement vitamin A

Vitamin A supplementation is essential for infants, pregnant women and people with vitamin A deficiency diseases. So how to supplement with vitamin A? There are many routes of supplementation, with food fortification being considered the safest and most effective. Here are some foods rich in vitamin A you can add to your family's daily meals.

Vitamin A is the name for a group of substances known as retinoids. Most people get enough vitamin A from their daily diets, only some special cases need more such as pregnant women, children aged 6 - 36 months, children under 5 years of age who are malnourished. . Supplementing with vitamin A for babies and pregnant women is essential for the baby's good development.
1. Red peppers Red peppers are an excellent source of vitamin A, half a chili pepper can provide nearly 1/2 of a person's daily vitamin A requirement.
2. Spinach What to eat with vitamin A supplements? Vitamin A has two types, one is pre-made vitamin A, can be used immediately by the body, this type is found in meat, poultry, fish and milk. The second type is provitamin A, when entering the body, it needs to go through a number of steps to convert it into vitamin A, they are found in some fruits and vegetables, including spinach.
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Ớt đỏ là nguồn bổ sung vitamin A cho mắt

3. Beef liver Beef liver contains a lot of vitamin A, which helps strengthen the immune system and fight infections. It also helps to create antibodies against any threat to the immune system.
4. Sweet potatoes Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamin A. A baked sweet potato can provide you with one and a half times your daily vitamin A requirement.
5. Ice cream One cup of ice cream has the same vitamin A content as 14 servings of tuna, with about 20% of the daily vitamin A requirement.
6. Pumpkin Pie Vitamin A helps the heart, lungs and kidneys work better. So if you're having dessert, think a slice of pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that can be converted into vitamin A when ingested by the body.
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Cà rốt là nguồn bổ sung vitamin A cho mắt

7. Carrot Vitamin A keeps the eyes functioning properly. Therefore, vitamin A supplementation for the eyes is very necessary. People who do not get enough vitamin A may experience night blindness. Just one cup of raw carrot juice will provide you with a day's worth.
8. Supplements If it is difficult to diversify foods to get the full amount of vitamin A needed from food, fortified foods may be another more suitable option. In these foods have been fortified with vitamin A, they include grains, spices, sugar and milk. In addition, you also take vitamin A supplements, however, before starting, you need to consult a doctor for advice on the missing amount and the appropriate supplement dose, to avoid excess supplements causing side effects.
Adequate and correct vitamin A supplementation will help our body prevent many diseases and increase resistance. Hopefully the information in the above article has helped you gain more information about effective vitamin A-rich foods from which to consider some food sources, helping the body to best absorb this vitamin.
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Reference source: webmd.com

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