Care and nutrition for children suitable for each age

The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Ngo Thi Oanh - Pediatrician - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Nutrition for children is based on the same principles as nutrition for adults. Everyone needs the same types of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. However, at each age of the child, the body will need different composition as well as the amount of nutrients.

1. Nutrition for infants

During the first 6 months of life, babies don't need any other nutrients than breast milk or formula or a combination of the two. The nutritional needs of an infant are best met by the mother, breast milk helps to build the baby's immunity.
If breastfed, an infant needs to be fed 8 to 12 times per day or depending on the baby's needs. Around 4 months, the number of feedings can be reduced to 6-8 times per day, however the amount of breast milk in each feeding will increase.
Babies fed with formula should be fed about 6 - 8 times per day, infants start with 57 - 85g of formula each time (total about 450 - 680g per day). Similar to the case of breastfed babies, the number of feedings will decrease as the baby gets older, but the amount of replacement milk will increase by about 170 - 227g / time.
After 4 months, the baby's digestive system is relatively complete, which can help the baby digest foods other than milk. Therefore, in the period from 4-6 months of age, in addition to breastfeeding, it is possible to start introducing solid foods to babies. Do not give the child solid foods, it can cause choking because the body has not adapted.
When babies are 6 months or older, most babies are ready to start eating solid foods like infant cereal and pureed fruits, vegetables, and meats. These foods need to be supplemented because breast milk may not provide enough iron and zinc for the baby's growth.
ăn dặm
GIai đoan tập ăn, trẻ có thể ăn được một sối thực phẩm xay nhuyễn
Notes when giving solid foods to babies:
Do not feed babies before 4-6 months of age (calculated by full-term birth age) because babies need to be able to absorb maximum nutrition from breast milk, besides before 4 months of age , children also have reflex to push the tongue against anything that touches the lips (this reflex usually disappears when the child is 4-5 months old), so it is difficult for children to practice solid foods. Do not feed children too late after 6 months because it will increase the risk of growth retardation in children (baby only breastfed, formula milk is not guaranteed to have enough nutrients for the development process). Children easily refuse solid foods and increase the risk of food allergies.

2. Children from 6-12 months

From 6-8 months old, continue to breastfeed or replace milk 3-5 times a day. Your baby will begin to drink less breast milk or alternative milk as solid foods become the main source of nutrition. At this point, you can start giving your baby other plant-based foods: vegetables (potatoes, chickpeas, carrots and peas) are all good choices, they should be well cooked. thoroughly and mashed, fruit (such as mashed banana, avocado, peach, or apple).
From 8-12 months old, should continue to breastfeed or replace milk 3-4 times/day. At this age, it is necessary to add minced meat to the child's diet.
Làm thế nào để trẻ sơ sinh không lười bú sữa mẹ?
Giai đoạn 6-12 tháng trẻ nên được tiếp tục bú sữa mẹ

3. Nutrition for children from 1 year old

When the baby is 1 year old, should gradually increase the amount of solid food, the baby will suckle or drink less milk. At this time, babies need to be provided with many nutrients from meat, fruits, vegetables, bread and cereals and milk group, especially whole milk. This will help ensure adequate vitamin and mineral intake for the child. However, breast milk or formula will still be your baby's main source of nutrition throughout the first year of life, so at this point, milk should still make up about 70% of the diet.
It should be noted that during this time babies begin to learn to crawl and walk, so they will eat less food at one meal, but will eat more often (4-6 times) throughout the day, so parents should add snacks outside the ration for children.

4. Children from 2-5 years old

After 24 months, most babies have full and stronger teeth than at 1 year old. At this time, the baby no longer eats porridge and flour but can eat the same foods as adults, parents should let the child eat rice with the family to create good eating habits, the food for the baby can be porridge. condensed milk, condensed soup, rice, etc., at the same time, still give milk to children at least once a day. In addition to 3 main meals with the family, you can give your child 2 more snacks in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon, snacks to help children not be hungry, eat more delicious, in this snack, you should Children eat fruits, milk, yogurt to support the digestive system.
In short, regardless of age, whether it is an infant or a preschool age, nutrition always plays an important role in the physical and mental development of the baby. At each different age, parents need to change a reasonable diet to meet the nutritional needs of the baby according to the age.
trẻ biếng ăn
Trẻ cần có chế độ ăn uống khoa học và hợp lý
For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
Children who do not eat properly are at risk of micro-mineral deficiency causing anorexia, growth retardation, malabsorption,... If they notice the above signs, parents should supplement their children with products. The supplement contains lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.

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