Measures to treat brain aneurysms

Cerebral aneurysms are the leading cause of stroke in both the elderly and the young. Most patients do not realize its presence until a stroke. This is a dangerous disease that needs to be treated promptly when symptoms appear.

1. What is a cerebral aneurysm?

A cerebral aneurysm is a bulging of a blood vessel in the brain from a weak spot in the endothelium of the blood vessel wall.
When the wall of a blood vessel swells, it can thin or burst suddenly. This can lead to coma, stroke or even death.
Most ruptures due to cerebral aneurysms occur in the space between the brain and the brain. The bleeding can spill into the cerebrospinal fluid or brain parenchyma, causing a hematoma in the brain, which can damage or destroy brain cells.

2. Some signs of cerebral aneurysms

Here are some common symptoms of brain aneurysm:
Sudden severe headache Feeling of nausea, vomiting Increased blood pressure Stiff neck Blurred vision Part of body numbness and weakness Loss of consciousness , not awake Sensitivity to light drooping eyelids Convulsions

3. Measures to treat cerebral aneurysm

If there is a second hemorrhage, the disability rate of the patient is up to 60-80%. Treatments for brain aneurysms will depend on the specific case, size, location, and condition of the aneurysm.
Currently, some common methods of treating cerebral aneurysms are commonly used, including:
Surgical method of clamping cerebral aneurysms: this method is performed by neurosurgeons. This method uses one or more metal clips (clamps) to clamp the neck of the brain aneurysm. After surgery, the patient will be given cerebral angiography to check the closure of the aneurysm and keep the cerebral blood flow. This is still an invasive procedure, a difficult technique and can leave many sequelae for the patient.
Phương pháp phẫu thuật kẹp túi phình mạch máu não
Metal spiral aneurysm embolization (or coil placement): this is a minimally invasive procedure, performed by endovascular specialists. This procedure uses a catheter that is passed through the femoral artery to the brain. A coil is inserted through the catheter to the brain aneurysm, blocking it so that blood cannot flow into the aneurysm. This is a high technique in neurointervention, bringing high efficiency and safety in the treatment of brain aneurysms.
Phương pháp nút túi phình mạch não bằng vòng xoắn kim loại
Both the surgical methods of clamping the aneurysm and plugging the brain aneurysm are aimed at stopping the second bleeding. The damage caused by the previous bleeding still cannot be repaired by these two methods. Therefore, medical treatment should be carried out to help patients recover from injuries and prevent complications later.

4. Brain aneurysm plug technique at Vinmec Danang International Hospital

Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital performs brain aneurysm buttoning with a high success rate, up to over 95%. The hospital is equipped with the most modern machinery necessary for performing this technique. The technique is performed by the leading specialist doctors and experienced and prestigious team in the region:
Dr. Ton That Tri Dung Ths.Bs Huynh An Thien Ths.Bs. Nguyen Thanh Nam Modern equipment supports doctors during surgery as well as the patient's resuscitation process, such as: DSA GE, MRI 3.0, CT 640 series

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