The benefits of extended push-ups and how to do them

Wide Push-Ups are a simple and effective way to strengthen your upper body and abs. If you have mastered the basic push-ups and want to challenge yourself higher, the extended push-up is the best choice.

By placing your hands further apart, the extension push-up will focus on the chest and shoulder muscles more than the regular push-up. To do this move, you also don't need to prepare any additional equipment, which means you can do it anywhere and anytime you want. This article will provide the benefits of extended push-ups and how to do them in detail.

1. Benefits of Extended Push-ups

According to the American Council on Sports Medicine, extension pushups can increase strength and endurance in muscles, specifically in the following areas:
Chest (Pectoralis) Shoulders (Anterior deltoid - Anterior) deltoid ) Biceps (triceps, triceps - Triceps) A study from 2016 showed that push-ups with a wider hand position can also make the Serratus anterior muscle stronger than with regular push-ups. This is an often overlooked muscle area but plays an important role in lengthening the upper ribs, helping you move your arms and shoulders, and supporting the muscles in your neck and back.
According to the Mayo Clinic, wide-arm push-ups are also an effective abdominal stabilizing exercise. Strong abs can improve balance and stability, help protect your back from injury, and make movements easier.
In addition, according to many fitness experts, changing hand positions not only brings variety to the training program, but also allows you to combine with a variety of other movements, thereby reducing the risk of injury. injury from overuse of the wrist.
SEE ALSO: Instructions on how to properly and effectively push up

2. Instructions on how to do push-ups and push-ups

Similar to all other exercises, it is important to practice correct posture and correct technique. This is the only way to ensure results and reduce the risk of injury. To properly perform extended push-ups, keep these points in mind:
Keep your shoulders, spine and hips in a straight line. Straighten your spine to keep your back straight. Make sure your hips don't sag or turn upward during the exercise. Maintain a straight line of sight on the floor while the neck remains balanced. Squeeze your glutes and glutes as you perform the exercise. When you're ready, follow these instructions:
Start in Plank position. Hands placed wider than shoulders. Point your fingers forward or slightly outward. Slowly bend your elbows to the sides as you lower your body toward the floor. Pause when your chest is just below your elbows. Squeeze your abs as you use force to lift your body back to the starting position. Do 1-3 sets, each set of 8 to 15 repetitions. If your upper body muscles are strong enough, you can do 3-4 sets of 20-30 repetitions. It is important to start slowly and gradually increase the number of repetitions as your body gets used to the open push-up.
SEE ALSO: At-home push-up instructions for beginners
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3. Notes to practice push-ups safely

A good warm-up is required before doing a series of extended push-ups. You can do some stretching, such as rotating your wrist or arm, to warm up and relax. Do extended push-ups with caution, especially if you have any injuries or have had injuries in the past. Pay special attention to shoulder, back or wrist injuries. If you're not sure if extended pushups are safe for you, talk to your doctor, physical therapist, or personal trainer before trying them. To avoid muscle strain, don't try to over-exercise. Stop exercising immediately if there are signs of pain. Besides, you can avoid injuries by cross-training or switching to exercises that target other muscle groups.

4. Some Extension Push-ups

4.1. Easiest Variation

If you are a beginner, you can try doing this exercise with your knees bent instead of straightening your legs. This way you can pay attention to your posture and easily adjust your shoulders, back, and hips accordingly. Once you're in the right position and familiar with the movement, you can move on to a regular extended push-up.

4.2. Push-ups are more difficult

To do a more difficult version of the extended push-up, try one of the following:
Place your feet on a high surface (bench, step, or hard box). Place one foot on the basketball or volleyball and the other on the floor. Place both feet on a ball. Place a weight plate on your back. Another option is to try Staggered-hand Push-ups by placing one hand in the usual shoulder-width position and the other at the upper abdomen. The middle chest will be affected more at the hand to shoulder level, the lower chest will be affected on the other hand.
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5. How to incorporate push-ups into your daily workout routine?

Extended push-ups are a versatile and easy to put together exercise. You can do them:
As part of a warm-up exercise, after doing stretches. Combine with cardio or strength training at the end of a weight training session. Maintain open push-ups 3-4 times per week, allowing your body to rest for at least 1 day between workouts to repair muscles. Practicing the right technique and correct posture is more important than how many push-ups you can do. The advice is that you should do less push-ups with correct posture than repeat many times with incorrect posture.
Extended push-ups are an advanced upper body workout that targets the muscles in the chest, shoulders, and upper arms. This push-up variation can also help build abs strength and help protect your back. Combining extended pushups with standard pushups is also a good choice for preventing strain injuries. Be slow and patient in the process of improving physical strength and physical endurance, and you will achieve the results you want.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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