Persistent discomfort in the body: Don't take it lightly

Discomfort is a general expression for feeling unwell, sick or tired with no apparent cause. A person may feel this way due to transient non-serious problems. However, there are also people who are suffering from more serious and chronic medical conditions that require help and treatment.

1. What is the feeling of discomfort in the body?

Feeling uncomfortable in the body is generally a feeling of unwellness, a symptom, not a disease. Each patient tends to experience and describe discomfort in different ways, often related to factors such as discomfort, pain, depression, fatigue, or illness. These symptoms may appear suddenly or appear very slowly, or last long in different subjects.
Almost everyone experiences a feeling of fatigue and irritability, which can occur with insomnia, poor diet, overwork, or a cold. Feeling tired for a long time causes the body to lose energy, affecting the quality of life. The causes of uncomfortable symptoms can be mentioned as:
Anemia: the lack of blood will reduce the metabolism and oxygen supply to the cells, making the body always in a state of fatigue. , dizziness, lethargy, exhaustion and lack of energy. In addition, anemia can also lead to symptoms such as hair loss, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, ringing in the ears, cold hands and feet, and irregular heartbeat. frequent urination, hunger, weight loss and irritability, in which fatigue is the first and longest symptom. Body fatigue Adrenal insufficiency: also a condition that makes patients tired, weight loss, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea and hyperpigmentation of the skin Depression: is a mood disorder that affects patients. Feelings of sadness, fatigue, negative thoughts, if left untreated, can have serious consequences if left untreated. Chronic fatigue syndrome: is a form of disease that causes long-term fatigue of various degrees, making the patient always in a state of fatigue that does not improve despite rest. It plays an important role in brain health, metabolism and the immune system. The lack of B12 causes the organs in the body to work ineffectively, the body falls into a state of fatigue and moodiness. Due to respiratory diseases: diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections also make patients feel tired often, so do not be subjective when there are prolonged fatigue symptoms.

2. How long does the examination and diagnosis last?

It can be difficult to examine and diagnose persistent discomfort, because there are so many causes and people tend to experience and describe discomfort in different ways. When approaching these people, doctors need to take a full medical history, including:
Eating and exercising habits Sleeping habits Drug or alcohol use Prescription or over-the-counter drugs Money Family history and other symptoms In some cases, the cause of a patient's discomfort is temporary and does not require medical treatment, such as:
Change of time zone Overwhelming colds and flus If these problems are severe enough to interfere with daily activities or have any additional symptoms, the person should see a doctor for more effective treatment.

3. Discomfort treatments

Actually the treatment of discomfort depends on the cause, if it is the result of a medical problem then addressing the condition can make the patient more comfortable. People who experience fatigue may be encouraged to use substances such as caffeine or modafinil. These medications may provide short-term relief of fatigue and discomfort, but are not a long-term solution.
To really completely solve the problem of long-term discomfort, people with fatigue need to be physically active more often, build a suitable diet to improve health. Some cases of irritability are characterized by feelings of depression, which can be improved with antidepressant medications or cognitive behavioral therapy. However, all should be supervised by a specialist for better treatment monitoring and adjustment.
Hopefully with the above sharing, you have understood more about fatigue and have a way to overcome it to keep your body full of energy.
In case of prolonged fatigue, you should go to medical facilities to be checked by a doctor, in order to have appropriate advice about your current condition.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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