Exercises for men to have big biceps

Men love having big biceps because they look better with white t-shirts that show off the upper body, especially the biceps clearly. So how to make biceps bigger?

Before starting exercises to make biceps bigger, you need to understand what biceps are, what muscles make up biceps, the benefits of having big biceps, rules of practice to build muscle Big, strong and beautiful biceps.

1. Biceps and the benefits of big biceps

Basically, the biceps is a large muscle group located in the front part of the biceps. The biceps is divided into two parts, the long head and the short head. Both of these head sections come from the shoulder blades and come together in the middle of the arm to form the muscle.
As your biceps grow, your overall health also improves. A study from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) found that men with heart disease who had the most muscle in their arms and legs and the least belly fat had a 68% lower risk of dying from heart disease. for 7 years, compared with people who were thinner and had smaller arms with less muscle.
Another study published in the American Journal of Cardiology also concluded that muscle helps promote better insulin function and plays a role in slowing the development of heart disease.

2. 4 rules to make biceps bigger

One of the reasons why men fail to train for big biceps is that they don't realize the structure of the biceps consists of many small parts and men often focus on only certain areas . If you want your arms to look thicker and fuller, you need to do all the biceps exercises.
Before you start training, you need to keep in mind the following 4 key rules to get big biceps:
Rule 1 - Warm-up: Warm-up helps the muscles warm up, become more flexible and work better thanks to Increase oxygen to the muscles during activity. A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that intense stretching after an active muscle group increased muscle mass by 318% in 28 days. Rule 2 - Change the exercise: You must always remember that, after 6 training sessions, the body has completely adapted to that exercise. So vary the exercises to add variety in each workout. Rule 3 - The importance of breathing: For big biceps exercises, you should maintain rhythmic breathing because it will help you calm, focus and control the tempo better. When the body is supplied with oxygen, the risk of fainting is reduced and the muscles also receive enough oxygen to function better. Rule 4 - Rest more: You should rest for 3-4 minutes between sets to allow the muscles to recover, then increase your exercise level. If you don't want to waste that 3-4 minutes, you can switch to training another muscle group while resting.
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3. Exercises for men to get big biceps

To get bigger biceps is not difficult, but it must be done correctly. There are now countless ways to make biceps bigger and here are the most effective:
3.1 How to make biceps bigger with the Standing Dumbbell Curl This is the most classic biceps exercise. To perform this exercise, you first need to control your weight and pay attention when standing and lifting weights, do not arch your back too much, otherwise you will face the risk of injury when exercising. You should also practice at a slow pace for control and focus on tightening the biceps more when lifting the weight to help the biceps bigger. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: In a standing position, feet shoulder width apart, hands holding two dumbbells and hanging by the sides. Make sure your elbows are close to your torso and your palms facing the dumbbells are facing forward. Step 2: Keeping your arms still, lift the dumbbells with both hands so that the dumbbells are at shoulder height, your biceps contract and exhale. 3.2 How to make biceps bigger with Hammer Curl This exercise is similar to the above exercise, only different in the way you hold the dumbbell. Instead of holding horizontally, you flip the dumbbell on your side to transfer more force from the biceps to the biceps. This will make the biceps bigger and thicker. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: In a standing position, feet shoulder width apart, hold two dumbbells in both hands and place them next to your hips, palms facing thighs. Step 2: Keeping the arms still, alternately raise the dumbbells as close to the shoulders as possible. Step 3: Pause and squeeze the biceps then slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. 3.3 How to enlarge biceps with the Incline Dumbbell Curl Exercise When you place the chair backrest to sit back to perform this exercise will exert more force on the long head of the biceps. This also means that you have to start from where you have less leverage than usual. To perform this biceps exercise requires a lot of effort, you should have a lighter weight. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: Lie down on a bench with the backrest tilted 45 degrees. Step 2: Bend your elbows and bring the dumbbells as close to your shoulders as possible. Step 3: Slowly bring the dumbbells back to the starting position, fully straightening your arms. 3.4 How to make biceps bigger with the Zottman Curl This is an exercise that targets the 3 main muscles to help get bigger biceps by using the wrist to rotate the dumbbell. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: In a standing position, feet shoulder width apart, hold two dumbbells in both hands and place them next to your hips, palms facing thighs. Step 2: Keeping your arms still, lift the dumbbells with both hands so that the dumbbells are at shoulder height. Step 3: Pause and then rotate the dumbbell so that the palm of your hand is facing forward before returning the dumbbell to the starting position.
Zottman Curl
Cách làm bắp tay to ra nhờ bài tập Zottman Curl

3.5 How to make biceps bigger with Barbell Bent-Over Row According to studies, biceps get bigger and work harder when doing traction. You can use heavier weights with this exercise and do the following:
Step 1: Stand with knees slightly bent, keep spine straight, hands shoulder width apart. Step 2: Pull the dumbbells up, elbows behind, hold for 1 second before returning to the starting position. Step 3: Straighten your arms, bring the dumbbells back to the original position, making sure the line to pull the weights is towards the navel, not toward the chest. 3.6 How to enlarge biceps with Chin up exercise Although this is not a simple exercise for you to quickly practice and master, it is one of the most effective exercises. Do this exercise correctly, not only will your biceps get bigger, but your shoulders and back will also be exercised. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: Grasp the bar with both hands so that the palms are facing you, the grip is narrower than shoulder width. Step 2: Pull up until your head is above the bar. Step 3: Slowly lower your body back to the starting position. 3.7 Big Biceps With the Popular EZ Bar Curl Lifting barbells allows the biceps to load more weight than the dumbbells without putting too much strain on the elbows and forearms. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: In a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells in front of thighs, fists shoulder-width apart. Step 2: Inhale, bend your elbows to bring the barbell up until your hands are level with your shoulders. Step 3: Squeeze the biceps then lower slowly in a controlled manner 3.8 How to enlarge the biceps with the Underhand Seated Row exercise With this exercise, when you sit down, your biceps will work harder than when you sit down. drag a straight line. Do this exercise correctly and you will see not only bigger biceps, but also back muscles. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: Sit down on the floor, knees slightly bent, hold dumbbells in your hands, grips shoulder-width apart. Step 2: Keeping your back straight, lean back slightly, then use your back muscles to pull the weight toward your navel. Step 3: Bring the barbell back to the starting position. 3.9 How to enlarge biceps with the Reverse Curl Straight Bar The biceps muscle under the upper arm is often overlooked, yet it is essential for larger biceps. Doing this exercise well will help your biceps get bigger, your arms will also be more flexible. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: In a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells, grips shoulder-width apart. Step 2: Bend your elbows, rotate the bar upwards, using only your forearms until your palms are facing out and the dumbbells are in line with your shoulders. Step 3: Slowly bring the dumbbells back to the starting position. 3.10 How to enlarge biceps with the Concentration Curl exercise This exercise isolates the biceps flexor muscle and engages the lateral head of the biceps for best results. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: Sit on a bench, rest your right arm on your right leg, dumbbells down. Step 2: Keeping your arms still, bend your elbows to raise the weight, then pause for a moment and then lower it.
Concentration Curl
Bài tập Concentration Curl có thể giúp bắp tay to ra

3.11 How to enlarge biceps with the Twisting Dumbbell Curl Although this exercise does not work as hard on the biceps as other exercises, it will help the biceps muscles be developed. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: In a standing position, feet shoulder width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand by your side, palms facing each other. Step 2: Use your biceps to raise the dumbbell to shoulder height, turning your palm to face your chest as you lift the dumbbell. Step 3: Slowly lower to your back and repeat. 3.12 How to enlarge biceps with Prone Dumbbell Spider Curl Lying on your stomach on a bench helps you fold your arms properly and more proficiently. Pay attention not to lift your chest, keep your chest flat when doing it to get big biceps. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: Lie on your stomach on an incline bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand, let go so the dumbbell hangs below your shoulders. Step 2: Use your biceps to lift the dumbbell toward your shoulders. Step 3: Slowly bring the dumbbells back to the starting position. 3.13 How to enlarge biceps with Lent-Forward EZ Bar Curl With this exercise, leaning forward and using hips to lift weights requires you to have enough strength to achieve big biceps perfect way. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: Hold the barbell in front of your thighs, grips shoulder-width apart. Step 2: Lean forward slightly at an angle of about 30 degrees from your hips. Inhale and use your hands to lift the dumbbells up to shoulder height. Step 3: Squeeze the biceps and then lower the dumbbells slowly in a controlled manner. 3.14 How to enlarge biceps with the Inverted Row exercise This is an alternative to bending over, lying on your back and keeping your back straight, which helps control the core muscles significantly while helping to maintain a better body shape. With this move, you will soon own big biceps and 6-pack abs. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: Place a barbell on a rack, about waist height. Lie under the bar, with your hands grasping the bar so that your hands are shoulder-width apart, drop yourself hanging below the bar. Step 2: Keeping your body straight from your shoulders to your ankles, extend your arms. Bend your elbows and forcefully pull your chest up over the bar. Step 3: Lower yourself slowly back to the starting position in a controlled manner. 3.15 How to Bigger Biceps with Meadows Row This exercise is a variation of the rowing move that allows more weight and you have to work hard to perform a movement you don't normally train. This movement forces the body to work harder to try to keep balance and this is also the fastest way to help biceps grow. Do this exercise as follows:
Step 1: Place one end of the dumbbell on a heavy weight to stabilize, then use one hand to lift the other end. Notice how the legs are slightly bent when doing this move and the arms are extended. Step 2: Bend your elbows and use your shoulder muscles to pull the bar up to hip level. Step 3: Lower the bar and do it again. There are many ways to make biceps bigger, but you need to keep in mind 4 key rules when training as well as performing exercises properly to be effective.

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Reference source: menshealth.com,
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