12 healthy and practical foods for 1-year-olds

The period from 0 to less than 1 year old is the most important and strongest period of children's development, so providing adequate nutrients for children in this age is very important. Unsuitable food choices can lead to anorexia and weight loss in children.

1. Bananas, peaches and some other soft fruits

During this period, babies begin to develop the skills of holding, grasping and putting food into their mouths with the tips of their fingers. At that time, fresh fruit is a reasonable choice. These fruits not only provide essential plant-based nutrients, but also help children form healthy eating habits.
Slice bananas, peaches, strawberries.... so that children can put the fruit in their mouth by themselves. Be careful not to slice too big, it can cause choking, airway obstruction.
If your child doesn't immediately eat a new fruit, be persistent in adding it to meals because in fact, children need to be exposed to new foods 6 to 15 times before accepting it.
Fresh, soft fruits are also suitable for making smoothies for children. However, it is important to ensure that the fruits children eat are not more than 2 hours after being removed from the refrigerator or peeled.

2. Milk and yogurt

Babies under one year old are getting used to foods other than breast milk and it's the right time to give them extra milk
Milk and yogurt are great sources of protein and calcium in bone building , the child's teeth. One glass of whole milk (about 244ml) provides 8 grams of protein and 39% of the body's daily calcium needs.
If you want to change the type of milk for your baby, it takes about 3-5 days to determine the body's reaction to this new milk or to be more certain, consult your doctor in choosing milk.
Sữa chua
Sữa và sữa chua phù hợp với trẻ nhỏ giải đoạn trước 1 tuổi

3. Oatmeal Porridge

Children who have not yet mastered the use of teeth to chew, food should be cut into small pieces and oatmeal is a reasonable choice at this stage.
Oatmeal is easy to swallow and contains a large amount of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, minerals and monounsaturated fatty acids.... Moreover, oatmeal provides abundant fiber, supporting Good support for the digestive tract of children.

4. Whole grain pancakes

This is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Whole grain pancakes contain large amounts of digestive-friendly prebiotics, which help feed beneficial bacteria.

5. Eggs

Eggs are rich in protein and healthy fats and a wide range of nutrients that support healthy eye and brain development.
In addition, eggs are also an easy food to prepare. However, it should be noted because this is one of eight common foods that cause allergies in children. It is necessary to closely monitor the child's health status, take the child to the nearest medical facility immediately in case of symptoms such as hives, stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, cough or digestive problems. ...
Trứng gà
Trứng rất giàu protein và chất béo có lợi cho sự phát triển của trẻ

6. Tofu

Tofu is an excellent source of iron, calcium and protein. 56 grams of tofu can provide nearly 1 milligram of iron (equivalent to 14% of the child's iron needs) and 12% of the daily calcium requirement.

7. Chicken

Tender pieces of chicken like the breast are a good source of quality protein for children's physical development. Let children get used to chicken by pureeing and mixing it with porridge, then it can be boiled or stir-fried in case the child can already chew it.

8. Avocado

Avocado is a food rich in fats that are beneficial for the brain development of children. About 75 grams of butter can provide 9 grams of monounsaturated fat. Avocados can be ground to serve with bread or cereal or can be mixed with other fruits.
Quả bơ
Bơ chứa nhiều chất béo có lợi cho sự phát triển não bộ của trẻ

9. Water

Food is indispensable not only for children but for everyone. Children under 1 year old should drink at least 240ml of water per day, even more in case of exercise, illness or fever.

10. Broccoli, peas and carrots

Vegetables like broccoli, peas, and carrots are packed with vitamin C and fiber. In addition, carrots also contain lutein, an essential nutrient for the eyes. While peas provide the protein that builds the baby's muscles.

11. Beans, ground beans

130 grams of ground beans provide nearly 39% of the child's need for iron in a day. Using ground beans with some foods rich in vitamin C such as broccoli, tomatoes or sweet potatoes will help the child's body absorb iron better. In addition, for children who are lazy to eat meat, this combination diet can provide enough iron to help prevent anemia in children.
Bột ngũ cốc
Các loại đậu, đỗ xay cung cấp lượng lớn sắt cho cơ thể của trẻ

12. Hummus

Hummus is a combination of chickpeas and avocado made from sesame seeds. This duo provides a good source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.
Hummus can be served with biscuits or cereals to make it more palatable to children.
The main point in choosing foods for children under 1 year old is that they are easy to chew, soft and nutritious. It is important to be patient because children need from 6 to 15 "trials" to be able to make an acceptable decision. accept this food or not. Toddlers need about 1,000 calories, 700 milligrams of calcium, 600 IU (international units) of vitamin D, and 7 milligrams of iron per day to support proper growth as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). .
Besides, it is necessary to regularly monitor abnormalities that occur when children eat these foods to avoid allergies, even poisoning.

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Reference source: healthline.com

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