Sleep disturbance due to shift work

Sleep disorders because of shift work affect the health of many people today, especially night jobs. Insomnia due to shift work often causes us to lose sleep or become excessively sleepy. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to improve this situation to improve the patient's health.

1. Sleep disturbance due to shift work

Shift work sleep disorder is a common form of sleep disorder that affects people who work in an environment with out-of-office hours. Work schedules often go against the biological clock of many people, causing difficulties in adjusting the time to go to bed and wake up. Since then, the difference in the body's circadian rhythms with working hours can lead to some abnormal conditions such as insomnia due to shift work, poor sleep, involuntary sleep...
Common symptoms of this sleep disorder is difficulty falling asleep and excessive sleepiness. Other symptoms that may be experienced include difficulty concentrating, headaches or lack of energy to carry out daily activities. Not all shift workers suffer from this sleep disorder, but it is estimated that 10%-40% of shift workers will experience it.
Some undesirable consequences can affect health, life and work if a sleep disorder is caused by shift work such as accidents and work-related errors, discomfort and experiencing mood problems, poor problem-solving skills, and impaired social functioning. Signs of health problems will appear such as digestive, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, dependence on drugs, alcohol...
rối loạn giấc ngủ vì làm việc theo ca
Rối loạn giấc ngủ vì làm việc theo ca là một dạng rối loạn giấc ngủ phổ biến

2. Shift work is harmful to health

Most shift workers only sleep 1 – 4 hours a day, so shift work is an inevitable consequence, as for adults, sleeping at least 7 – 9 hours Every day is extremely important and necessary to help the organs in the body function at its best. For this reason, to ensure their health, shift workers need to prioritize their sleep, and have to change their lifestyle to prepare for sleeping more hours even during the day. To implement this plan, some methods can be applied as follows:
Limit your exposure to light on the way home from night shifts to avoid the situation that sunlight during the day can cause problems. It can be a signal for the body's biological clock to perform activities during the day, which interferes with falling asleep. Follow a bedtime routine and try to keep a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends and days off work. If you're living with family and friends, you need support to keep a quiet, low-light, and peaceful space during sleep. If your loved one has a hobby of explaining watching TV, you can suggest wearing headphones to avoid making noise. Encourage everyone in the home not to vacuum, wash dishes, or do other noisy activities during sleep time. You can put a do not disturb notification at the front door to prevent knocking or ringing the doorbell. Sleep disorder because of shift work, although not a life-threatening medical condition, but if it happens for a long time, it will make the body extremely tired, lack of energy and also lose energy. lead to many other diseases. Therefore, as soon as there are suspicious signs, you should consult a doctor for examination and advice on how to overcome.
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