Reduce stress for better sleep

Stress is the body's natural self-protective response, however chronic stress or chronic anxiety can have long-term health effects including not getting a good night's sleep or staying up all night . So how to reduce stress to sleep well?

1. What is the link between stress and insomnia?

Stress is a response to adverse circumstances and challenges and is a reaction that often occurs in everyday life. Stress affects us both physically and mentally. The right level of stress can be a positive motivator to help us do our best, keeping alert and energized. However, if stress, too much pressure can affect sleep.
According to sleep experts, stress and insomnia are closely linked. When you're experiencing pain, tend to be anxious, or are facing difficult life situations, your body releases more stress hormones than usual and keeps you awake. The effect is cyclical and entails prolonged insomnia.
Watch now: How to fall asleep with mindfulness techniques

2. Method to reduce stress to sleep well?

Insomnia is one of the common manifestations of stress, but prolonged sleep loss will seriously affect your health. So are there methods to reduce stress to sleep well? Currently, there are many stress reduction strategies to sleep well. Some people use only one or two of the relaxation methods while others practice a combination of them. Some methods to help relax, reduce stress to sleep well include:
giảm stress ngủ ngon
Thiền giúp giảm stress ngủ ngon

2.1. Meditation

Meditation is a method of mind and body practice with focusing attention and eliminating thoughts that make you sad and is also considered a "medicine" for people with insomnia. The process of meditation helps you to restore calmness and peace of mind. There are several common types of meditation, including:
Mindfulness: This is the process of observing feelings, thoughts, and emotions as they pass, without judgment. An important part of mindfulness meditation is focusing your attention on the present moment and eliminating wandering thoughts. If you are just starting to meditate, this may seem difficult, but after practice, everything will become easier. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to reduce stress and promote sleep in adults. Body Scan Meditation: Body Scan Meditation is a technique of slowly focusing on parts of the body to observe and look for feelings of pain, tension or anything out of the ordinary. body. You can systematically focus from head to toe or randomly scan body parts to make contact with the floor. Let your attention be fully focused on the body. During full body scanning meditation, there are times when your thoughts gradually lose focus, this is completely normal. At that point, gently bring your mind back to where it was scanned before and move on. After completing the full body scan, slowly release your focus and bring your mind back into the room. Guided Meditation: When a person is verbally guided through a meditative experience and directed to visualize a retreat position. These guided meditations may include music and nature sounds to help you relax. You can find guided meditations on many popular apps, including youtube. Meditation can be done at any time before bed, and can also be done at night if you find yourself unable to relax to fall asleep.

2.2.Breathe deeply

Deep breathing can be another part of meditation and it is also a relaxation technique that you can use at any time with the goal of regulating slow, even, and deep breathing. There are many practices for deep breathing, including the 4-7-8 method and the lion's breath. The execution sequence is very simple. Start by placing your hands on your stomach and inhaling slowly. When you feel your stomach stretch, hold your breath for a moment, then exhale slowly. Practice methods can incorporate counting breaths and adjusting the length of time you hold your breath before exhaling.

2.3. Biofeedback therapy

Biofeedback therapy is the use of an electronic device to help patients learn to control body functions. These devices provide information about bodily functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle activity. When the patient is stressed, these parameters will change, biofeedback therapists will base on that to instruct the patient in some relaxation exercises to help manage stress and reduce stress for a good night's sleep.
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3. Some other support methods to help you sleep well

How to sleep well is something that anyone who has ever suffered from insomnia wants to find an answer. While the relaxation techniques mentioned above can be incorporated into your nighttime routine, you can also consider some other complementary methods to get a good night's sleep. Specifically:
Create a good sleeping environment: you should consider assessing your sleeping environment for possible stressors. To reduce stress, get a good night's sleep, create a dark sleep environment with little noise. Limit alcohol and caffeine as both can affect your ability to get a good night's sleep. Drinking too much alcohol can also affect how the body deals with stress. A warm bath can not only help you relax and reduce stress, but also lower your body temperature, helping you fall asleep faster. Avoid exposure to blue light before bed, as light from electronic devices including phones, computers and TVs can interfere with your circadian rhythm. Experts recommend putting these devices aside for a few hours before you go to bed. Make a habit of journaling. Writing down your thoughts and worries can help keep you open to addressing them. Keep a bedside journal so you can write down any anxiety that may arise in the moments before bed. Writing down a to-do list for the next day can also help you go to bed earlier. In addition to relaxation techniques and nighttime routines, there are activities you can do during the day that help reduce stress for a good night's sleep. Example:
Exercise: In addition to other health benefits, daytime exercise is associated with better sleep in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. Wake up on time even on weekends: Research shows that a consistent wake time is an important component of ensuring you get a good night's sleep. As such, managing stress is very important in improving your physical and mental health. Regular practice of relaxation techniques can help in the long run, however, it is important to remember that relaxation techniques are not a substitute for taking care of your health if there are medical problems. . If you are unable to manage and improve persistent insomnia, seek medical advice and support.
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