Common health problems after age 50

From the age of 50 onwards, the body's immune system gradually declines, thereby developing certain diseases. According to research, some common diseases in middle age such as Gout, kidney stones, pneumonia, heart attack,... Building a healthy lifestyle and activities can help the elderly reduce or prevent them. risk of these diseases.

1. Heart attack According to research, every year up to 735,000 people have a heart attack, of which the most common is people after the age of 50. The main cause of heart attack in the elderly is that the cardiovascular system begins to age and work less efficiently than before. Blood vessels also lose their elasticity, causing the heart to have to work harder to pump blood to other parts of the body, especially the brain. On the other hand, when fatty substances gradually accumulate in the arteries, plaques can form, blocking the vessels and leading to heart attacks.
The most common symptoms of a heart attack usually include dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, and back, neck or shoulder pain. In addition, the patient may also feel nausea, vomiting, sweating, and fall easily due to loss of balance. Your risk of having a heart attack is lower if you know how to maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, and don't smoke.

2. Stroke Stroke is one of the common diseases in middle age - the leading cause of death and disability among dangerous diseases today. A stroke usually occurs because blood is not circulating to parts of the brain and causes brain cells to begin to die rapidly.
When having a stroke, the patient often has signs such as sudden numbness and weakness in the limbs, face; severe headache; decreased vision in one or both eyes; hard to say; loss of mobility or confusion. If you notice any of the above symptoms, you need to immediately give first aid according to medical standards and notify the nearest medical facility to promptly bring the patient to a golden hour emergency.
To reduce the risk of stroke, people from middle age onwards need to adjust their living and eating habits in a healthier direction. Ideally, the elderly should adhere to a diet low in cholesterol, rich in fruits and vegetables, exercise, and quit smoking. In addition, people over 50 also need to control their blood pressure and stress well, as these are two factors that trigger a stroke in the future.
3. Brain Aneurysm A brain aneurysm is a condition where the artery wall weakens and bulges outward. This is a common disease in middle age, associated with many different factors, including: smoking, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, alcohol, drugs, damage to blood vessels or genetics symptoms left by bacteremia.
Usually, an aneurysm will show symptoms such as nausea, headache, dizziness, rough skin and heart palpitations. Without prompt treatment, the patient can experience serious bleeding complications or a stroke.
bệnh hô hấp sau 50 tuổi
Viêm phổi là một căn bệnh hô hấp sau 50 tuổi phổ biến

4. Gallstone disease After the age of 50, the body's functions also slow down, which includes the gallbladder. When this organ cannot regulate as it should, waste products get stuck on their way out of the gallbladder, leading to the formation of gallstones.
The size of gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand to the size of a golf ball. When a stone rubs against or blocks the bile duct, it can lead to symptoms such as:
Severe pain behind the navel or upper abdomen. The pain occurs continuously from 30 minutes to an hour. Pain after eating or at night, causing patients to have insomnia, difficulty sleeping. It can be said that gallstones are a common disease in middle age, with a high risk of being acquired in patients with obesity, diabetes, Crohn's disease or lack of exercise. If not detected and treated promptly, gallstone disease can lead to dangerous complications such as jaundice, yellow eyes, cholecystitis, biliary tract infection, gallbladder cancer, pancreatitis or sepsis. .
5. Acute pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas - the place where enzymes and hormones like insulin are made, which help the body digest. In general, acute pancreatitis in the elderly can occur due to gallstones, high blood fat, alcohol, autoimmune diseases or metabolic disorders,...
When suffering from acute pancreatitis, patients often feel severe abdominal pain, accompanied by other symptoms such as:
Nausea, vomiting. High fever. Hypotension, impaired consciousness. Oliguria. Urinary retention, abdominal distension due to severe necrotizing hemorrhagic myelitis. Acute pancreatitis often has a rapid progression, so if not treated early, it will lead to many dangerous complications for the patient's health. This condition can cause dysfunction of other organs in the body, causing shock, hemorrhage, acute respiratory failure, pancreatic infection, pancreatic pseudocyst or even death in severe cases.
bệnh hô hấp sau 50 tuổi
Đau tim là một căn bệnh thường gặp sau 50 tuổi

6. Fractures Fractures are another common middle-aged disease, especially those aged 50 and over. With increasing age, the system of bones, tendons, synovial fluid and synovial fluid tends to gradually decline, leading to degeneration. Degenerative joint bone due to loss of bone density will cause osteoporosis, making bones more susceptible to fracture when subjected to strong enough impact.
According to research, the risk of fracture is more common both in older women and people with calcium and vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, calcium and vitamin D supplements can help you slow or prevent the risk of fractures the bone. In addition, some prescription drugs also help you protect and rebuild strong bones.
7. Dizziness Many older people report that they often feel dizzy and lightheaded every time they stand up or walk. This usually happens because the tiny crystals in the ears that help control balance and movement don't stay in their original position with age.
Besides, dizziness in the elderly is also associated with some neurological diseases, stress, allergies, blood pressure, metabolic disorders or other inflammatory conditions. Treatment of vertigo in the elderly will include medication, combined with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet.
8. Pneumonia According to experts, pneumonia is a common respiratory disease after the age of 50, usually caused by pneumococcal (Gram-positive bacteria). Older people are more susceptible to this disease because the body's immune system has weakened and is no longer as effective as before.
When infected with pneumonia, patients often have symptoms such as: Cough with phlegm, fatigue, chest pain, chills, sweating, confusion, diarrhea, nausea and difficulty breathing. If not treated early, pneumonia in the elderly can lead to a number of complications such as sepsis, respiratory failure, lung abscess and pleural effusion.
Seasonal change is the most likely time to trigger pneumonia in the elderly, so elderly people need to take early preventive measures to prevent the risk of outbreaks of this disease. One of the ways to prevent pneumonia is vaccination, which is recommended by the CDC for all people over 65 years of age.
bệnh hô hấp sau 50 tuổi
Thuyên tắc phổi là một bệnh hô hấp ở người cao tuổi, thường gặp nhất là người trên 50 tuổi

9. Kidney Stone Disease Kidney stones are solid crystals, made up of calcium and deposited in the kidneys. Small stones can be eliminated from the body through the urine, but large kidney stones are often difficult to move and easily trapped. This can cause renal colic, bleeding, infection or blockage of urine flow.
According to research, kidney stones tend to be more common in men, especially those in middle age. However, you can prevent this disease by drinking plenty of water each day, preferably plain water.
10. Retinal detachment The retina is a very light sensitive layer that helps transmit signals to the brain to convert to visible images. When the retina is detached from the outer wall of the eye, it doesn't get the oxygen it needs. This is a common disease in middle age, often causing symptoms such as blurred vision, decreased vision, seeing floating or flashing lights in front of the eyes.
If not detected and treated early, retinal detachment can lead to permanent vision loss. The condition is also particularly common in people who are severely nearsighted, have eye conditions, or have undergone cataract surgery.
11. Spinal stenosis Spinal stenosis is a dangerous complication of untreated arthritis that narrows the channels in the spine that hold the spinal cord and other nerves. When the nerves are narrowed or compressed, the person will feel pain, numbness, or cramping in the lower back and neck. To treat spinal stenosis, patients may use medication, surgery, or physical therapy.
12. Pulmonary embolism Pulmonary embolism is a respiratory disease in the elderly, most commonly people over 50 years old. This condition occurs when a blood clot becomes blocked in a blood vessel in one of the lungs.
Pulmonary embolism can cause typical symptoms such as chest pain, sudden shortness of breath, cough, coughing up blood, dizziness, leg pain, pale or dark skin. Usually, blood clots from a pulmonary embolism tend to appear initially in the legs, with warning signs such as painful swelling of the calf.
In addition, your risk of developing a pulmonary embolism is increased if you have heart disease, have recently had surgery, or are in a tight position for a long time (such as in a car or plane). If you notice any suspicious symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately for a checkup and specific treatment.

13. Gout Gout is another common middle-aged illness, characterized by a sudden painful swelling in one of the joints, typically the big toe. This is a form of arthritis, which occurs due to the excessive accumulation of uric acid in the body.
The risk of gout is higher if you regularly take blood pressure medication, eat shellfish, red meat or drink a lot of alcohol. In addition, consuming a lot of fructose sweetener in soda also increases the risk of gout as well as obesity.
In short, the elderly are very susceptible to diseases, especially respiratory diseases. Therefore, periodic health check-ups and disease screening in the elderly will facilitate the treatment process and prolong life.

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Reference source: webdm

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