Quit Smoking: What to do when cravings?

Surely many people in the process of quitting smoking have encountered many times when they want to smoke and want to smoke again. In fact, giving up the habit of smoking is not as difficult as you think, just determination and application of the right method will help you quit smoking successfully. So what to do when you have a cigarette craving? Let's find out right away through useful tips from experts in the following content!

1. Health risks associated with regular smoking habits Smoking is one of the main factors leading to negative effects on organs in the body, such as bladder and lungs. , colon, blood, esophagus, kidney, liver, nasopharynx, stomach, pancreas and cervix. Because of this, the habit of regular smoking can cause a host of serious health risks, including:
Lung disease, such as bronchitis or emphysema. Cardiovascular disease or stroke. Tuberculosis and flu. Cataracts or other vision problems. Causes premature development of wrinkles on the skin, causing premature aging of the skin. Gum disease, tooth decay or yellow teeth. Osteoporosis, which increases the risk of bone density loss and fractures. Diabetes, high blood pressure,... It can be seen that smoking is a "silent killer", which can affect anyone, especially young children, pregnant women and the elderly. year old. Therefore, it is essential to give up the habit of smoking early, to help prevent these health risks, and at the same time to protect the surrounding community.
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2. What do you need to do when you have a cigarette craving? Many people who are in the process of quitting smoking can have cravings and easily lead to smoking again. This is due to the nicotine in cigarettes – a substance that is addictive to both the body and mind of the user. However, you need to try to overcome the cravings for cigarettes because they usually go away in just a few minutes. Here are the things you should do every time you have a craving, including:
2.1. Remember your reasons for quitting Smoking Protecting your heart health is a good reason to give up smoking. In addition, there are many other factors that help create motivation for you to quit smoking, such as the health of your family or simply saving money.
Whenever you have a craving for a cigarette, keep in mind the reasons that motivate you to quit smoking. You can tell yourself or write them down in a notebook or diary to remind you when you feel the urge to smoke.
2.2. Inhale and exhale You will feel more relief when you have a cigarette craving through slow and deep breathing exercises. Focus on your breathing so that the air can go in and out of your lungs easily. Not only will this help ease your mind, but it will also quickly deal with cravings.
You should inhale through your nose slowly for 4 seconds so that the abdomen feels like it is expanding. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth. Continue repeating this breathing exercise over and over for a few minutes until the urge to smoke lessens or goes away.

2.3. Exercise or be more physically active Many people wonder what to do when craving a cigarette and how to quit smoking successfully? According to expert recommendations, people who are in the process of quitting smoking should exercise or be physically active regularly. This positive habit not only promotes health, but also reduces triggers for smoking behavior, such as restlessness, boredom or stress.
In addition, exercise is also an effective measure to help increase the chemicals that have the same ability to improve mood in the brain as nicotine. You can walk around the house or do yoga or bike rides to suppress your cigarette cravings. However, before doing any exercise, you should discuss specifically with your doctor to avoid risks to your heart health.
2.4. Chewing Gum Another way to get rid of the urge to smoke quickly is to chew gum. You can choose sugar-free lollipops, mints or chewing gum whenever you feel like smoking. Chewing gum can help relax your mind, reduce stress, and distract from cravings for cigarettes.
2.5. Stay away from places that tempt you to smoke Sometimes being in an environment with a lot of smokers makes it easier to get back into your smoking habit. Ideally, you should avoid such temptations by going to public places, such as walking in the mall, reading at the library, watching a movie, or visiting a museum. This will help distract you from the urge to smoke and stop thinking about it.
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2.6. Try Some Alternative Therapies or Prescription Nicotine Replacement Therapy can help you reduce your cravings to smoke and your withdrawal symptoms. This therapy typically gives you a small dose of nicotine that doesn't contain the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes to help double your chances of successfully quitting. Nicotine replacement therapy usually comes in the form of patches, lozenges, or gum, which you can easily buy without a prescription at retail pharmacies.
Alternatively, you can also use prescription drugs such as varenicline (Chantix) and bupropion (Zyban) to increase the likelihood of successful smoking cessation. You can consult a specialist to find the drug that is best for you.
2.7. Getting support from others in the process of quitting smoking In fact, quitting smoking is a difficult thing for many people. However, the road to smoking cessation will be shortened with the companionship and help from those around.
You can turn to a friend or family member whenever the urge to smoke hits. There are also a number of quit smoking support groups in the community that can give you great ideas for getting through tough cravings.

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Reference source: webmd.com

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