Why can you eat and sleep but not gain weight?

Many people eat and sleep but do not gain weight. However, the difficulty of these cases is that they want to gain weight but fall into situations where it is difficult for their body to gain weight even though they have eaten a lot and have enough nutrients. The cause may be due to physical or intestinal disease that makes it difficult to absorb nutrients from food to feed the body.
There are many people who eat less but still gain weight, while there are also many people who eat a lot but are not fat. Determining the exact cause of overeating without fat to have an effective remedy.
People who eat and sleep but do not gain weight may be due to the following reasons:

1. Poor absorption

Malabsorption is a condition in which food is loaded into the body, but the nutrients in the food are not fully absorbed by the intestinal tract, but excreted. This makes the body thin, weak, pale. Because malabsorption is not an isolated disease, the cause can be difficult to pinpoint. Some medical conditions or conditions that can lead to malabsorption include:
Dietary nutrient deficiencies. An excess of the membrane that covers the intestinal lining. Imbalance of the microbiota in the intestinal tract. Diseases involving the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. Diseases of the digestive tract such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, regional enteritis (Crohn's disease), appendicitis. Allergies to foods. Lactose intolerance disorder. Intestinal parasitic infections such as helminths, amoeba... Excessive use of alcohol or laxatives, antacids... Digestive disorders such as constipation or prolonged diarrhea. The treatment methods carried out on the intestines: Radiation therapy, surgery to shorten the intestine... Intestinal mucosal damage due to inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, imbalance of intestinal microflora. Effect of some pathogenic parasites such as roundworm, hookworm, Giardia lamblia.
Không tăng cân do kí sinh trùng làm ảnh hưởng đến việc hấp thụ

2. Not providing enough nutrients

When you eat a lot but the weight cannot be increased, you may not have provided enough nutrients for your body to improve weight.
To overcome this situation, you need to add more protein to the body because protein is the raw material to build muscle bundles to help skinny people gain weight and build a strong muscle system. At the same time, you can add plant-based proteins such as tofu, bean sprouts, soybeans, seaweed and nutritious nuts such as cashews, almonds, ... These foods both ensure Providing enough nutrition helps you gain healthy weight.

3. Irregular eating

You eat a lot without gaining weight may be due to erratic and unscientific eating habits such as
Not paying attention to the digestive system: Your digestive system is not healthy enough, your body cannot absorb the nutrients. nutrients. Taking care of the digestive system is a prerequisite to help skinny people gain weight and improve the immune system. Skip a nutritious breakfast: According to recent studies, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The habit of not eating breakfast will increase the risk of gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach pain because there is nothing to contract. Eating too much in one meal: Eating too much in one meal causes the digestive system to be overloaded and unable to metabolize nutrients.

4. High Energy Metabolism

High energy metabolism is when your energy expenditure for daily activities is higher than normal. Signs of high energy metabolism are easy to see, you just need to touch your skin to feel hot skin or heart beat faster. In order for the energy metabolism to take place normally, you should add in the daily menu alternating cool foods to harmonize. Limit the use of soft drinks, carbonated water and stimulants such as: Coffee, alcohol, beer, tobacco.

5. Abuse of weight gain drugs

Weight gain pills can help you gain weight quickly after a month or even a fortnight. But weight gain is caused by water retention and fat storage, not by increasing the muscle system. At the same time, they can also pose health risks if you experience the side effects of weight gain drugs. You should avoid using this type of medicine, but it is important to supplement with adequate nutrition from 4 groups of essential substances for the body: Starch, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.
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Không tăng cân do lạm dụng thuốc tăng cân

6. Lazy to exercise

People who want to lose weight regularly practice sports with the desire to digest more energy to lose weight. However, thin people who want to gain weight also need to exercise. The habit of regular exercise, in addition to enhancing health, also increases flexibility, also helps to increase metabolism inside the body. A good metabolism will be the determining factor in your weight.

7. Not purifying the body

When not purified, the body will accumulate many toxins. This leads to a decrease in metabolism that makes your body unable to absorb nutrients, so eating a lot is still sick.
You should take advantage of the antioxidants available in nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits to purify the body. Some foods have antioxidant capacity such as dark green vegetables, ripe fruits, root vegetables and nutritious nuts.
Eating and sleeping but not gaining weight can be caused by many physical causes or diseases. Therefore, you need to monitor your body, when there are signs of disease, it can be examined and treated promptly.

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