Acne skin eat what vegetables to cool?

Food is not only a source of energy to maintain a living organism. Besides, eating vegetables is also good for your skin and health. So, what vegetables to eat for acne skin will be cool and reduce dark scars?

1. Skin nutrition group needs to be supplemented every day to avoid the appearance of acne

To prevent scars as well as acne appearing on the skin, the body needs to ensure that it is provided with 6 essential nutrients. These nutrients have the function of supplementing nutrients and improving skin health, helping to eliminate residues to avoid accumulation of acne causing damage to the skin.
Collagen The appearance of collagen has a significant impact on the cells and tissues of the skin. To supplement collagen, in addition to using oral tablets directly, you can eat some vegetables to replenish water for the body such as cucumber or celery. These are 2 vegetables that contain quite high collagen content. In addition, dark green leafy vegetables can also help the body produce more collagen.
Spinach, cabbage or kale... are groups of vegetables with dark green leaves. If you continue to eat these foods, you will be supplemented with a sufficient amount of collagen to maintain healthy skin. Moreover, this is also a vegetable that can effectively treat acne. In addition, this vegetable is also rich in lutein, which helps slow down the body's oxidation.
Another good source of collagen comes from red or orange vegetables and fruits. These vegetables will promote collagen production in the body faster and stronger. You can eat more tomatoes, bell peppers, radishes... Especially when eating this group of vegetables, the body synthesizes lycopene, which will prevent the impact of sunlight on the skin. Thanks to that protection, the skin also limits damage caused by acne or dark scars. At the same time, under tight protection, the body's natural collagen production is also boosted.
Protein Protein is a nutrient that replenishes muscle and contains an energy source for you to ensure performance. Moreover, when eating protein, the body also receives a regenerated amount of collagen. As a result, damaged blood vessels or skin will heal faster. In addition, protein also speeds up the healing of open wounds, so acne scars on the skin will be quickly removed.
In addition to meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, ... are also sources of protein for you to choose from. Especially legumes or soybeans contain abundant protein and are good for health. When using plant protein, the body also receives a hormone that has the same role as an antioxidant.
Những loại rau củ tốt cho da mụn chứa Protein
Những loại rau củ tốt cho da mụn chứa protein

Vitamin C Vitamin C is one of the micronutrients that are easy to find in plants, especially green vegetables. They have the ability to strengthen the immune system and form a protective collagen layer under the skin to help prevent bacteria and bad effects deep inside. Supplementing with vitamin C will enhance metabolism to help the process of regeneration or collagen production take place more smoothly.
Vitamin A Vitamin A is an indispensable source of nutrients in each of our bodies. It has the ability to promote nutrition to protect the skin and prevent risks such as acne, scars or slow healing wounds. In addition, the problem of open wound infection is also minimized and limited.
Zinc Zinc is a good substance for the body, especially for the skin. If fully supplemented, the skin will be smooth and pigmented. Not only reducing acne scars, but the skin background is also raised to help the natural skin color.
Iron Iron deficiency will lead to anemia. This is one of the reasons why the body is not healthy. If anemia is caused by iron deficiency, you also face many other dangerous diseases than acne skin.
Những loại rau củ tốt cho da mụn chứa Protein
Bạ có thể lựa chọn những loại rau củ tốt cho da mụn chứa sắt

2. Vegetables that are good for acne skin

Tropical fruits such as guava, pineapple, kiwi can be used to supplement vitamin C for the body. They will produce substances that are able to prevent the oxidation of free radicals in the body. At the same time, it also synthesizes collagen to improve the health of acne prevention on the skin. If you wonder what vegetables are good for acne-prone skin, don't ignore tropical fruits.
Avocado is also a food rich in nutrients and good for the skin. This is the food that many women choose to beautify. When eating this fruit, it will provide nutrients from deep inside. You can also use avocado to make a mask for dry skin. You will increase resistance to UV rays as well as limit the problem of dry skin.
Soybeans are no longer strange in the beauty menu. In addition, there may be next due pumpkin. Using this seed to make a mask will help the skin eliminate residues and sebum. In addition, the properties of these nuts are quite benign, which will help new cells be regenerated and healthier.
Chia seeds are a nutritious weight loss food for people with excess weight. Moreover, this is also a fiber-rich food that is very good for the skin. They will help the skin recover faster thanks to vitamins, minerals and proteins. Maintaining the habit of eating chia seeds every day will reduce the aging process and damage inflammation caused by acne.
Broccoli or cruciferous vegetables are characterized by dark green leaves that are rich in nutrients and low in calories. Therefore, these are healthy foods that both support weight loss and can be used for effective beauty. They have the ability to enhance the protection of the skin when exposed to the sun and at the same time regenerate and increase collagen for the skin.
Above are good vegetables for acne skin. In addition, you should also learn more so that eating any vegetables will not be good for acne skin. Stay away from foods that are harmful to the skin and combine with a moderate lifestyle. You will receive more benefits than beauty and reduce scars and acne for the skin.

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