Why do I get enough sleep but my eyes are still dark?

Dark circles under the eyes make the face less sharp, tired and lifeless. Usually lack of sleep, sleeping late is the main cause of this condition, but many people get enough sleep but still have dark circles under their eyes. So why sleep enough but still dark eyes?

1. Why do I get enough sleep but my eyes are still dark?

According to research, the skin epidermis in the area around the eyes is very fragile and especially sensitive. Beneath the epidermis there is a dense network of capillaries. When there is an external impact such as staying up late, being stressed or tired, the capillaries located under the epidermis will quickly dilate, burst and appear dark pigmented areas. This phenomenon is also known as dark circles under the eyes.
However, in addition to the cause of lack of sleep, fatigue, dark circles under the eyes still appear in people who have enough sleep time, the reason may be that although sleeping for 8 hours but not sleeping deeply, the body not in a state of complete rest, causing fatigue and lethargy.
For the elderly, the aging process causes the skin to gradually lose collagen, subcutaneous fat causes the skin to lose its elasticity and ability to regenerate, the already thin eye area is now thinner. So, even if you get enough sleep, you still have dark circles under your eyes.
Tại sao ngủ đủ giấc mà mắt vẫn thâm là thắc mắc của nhiều người
Tại sao ngủ đủ giấc mà mắt vẫn thâm là thắc mắc của nhiều người

2. Causes of dark circles under eyes

There are many causes of dark eyes despite getting enough sleep, the common ones include:
Lack of water When the body is dehydrated, the blood vessels under the eye area will swell, causing puffiness and dark circles. .
Due to exposure to the sun The sun is the biggest "enemy" of the skin and eyes. Sunlight causes melanin in the skin to increase, making the skin dark and aging quickly and most seriously, the skin around the eyes.
Smoking, using stimulants Regularly smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee will cause blood vessels to constrict, reduce blood circulation, cause wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes.
The body lacks necessary nutrients When the body lacks substances, vitamins will make the skin tissue dry, lifeless, and the thin skin under the eyes is no exception.
Eating salty Salt causes water retention in the body, which not only causes dark circles but also comes with puffiness.
Habits of frequent use of electronic devices, improper eye hygiene Habits such as rubbing eyes, constantly looking, using phones and computers not only hurt the eyes but also the skin under the eyes. dark eyes, lack of life.

3. If you have dark circles under your eyes, do you need to see a doctor?

Depending on the cause of the dark eyes, severity and symptoms to decide whether to go to the doctor or not. However, you should not be subjective when your eyes have dark circles, because dark eyes are also a symptom of diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, thyroid and other organs, causing the body to retain water, causing blood to accumulate in under the eyes leading to dark circles.
If the eye has dark circles accompanied by swelling in one eye, the condition does not improve, it may be worse, you should quickly go to a medical facility for an accurate examination and evaluation.
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Cơ thể thiếu nước cũng là một trong các nguyên nhân thâm mắt hàng đầu

4. Overcome dark circles under eyes despite getting enough sleep

Here are some ways to help overcome dark circles under eyes:
Gently massage the eye area, apply eye cream at night before going to sleep: dot the cream around the eye area, gently pat from the center of the eye to the corner of the eye with ring finger. Use a cotton pad soaked in green tea or take a warm tea bag, and place it over your eyes to increase blood circulation to the tissues, helping to relax the muscles around the eyes. Tea contains tannins that help reduce swelling and help brighten the skin. Moisturize the skin: Hydrated skin will help reduce wrinkles and slow down the aging process, so regularly moisturize your face with moisturizing products in the morning and at night before going to bed. . Cold compress: Applying ice to the area under the eyes is one of the quick and effective ways to reduce eye bags and puffiness. Ice will help dilate and change blood vessels. Head pillow: When sleeping, raising your head with two or more pillows can prevent fluid from pooling in the lower eyelids, causing puffiness and dark circles. When going out, it is necessary to cover the eye area, especially in the hot summer. Use moisturizing products, specialized products for the skin in the eye area to improve the condition of dark eyes, to help the skin around the eyes stay healthy and youthful. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the daily diet to minimize dark circles under the eyes:
Iron supplementation, vitamin B12 The body lacks iron, B12 will hinder oxygen supply to tissues in the body. and reduce the ability of the skin to regenerate. Iron, vitamin B12 are abundant in: eggs, red meat like beef, lean meat, salmon, liver, spinach,...
Vitamin K Vitamin K helps regulate blood clotting and strengthens capillary walls. . When capillaries burst, they leak blood, causing dark circles under thin skin like around the eyes. Vitamin K can be added to the body by eating foods: green leafy vegetables, avocado, kiwi, eggs, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, liver and soybeans.
Vitamin A Vitamin A is an antioxidant, limiting wrinkles. When the body is deficient in vitamin A, it will cause dry eyelids, eye fatigue, sensitivity to sunlight, dark eyes. Supplement vitamin A for the body through foods: sweet potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, liver, pumpkin, fruits, ...
Vitamin B Vitamin B helps reduce water retention in the body, thereby reducing eye swelling, puffiness, dark circles under eyes. Supplement vitamins by: eating walnuts, spinach, salmon, ...
Above are the information that explains the cause, getting enough sleep but still having dark circles is why? You can learn and offer treatment to improve dark eye condition day by day.
For more information about health and beauty, customers can refer to the website of Vinmec International General Hospital.

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