How to cure cancer with thermotherapy?

For the first time in Vietnam, the method of supporting cancer treatment with thermotherapy has been applied at Vinmec Times City International Hospital. Once applied at cancer centers in many advanced countries such as the US, Japan, and Germany, this method has shown that it can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment. So what cancer can thermotherapy be applied to?

1. What is thermotherapy?

The method of thermotherapy is based on the mechanism of increasing the temperature at the tumor site or a body area to 41-43oC. This temperature can damage and kill cancer cells but has little effect on healthy cells. Besides, when combined with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, heat therapy also increases the sensitivity of cancer cells to the above therapies, and promotes the self-death process of cancer cells. left over from chemotherapy or radiation. In addition, heat therapy enhances the effectiveness of the body's immune system by activating immune cells and transforming tumor cells, making tumor cells more susceptible to attack and destruction.

2. What cancer is thermotherapy suitable for?

Heat therapy is considered effective even in cases that have relapsed or have been treated with other ineffective methods. In the world, thermotherapy has been applied by many cancer centers in the US, Japan and Germany in the treatment of recurrent breast cancer, cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, bone and soft tissue cancer. ...
Currently, Vinmec Times City International Hospital applies heat therapy to solid cancers, with tumor lesions no more than 2.5cm deep.

3. How to use thermotherapy effectively?

At Vinmec Hospital, hyperthermia therapy is conducted up to 2 times/week with an average treatment time of 45-60 minutes/time. Patients receive heat therapy 24 hours before radiation therapy, and apply simultaneously with chemotherapy and immunotherapy methods.

4. Is thermotherapy safe?

Thermotherapy is used with a temperature of 41 - 43oC, with a temperature control device, so it is safe for the patient. After the course of treatment, the patient may have congestion and slight redness in the heat pressure area, but it does not cause burns. During the entire treatment period at Vinmec Times City International Hospital, patients are closely monitored by nursing doctors for care and support to ensure safety and maximize treatment effectiveness.
Chữa ung thư bằng phương pháp liệu pháp nhiệt trị như thế nào?

5. Is this method used alone, as a substitute for other cancer treatments, or is it required in combination?

At Vinmec, this method is applied concurrently with radiation therapy, chemotherapy and autologous immune system-boosting therapy in cancer treatment. Therefore, the therapeutic effect of thermotherapy is evaluated together with the cancer treatment process by chemotherapy, radiation therapy and autologous immune system-boosting therapy.
According to studies around the world, when adding heat therapy with radiation or chemotherapy, the overall treatment response rate increases by an average of 50-67% (compared to 40% without the combination).

6. How much does it cost to use 1 time? How many times will the patient be treated with thermotherapy?

At Vinmec Hospital, the cost of 1 heat treatment is 3 million/time.

7. When needing advice on autologous immunotherapy and thermotherapy, who can the patient contact for information?

Information about immunotherapy:
Doctor Quach Thanh Dung, Internal Medicine Oncologist, Vinmec Times City International Hospital Information about thermotherapy:
Doctor Nguyen Thi Phi Yen, Oncology Department, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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