What are the uses of thyme essential oil?

Thyme is grown in many parts of the world, besides its role as a cooking ingredient, thyme is mainly used to make essential oils. So what is the effect of thyme essential oil and what should you pay attention to when using thyme essential oil?

1. What is thyme essential oil?

Thyme has the scientific name Thymus vulgaris, this is a plant widely used in decoration, cuisine and medicine. This grass is native to southern Europe to southern Italy, now they are spread all over the world and are very popular in Germany, France, Italy... In thyme, there are 3 components. Thymol, Carvacrol and Eugenol are substances that have many beneficial effects on human health.
Thyme essential oil is extracted from thyme, mainly from the stem and leaves, especially the leaves contain a lot of essential oils. The way to make thyme essential oil is very simple, you take the leaves and flowers, wash them, add 2 cups of olive oil, cooking utensils, a filter and a dark glass bottle for storage. The steps to make thyme essential oil are as follows:
Step 1: Pour 2 cups of olive oil into the previously prepared thyme Step 2: Put all the above mixture in a saucepan and simmer, when boiling, adjust keep warm when boiling for 6 hours Step 3: Wait to cool and filter the oil mixture Step 4: Put thyme essential oil in a small glass bottle and store in a dark place.
Tinh dầu xạ hương được chiết xuất từ cỏ xạ hương, chủ yếu từ phần thân và lá
Tinh dầu xạ hương được chiết xuất từ cỏ xạ hương, chủ yếu từ phần thân và lá.

2. What is the effect of thyme essential oil?

According to experts, thyme essential oil contains a lot of antioxidants and has many positive effects on health. Here are 6 effects that thyme essential oil brings:
What does thyme essential oil do? Antiseptic properties In thyme essential oil has two components, Caryophyllene and camphene, both of which have high antiseptic properties, so when using essential oils, it will help limit the occurrence of infections, especially intestinal infections. genitals and urethra, internal worm infections.
Using musk essential oil will speed up wound healing and limit infection.
Treatment of some respiratory diseases When you have a cold or cough, you can use thyme essential oil, because they have the ability to relieve airway obstruction, improve infection...
Protect teeth Mouth Regularly using musk essential oil helps you improve oral conditions such as gingivitis, plaque, bad breath, tooth decay, because they have an antiseptic effect, killing germs in the mouth naturally.
Skin care If you wonder, what is the effect of thyme essential oil? Skin care is one of the outstanding uses of this essential oil. Using musk essential oil has the effect of protecting the skin from harmful bacteria and fungi, and can also be used to overcome a number of conditions such as acne, burns, rashes, treatment of diseases. eczema, support to reverse aging, make your skin brighter and healthier.
Hormonal balance Progesterone in the female body is very low and can cause an imbalance of other hormones in the body. Meanwhile, musk essential oil has estradiol and progesterone bonds to help balance natural hormones in the body. Besides, thyme essential oil also helps to reduce menopausal symptoms, balance hormone levels...
Reduce stress, stress Using essential oils is a way to help reduce stress, stress is well known and known to many people. have a certain effect when used. If you feel tired, anxious or unable to calm down, you can burn a little musk essential oil, the aroma from the oil will help relax the body, help the mind relax and eliminate stress effectively.
căng thẳng làm việc
Tinh dầu xạ hương có tác dụng giảm stress, căng thẳng

3. Notes when using thyme essential oil

Although thyme essential oil has many uses for health, to use essential oil effectively and safely, you need to pay attention to the following issues:
If you have sensitive, easily irritated skin, The first time you use musk essential oil, test two drops on the back of your hand or wrist and watch your body react for 12 hours. If the body does not have an allergic reaction, you can use thyme essential oil, but if an allergy occurs, you should not use them to avoid causing adverse health effects. Thyme essential oil should not be used by people with high blood pressure or epilepsy. Musk should not be used near the eyes, as they can cause irritation of the mucous membranes. Pregnant women should not use thyme essential oil, because the amount of blood in the pelvic cavity can be stimulated, affecting the fetus. It is recommended to buy thyme essential oil at reputable, branded production and supply facilities because there are many places on the market that sell fake essential oils or add other potentially dangerous chemicals. hazardous. If you are inexperienced, you should not use musk essential oil directly on your skin, but dilute it with a carrier oil to ensure safety for you and your loved ones. Do not add essential oils directly to bath water, thyme essential oil can oxidize over time and cause irritation, so you should not use essential oils that are too old or are not stored properly. Thyme essential oil for the elderly or children, essential oils are quite flammable, so you need to keep them away from sources of explosive heat. Thyme essential oil, if used properly, is very good for the health of the user, so before using any essential oil in general and thyme essential oil in particular, you need to learn carefully about its functions. and how to use them to achieve high efficiency when using.

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