How does smoking affect the health of the fetus?

The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ly Thi Thanh Nha - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International General Hospital Da Nang. Doctor Nha has strengths and experience in fetal malformation ultrasound, 3D, 4D fetal ultrasound.
During pregnancy, inhaling cigarette smoke or smoking cigarettes can cause negative effects on pregnant women. Pregnancy is a very sensitive period and smoking behavior can easily affect the health of mother and fetus before, during, and after the baby is born. So how does smoking affect the health of the fetus? Let's find out through the article below.

1. Things to know about tobacco

In a regular cigarette, there are more than 4000 different chemicals, typically nicotine, carbon monoxide, acetone, arsenic, methane, polonium...
Electronic cigarettes or "Vape" are options New choice for smokers. There have been many cases where it was possible to reduce the dose and then quit smoking completely by switching to using e-cigarettes. However, this "high-tech" cigarette is also addictive for many people who didn't smoke at first but tried it out of curiosity. In fact, although e-cigarettes have little or no nicotine, its toxicity is not less than that of regular cigarettes.
In addition, a type of tobacco that is also quite popular today is smokeless tobacco. Smokeless tobacco products are manufactured in a variety of forms, such as snuff, lozenges, and soluble tobacco products. All smokeless tobacco products contain nicotine. They are extremely addictive. Quitting smoking is just as difficult as quitting smoking.
Tobacco smoke also seriously affects the development of the fetus. Tobacco smoke (also called passive smoking) is a combination of smoke from a burning cigarette and exhaled smoke from a smoker. Inhaling secondhand smoke during pregnancy increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). SIDS, also known as crib death, cot death, is the sudden, unexplained death of a baby less than one year old.

2. Effects of tobacco on the fetus

When a pregnant woman breathes in cigarette smoke, nicotine and other harmful substances pass through your lungs into your bloodstream and directly to your baby. This can cause the following risks:
Slow fetal growth Increase risk of premature birth Causes brain and lung damage to the fetus Increases risk of stillbirth
Thuốc lá ảnh hưởng tới sức khỏe thai nhi như thế nào?
Effects of Smoking on Babies
Newborns are especially susceptible to the effects of secondhand smoke. Below are the harmful effects of secondhand smoke on the long-term health of young children:
Effects of smoking on pregnant women
Pregnant women often have weaker resistance than usual. Whether it is accidental or intentional exposure to tobacco smoke has serious effects on pregnant mothers. The harmful effects from smoking can cause:
Ectopic pregnancy (the nicotine in tobacco can cause contractions in the fallopian tubes, these contractions prevent the embryo from passing to enter the uterus. As a result, the embryo implants outside the uterus, it will be located in the fallopian tube or in the abdomen). Adverse effects on the placenta. Having thyroid problems. Early rupture of membranes. Preventing the effects of tobacco smoke on pregnant mothers is essential to protect the health of both mother and fetus. Pregnant women should avoid going to crowded places as well as family members who also actively eliminate secondhand smoke when there are pregnant women.
If you have unusual symptoms, you should be examined and consulted with a specialist.

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