Health effects of binge eating disorder

Binge eating disorder can negatively affect a person's work, study, and daily life. The cause of the disease may be genetic or it may also be due to the patient's excessive diet leading to counterproductive effects. This article will provide more information regarding this disorder.

1. Binge-eating disorder

Binge eating disorder occurs with a severe eating disorder in which the sufferer regularly eats unusually large amounts of food and cannot stop cravings. Most ordinary people can go through this when participating in parties or festivals, receptions... However, they can cross this line very quickly. However, for people with this disease, they will not be able to control the amount of food they put into the body and this situation repeats many times, making the problem of overeating worse.
When having binge eating disorder, the person themselves feel ashamed of how much they eat and they can't stop the symptom. In addition, the patient always has a sense of urgency that cannot be stopped. Therefore, the eating disorder obsess over the patient's weight.
Eating disorders can occur for many reasons. However, to date, studies have not found a specific cause of this symptom.
The causes of eating disorders can be genetic factors, long-term strict diets or mental problems... Usually women will have a frequency of symptoms. This is more in men. However, binge eating disorder usually occurs in the late teens or early 20s. And risk factors for binge eating disorder:
Family history: If someone in the family has binge eating disorder, other family members are also at high risk of having binge eating disorder. this. At the same time, genetic factors are also considered as a factor that increases the likelihood of this symptom occurring. Long term strict diet. Many people in the past followed unscientific and long-lasting diets that made the process of absorption and digestion of food disturbed. When using restrictive diets or eating too much of the body's energy, there can be a counterproductive effect on appetite, and this process lasts for a long time, which can show signs of depression. Psychiatric related problems. For many people with binge eating disorder, it can lead to negative feelings about themselves. And triggers for binge eating disorder can include stress, low self-esteem, or having too many favorite foods that make them unable to control themselves. Dear...
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2. Characteristic manifestations of binge eating disorder symptoms

Most people with this condition may experience some characteristic conditions such as excess and uncontrollable weight. However, there are still some people who still keep their weight at a normal level, so it is difficult to recognize. Thus, the most distinctive features of binge eating disorder may include: consuming unusually large amounts of food in a given period of time, such as being able to eat a lot in one sitting. or two hours. Or feel like you're eating out of control. Or when you eat, you can't stop even though you feel full or don't feel hungry. Or the speed of using food in a meal is very fast. Or you can use food a lot until you can't eat anymore. Or often eat alone with large amounts of food...
For people who, after experiencing a state of binge eating disorder, often cannot balance themselves with the excess energy absorbed by vomiting or using use laxatives or may apply excessive exercise to consume heavy calories. Moreover, when suffering from this disease, if the person tries to abstain excessively or follow strict meals, it can lead to the onset of more severe binge eating disorder symptoms.
The severity of binge eating disorder symptoms can be determined by how often binge eating episodes occur over the course of a week.

3. Health effects of binge eating disorder symptoms

3.1. Weight gain and obesity If you regularly eat a lot of food in a short period of time, you may have binge eating disorder (BED). It can affect your health in many ways, but two of the main risks are weight gain and obesity. Two-thirds of people with binge eating disorder are prone to obesity, although average-sized people can also develop it.
Obesity can negatively affect the immune system making people more susceptible to disease-causing factors. Therefore, people who are overweight or obese are often more susceptible to diseases or infections, and infections often last longer and are more difficult to overcome than the average person. In addition, when the body's weight increases too much, it puts the bones and joints as well as the body's supporting framework under great pressure for a long time, so it can affect and cause many risks of diseases related to Osteoarthritis. And obese people often experience diseases such as osteoporosis, bone degeneration, bone pain... When the bone and joint injuries caused by obesity need to be closely monitored and treated promptly to avoid progression of the disease. become chronic and cause serious damage to the body.
In the case of excess weight gain in people with this symptom, the patient should make a goal to lose that extra weight. You can achieve a healthy weight with exercise, portion control, and smart food choices. But you may need a special program that also treats eating disorders, and your doctor can help you find the right one.
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3.2. Type 2 diabetes Overeating can lead to diabetes, in which your body cannot use the hormone insulin correctly. This will make your blood sugar more difficult to control. Over time, this condition progresses rapidly, affecting the vascular and nervous systems throughout the body. People with diabetes can experience complications related to the heart, eyes, kidneys, nerves, feet, blindness, or kidney failure or stroke and can even lead to death. seriously ill people. In addition, diabetics can also experience skin complications, infections as well as damage to the digestive system, hypoglycemia or coma due to ketoacidosis ...
For those who experience symptoms If you have diabetes, you should learn more about the disease. And good control of the patient's condition can help the disease improve and gradually bring the patient back to a safe state. To do this you'll need to monitor your blood sugar, eat a healthy diet, and get plenty of exercise. In case of need, you may need medication to control the disease, but should see a doctor to be prescribed the right medication.
3.3. Depression and Anxiety Binge-eating disorders often go hand-in-hand with mood problems. Doctors believe that many causes can lead to binge eating disorder. Therefore, there is no clear evidence to confirm that depression or anxiety causes symptoms of this disorder. But binge eaters often feel ashamed and guilty about their problems. Most try to hide this.
People with this symptom can practice eating nutritious foods, exercising, and implementing healthy habits. This can help people fight anxiety or depression. But treatment for binge eating disorder can also include meetings with a mental health professional, who can recommend talk therapy, antidepressants, or other medications that can help. Treatment of binge eating behavior.

3.4. Digestive system problems Persistent heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can also occur in people who overeat. These problems are often associated with weight gain and obesity. Therefore, there is no clear evidence to confirm that the symptoms of disorders related to the digestive system as well as obesity can be the cause affecting the symptoms of binge eating disorder.
In the case of digestive system-related symptoms such as: Unresolved heartburn can cause serious problems, including damage to the esophagus, the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach. See your doctor if you have this symptom twice a week or maybe more. Your doctor will examine you and may prescribe medication or refer you to another doctor who specializes in gastroenterology. For IBS, eating a healthy diet and reducing stress can benefit your health, but you may also need medication if directed by your doctor. determined.
3.5. Gallbladder disease Many health problems are associated with binge eating disorder symptoms including: obesity, high cholesterol, high triglycerides (fats in your blood), and weight gain or loss also increases risk of negative effects of your gallbladder. The gallbladder is like a small pouch under your liver. When the gallbladder is affected, conditions such as gallstones, accumulation of cholesterol or bile in the organ can occur.
Your doctor may remove gallstones surgically or your doctor may have to remove your gallbladder. Sometimes, in some mild cases of gallstones, your doctor can use prescription medication to dissolve the gallstones, but taking medication prescribed by your doctor will not be a long-term solution.
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3.6. Stroke and heart disease High blood pressure and high cholesterol are common with binge eating disorder, and its symptoms can increase your chances of having a stroke and heart disease. When your blood pressure stays too high for a long time, it strains your blood vessels. And high cholesterol can clog your arteries.
To reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases you can do: stop smoking, lose weight and exercise regularly to lower blood pressure. The same steps can lower your cholesterol, as can a diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Your doctor may also prescribe medication to keep your blood pressure and cholesterol readings low.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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