Should I brush my teeth before or after breakfast?

Brushing teeth in the morning helps remove bacteria in the mouth, creates a protective layer on the teeth and stimulates saliva production. Should I brush my teeth before breakfast or after breakfast?

1. Should I brush my teeth before breakfast?

The process of salivation helps wash away food particles to keep the mouth clean. In addition, saliva also contains cells that fight bacteria and infections, and is even a source of protein and minerals that help protect teeth from decay.
However, during sleep, the production of saliva will be slowed down, leading to an increase in the amount of bacteria in the mouth. This is why you wake up every morning with an unpleasant taste and bad breath.
Besides, these bacteria are also involved in the conversion of sugars and carbohydrates into acids that attack the gums and tooth enamel, leading to gingivitis and tooth decay. Therefore, brushing before breakfast not only helps to remove plaque and bacteria on teeth, but also helps to coat enamel with a protective layer against acids in food.
In addition, brushing teeth before breakfast is also an effective way to stimulate saliva production. Research shows that after brushing your teeth, the amount of saliva secreted in the mouth can skyrocket for 5 minutes. This is very beneficial because saliva will help break down food and kill harmful bacteria in the mouth naturally.
Therefore, you should brush your teeth at least 2 minutes before breakfast with a fluoride toothpaste. After breakfast, you can rinse your mouth with water to remove any remaining food debris. In addition, rinsing with water after meals also reduces the effect of acids on teeth, thereby neutralizing the pH in the oral cavity back to normal levels faster.

2. Can I brush my teeth after breakfast?

In fact, many people have a habit of brushing their teeth after breakfast because they are uncomfortable with the fluoride taste in their mouth or fear that rinsing their mouth after eating cannot remove all the leftovers of the morning.
After brushing your teeth after breakfast, there is a risk that your teeth will be covered with acidic foods, which will weaken the enamel of your teeth, leading to tooth decay. Some typical types that can cause this problem are:
Juice, especially orange juice Citrus fruits Dried fruit Bread Pastries To avoid this, it is best not to do this. Brush your teeth right after a meal, but wait at least 30 minutes for saliva to have time to restore the enamel mineral layer. To clean your teeth after a meal, you can chew sugar-free gum.
đánh răng sau bữa sáng
Đánh răng sau bữa sáng là thói quen của nhiều người hiện nay

3. Tips for brushing your teeth in the morning

Brushing teeth is a simple and easy thing to do, but not everyone knows how to do it properly. Refer to the tips below to make brushing your teeth more effective in the morning.
3.1. Do not brush your teeth too long or too fast. If you brush your teeth in a hurry, in a hurry, less than 1 minute, or if you do not brush your teeth to remove all the leftover food, you will not be able to clean your teeth. There will still be plaque in the teeth that can be harmful to lead to tooth decay.
On the other hand, you should not brush too much, too hard or too long because this will easily damage the enamel. Accordingly, you should brush your teeth according to the 3/3/3 rule: Brush your teeth 3 times a day, brush all 3 sides before, inside and behind your teeth, brushing time should not exceed 3 minutes.
3.2. Gargling after brushing your mouth is an indispensable thing to support strong oral protection and prevent gum and gum diseases. You should rinse your mouth after brushing to improve oral hygiene. In addition, choosing a mouthwash product suitable for use requirements or using physiological saline is enough to clean the oral cavity.
3.3. Brush your teeth at least twice a day Brushing your teeth before breakfast is essential, but brushing at night is considered more important. After eating the last meal of the day, teeth will often have a lot of plaque. Brushing your teeth before going to bed is the best way to clean plaque and keep your teeth clean. Try to brush your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed. These are 2 important oral care times that cannot be ignored if you want to have strong, shiny teeth and bad breath.
In fact, personal preference will determine the brushing habits for each person. Therefore, whether you choose to brush your teeth before breakfast or after eating, do not forget to follow the above notes to maintain the best oral health.
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