Is taking a lot of vitamin B5 good?

Vitamin B5 is a water-soluble vitamin, abundant in nature, but also very easily lost during processing. Vitamin B5 has many effects such as improving heart health, boosting hemoglobin levels, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving immunity. However, when taking vitamin B5 can also cause some side effects to health. So is taking a lot of vitamin B5 good?

1. Effects of vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin of the B group, which plays an important role in the human body. Some of the benefits of vitamin B5 include healthy skin, hair and eyes; make red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body; maintain the functioning of the nervous system, liver and gastrointestinal tract; as well as supporting the hormones in the adrenal glands. Vitamin B5 is an organic compound that the body cannot synthesize on its own, most of which is provided from the external environment with foods used daily. The deficiency of vitamin B5 will not cause serious but long-term consequences leading to diseases that cause health deterioration such as nausea, numbness in the hands and feet, low blood sugar, fatigue...
Vitamin B5 found Found in all living cells, it's found in many food groups like meat, eggs, whole grains, fresh vegetables and legumes, dairy... So the best way to make sure you're getting a good supply. Getting enough vitamin B5 is eating a healthy, balanced diet every day.
Watch now: How does Vitamin B5 work?

2. Is taking a lot of vitamin B5 good?

Vitamin B5 is normally taken orally. This vitamin is used to prevent or treat pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) deficiency. Currently, health foods containing vitamin B5 in oral form are also circulated on the market and used a lot.
According to research by the American Food and Nutrition Board (FNB), the maximum level of vitamin B5 that can cause adverse effects on the human body has not been established yet. about the toxicity of vitamin B5 if used in high doses.
The best time to use vitamin B5 is in the morning. The reason is because they can provide energy for the whole day. You should take vitamin B5 with a full glass of water after eating.

3. Side effects of vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is generally safe for human consumption and there are currently no reports of toxicity. However, side effects of vitamin B5 can also cause mild allergic reactions with clinical signs such as itching, gastrointestinal disturbances or diarrhea if used in doses greater than 10mg/day. However, these clinical signs are quite rare. When using oral vitamin B5 in low doses will not cause adverse effects on the body.
During use, if you encounter serious side effects of vitamin B5: severe allergic reactions (rash, hives, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, swelling of the mouth, face, lips or tongue) You need to contact and immediately go to medical facilities for timely support and proper treatment.
Watch now: Vitamin B5 is in which foods?

4. When to supplement vitamin B5?

The supplement of vitamin B5 is only necessary when your body encounters a deficiency of this vitamin. In addition, vitamin B5 can also be used to treat diseases. However, up to now, there is not enough evidence to confirm the effectiveness of vitamin B5 in the treatment of diseases.
In general, cases of vitamin B5 deficiency are quite rare, except for people who are malnourished, severely undernourished. When you have a vitamin B5 deficiency, you will not have too serious health problems. However, people who are already deficient in vitamin B5 will often also be deficient in other vitamins and nutrients.
Some clinical signs of vitamin B5 deficiency are:
Headache; Fatigue a lot; Or feel uncomfortable inside, angry, irritable; Weakened muscles; Having problems with digestion, stomach, intestines; These symptoms will disappear when the body is supplemented with enough vitamin B5.

5. How to effectively supplement vitamin B5?

Supplementing vitamin B5 with oral medications or functional foods is also effective. However, supplementation should only be done when you are advised by a qualified doctor.
5.1. Supplementing vitamin B5 with food Normally, if you do not have a nutritional deficiency or vitamin B5 deficiency, you just need to supplement it through the diet. This means using foods that contain vitamin B5 in every meal every day. This is the way to supplement vitamins in general and vitamin B5 supplements to bring the best and most natural results. Foods containing vitamin B5 are in most of the major daily food groups. Some foods can be mentioned as salmon; broccoli; beef liver and organ meats; cereal grains such as sunflower seeds, peas; yogurt and eggs.
5.2. Vitamin B5 supplements in the form of pills and functional foods The amount of vitamin B5 taken orally taken into the body has been studied and guided for use as follows:
From 0 to 6 months: 1.7 mg/day. From 7 to 12 months: 1.8 mg/day. From 1 to 3 years old: 2 mg/day. From 4 to 8 years old: 3 mg/day. From 9 to 13 years old: 4mg/day. Over 14 years old: 5mg/day. For pregnant women: 6 mg/day. For women who are breastfeeding: 7mg/day. You can use functional foods, vitamin B5 pills to take alone or with food. Taking vitamin B5 in pill form with food can limit stomach irritation. If you take more than the recommended amount of vitamin B5, you need to quickly go to the hospital for treatment.
The use of functional foods to supplement vitamin B5 will also bring certain effects to the body. The amount of vitamin B5 needed can also vary depending on the health status of the patient.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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