Physical barriers

Exercise improves health is something that everyone is aware of. However, physical barriers always affect motivation to exercise and can cause the practitioner to lose perseverance. The following are common physical barriers you need to overcome in order to perform strength training.

1. Overcoming the physical barrier of time

To be able to schedule time for exercise, you need to overcome physical barriers. At the same time, trainees need to learn how to be flexible with their work and daily life. To overcome the time barrier, you can apply some of the following ideas:
Short walk Walking a long distance can take up too much of your time. However, that will be solved when you choose a short travel route that suits your time budget. You can break down the time of day to walk so that when summarizing the whole day, the time is 30 minutes. This needs to be maintained regularly weekly, monthly... or longer to ensure the quality of training.
Wake up a little earlier than usual If you are too busy to find time in the day for physical activity, you should not be too worried. Every day we need to spend 30 minutes and you can wake up earlier than usual to exercise. At first, this will be quite difficult, but after a while you get used to it, you will find this is an effective solution.
Reduce time next to the car to walk more We should not be lazy to walk when there are means of transportation. The fact that you park your car at a far distance or go to nearby places without a car will be a form of practice. As a result, your body will be relaxed while simultaneously improving muscle strength.
Change some plans On weekends, we often go on a date or take the little ones for a walk. You can make small changes during that trip to incorporate your workouts. A picnic by bike or walking tour will be what you need at this time.

2. Trainers are not interested in exercises

Do not repeat the exercises every day, you will find them boring and lose motivation to practice. Eventually, boredom creates a physical barrier that makes you want to give up. Change your practice space or change the exercise to keep it interesting.
You can change the sequence of exercises to improve the feeling. Also if you are bored with practice every day try competition. Competing with achievements will motivate you much more.

3. Pay attention to the body, not the body

There are some subjects who only perform exercises to lose weight. However, exercise is a form of helping you improve your health and repel disease. Especially cardiovascular health will be significantly improved when you have the right exercises.
You don't need to pay attention to what others or the crowd see, but pay attention to yourself to increase your motivation to practice. When the exercises bring the effect of your health better, your body becomes more and more beautiful, you will be confident and full of energy.
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4. Tired and stressed after a long day at work

For people who are busy working all day, they seem to run out of energy to participate in exercises that require muscle strength. Our work life is like a cycle and there are only 24 hours in a day. Therefore, you can practice in the morning, break for lunch... Consider what time you see fit to avoid forcing your body to exercise too much.

5. Can't conquer lazy consciousness

When we plan the exercises, the sense of laziness inside immediately extinguishes. The more body fat we have, the more laziness tends to increase. Therefore, creating appropriate goals will help your brain create more confidence and motivation to exercise. Physical training needs to be taken seriously as well as the contracts you do every day and must be committed to ensuring results for training like work.

6. You are not good at sports

Today, there are many people who are not strong in any sport. Some are not even excited so they can't achieve the effect when practicing. We train to strengthen our muscles, not to become athletes. Therefore, your achievements will be limited but enough to improve your brain and energy for learning and working activities.

7. Failed on past exercises

Most of us have the mentality of giving up when we fail. The brain always sends out negative information if it doesn't get good results. But failing to overcome the physical barrier puts you at increased risk of diabetes, blood pressure, and heart disease.
Therefore, even if you have failed, but if you try and persevere, you will definitely achieve success. Create a small, achievable goal that is easy for you to achieve. When you achieve the goals that you set for yourself, you will be more motivated to practice. Whenever you feel down, ask yourself why you want to exercise. Questions will help solve this problem quite well.

8. The cost of practicing at the centers is beyond financial means

Reasons for financial strength are often quite common and are the main reason for creating physical barriers. However, with the explosion of technology, you don't need to focus at all to practice. You can research online to choose a suitable exercise for yourself.
Another way is to invite friends to exercise together or go for a walk to improve muscle strength together. Having friends will increase your awareness of exercise as well as paying to go to clubs or sports centers. In addition, some localities also offer lower-paying health-enhancing entertainment services for you to easily join.

9. Fear of personal accidents when practicing

Injuries during practice are hard to avoid even for experienced athletes. But that's not a good reason but a barrier that keeps you from practicing. Accidents usually only happen when you exercise in the wrong way and do not follow the original requirements of the exercise.
To minimize the risks when practicing, you can slowly perform the movements. If you are new to this approach, please consult an experienced teacher or person so that they can point out easy mistakes to make during practice.
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10. Lack of spiritual encouragement from loved ones

When performing exercises, mental health is always the first thing that needs attention and that too is always forgotten. If you are prompted by someone to push you, maybe this problem will be improved for the better. A little encouragement from a loved one will motivate you in all areas, not just physical exercises.
We have a lot of physical barriers to overcome motivation to exercise. At the same time, there are many reasons to overcome all those barriers. The biggest problem lies with each of us, not any factors that affect it. When you really achieve determination, all problems will be solved and the results achieved will surprise you.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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