Should I shave my tongue every day?

On the surface of the tongue there is a thin white or yellow layer, usually caused by food and drink. Shaving your tongue will help you remove this layer quickly. But is tongue scraping good and how should it be done? Let's learn this through the article below.

1. What is tongue scraping?

Tongue scraping is a method of using a specialized tool or toothbrush to remove excess food, dead cells, and bacteria from the surface of the tongue.
Done properly, tongue scraping will bring a lot of value to oral and body health..

2. Is tongue scraping good?

Tongue scraping is one of the important steps when it comes to clean oral care. Because on the surface of the tongue is a place for bacteria to grow and multiply. On the surface of the tongue, there are not only tiny taste particles that help bacteria stay, but also food and dead cells that cause bad odors in the mouth, creating conditions for pathogenic microorganisms to grow.
That's why oral health experts always advise us to shave our tongue and take care of our teeth. The benefits of tongue scraping can include:
Helps significantly reduce bacteria in the mouth from hard to reach toothbrush places; Reduce bad breath: Although tongue scraping is not a substitute for brushing your teeth, researchers have found that tongue scraping effectively eliminates bacteria that cause bad breath; Increase the aesthetics of the tongue: If you have just eaten or drank colored foods, the tongue scraping will remove the stains on your tongue; Increase food perception: Removing buildup from the surface of the tongue will help food catalyze better with more taste buds, so you can enjoy delicious food flavors; Brings a more refreshing feeling: Tongue scraping is a way to clean the throat and tongue, so it will give you a more refreshing feeling; Minimize dental problems: Regular tongue cleaning makes the health of teeth and gums in general better. Thanks to the removal of bacteria and toxins that cause oral problems such as periodontitis, tooth decay, pulpitis, tooth loss, gum it will limit dental diseases. Improves Digestive Health: Tongue scraping also triggers increased saliva production. The yeast in saliva mixes with food to help promote better digestion. The great benefits of tongue scraping are only guaranteed when you do it right. If done wrong, it can also cause some consequences as follows:
Damage to the taste buds on the surface of the tongue causing you to lose taste, burning tongue, tongue heat and loss of appetite; Brushing your tongue too deeply in the lower throat makes you more likely to experience nausea and vomiting; Doing too much can cause the tongue to bleed; People who are suffering from dental disease, if they scrape their tongue too much, it can cause damage to the tongue and superinfection.

3. Should I shave my tongue every day?

It can be said that tongue scraping is recommended as a routine oral care measure. Therefore, you should do it daily for best results.
The most suitable frequency for tongue scraping is 1 to 2 times per day, in the morning and at night before going to bed.
You should not abuse tongue scraping too many times a day, because it can't make the mouth or tongue smell bad immediately, but it needs to be combined with brushing and rinsing, then the bad breath will gradually fade away. improve.
In cases where the tongue moss is too thick, do not try to scrape or remove it immediately. Because if the tongue moss is too thick, it could be caused by a certain disease such as an infection, you should pay attention to other signs and visit a doctor to know the cause.

4. How to properly shave your tongue?

Is tongue scraping good or not depends a lot on technique, doing it right will bring the best effect. Here's how to properly shave your tongue:
Step 1: Choose the right tongue scraper. Adults and children have different tools, so it's important to choose the right type for your age. Make sure the tongue scraper needs to be clean, firm in hand, compact, with a soft shaving head to avoid hurting the tongue; Step 2: Proceed to tongue scraping: Open your mouth, bring your tongue out as much as possible, then put the tongue scraper into your mouth, start brushing your tongue from the inside out gently, in turn. from left to right so that the top of the tongue is completely covered. Step 3: Clean the tongue scraper by rinsing it under clean running water to remove plaque and bacteria. Then continue brushing your tongue again. Step 4: Next, bend your tongue up, continue to gently brush the underside of your tongue. Finally, the upper cleft palate of the oral cavity. The movement is not rough, it should be done gently to avoid damage to the oral mucosa and tongue; Step 5: After scraping the tongue, you should not swallow but use physiological saline or mouthwash to wash away the residue that has been removed. Gargle again to clean the mouth; Step 6: Finally, you wash the tongue scraper again with soap, then dry it and store it in the box for the next time. Take care to avoid contaminating the tongue scraper. You should follow the correct procedure to get the best results.

5. Things to pay attention to when shaving your tongue

When performing tongue scraping, you should note that:
Should shave your tongue after brushing your teeth; Do not shave your tongue too many times a day; Bleeding tongue scraping is one of the common accidents caused by too strong an impact or some problems in the oral cavity. At that time, you should stop scraping your tongue for a few days, so that the tongue can recover; Carefully read the instructions for the use of tongue scrapers; Tongue scraping is just one step that shouldn't be skipped when cleaning your oral cavity. But it is no substitute for daily brushing. So you still need to brush your teeth in combination with proper tongue scraping to achieve the best effect; It is best to clean the tongue with specialized tools. But you can also use it with a toothbrush, so choose one with soft bristles to avoid damaging your tongue and oral cavity. Hopefully, through this article, you have understood whether you should shave your tongue every day and how to do it to minimize the risk of tongue damage. In case the tongue scraping steps are done properly and the bleeding of the tongue still occurs, you should go to a medical facility to examine and find out the cause.

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