Cooking menu for babies 6 months old

Essential nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins (A, B, D, K) and minerals, especially DHA, are essential for 6-month-old babies. Accordingly, in order for children to be able to fully absorb nutrients and develop comprehensively, parents can refer to the menu for cooking flour for 6-month-old children in the following article.

1. Nutrients that need to be in the menu to cook flour for babies 6 months old

When children turn 6 months old, this is the time when parents need to supplement essential nutrients for children to develop comprehensively. In fact, when your baby is 6 months old is the optimal time to start solids. Accordingly, a weaning diet for a 6-month-old baby needs to be fully supplemented with 4 groups of nutrients including: protein, starch, fat, vitamins and minerals. Specifically:
Protein: This is a nutrient found in foods made from pork, beef, and chicken eggs (note that for babies under 1 year old, only egg yolks should be used), various types of foods. fish, shrimp, crab. Starch group: This is the group of nutrients that should be included in the menu for cooking flour for babies 6 months old. Mothers can use ground rice flour, cereal flour or cook rice porridge really well and puree to cook baby food powder. Good fats: Good fats can be easily found in cooking oils for children such as olive oil, coconut oil or Gac oil,... Vitamins and minerals: Vitamins and minerals are added from various types. vegetables such as spinach, amaranth, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach, ... Mothers should note that they should not cook for too long these foods to avoid losing nutrients. SEE ALSO: Nutritional menu for babies at 6 months

2. The best recipe for cooking dough for 6-month-old babies

Although, how to cook rice flour for a 6-month-old baby is not difficult and complicated, but to get the most delicious and nutritious product, mothers can refer to a few tips below:
Choose foods Fresh and delicious with clear origin, ensuring food hygiene and safety from raw materials to processing. Attention should be paid to choosing the appropriate ingredients to combine with each other, in case of allergies or food poisoning in children. Depending on the child's appetite to cook a sufficient amount of flour in one meal. The golden rule for proper weaning, given by nutritionists, is: Eat from little to a lot, from liquid to solid; practice gradually getting used to and eating different types of food; For children under 1 year of age, they only eat white rice when they first start eating solids and do not add seasoning. If the mother wants to choose rice as the main ingredient in the menu to cook flour for a 6-month-old baby, it is completely possible to prepare it yourself. Please add a little more glutinous rice flour to create consistency, combine with cereal flours such as green beans, red beans (with an amount of 1 teaspoon) when cooking to increase variety and increase taste for children. . The way to cook rice flour for a 6-month-old baby is that rice flour should be cooked with cold water, after the flour has been cooked, for additional ingredients. Avoid simmering vegetables for too long as it will lose vitamins and minerals. To change the taste, the mother can add breast milk, vegetable broth or formula to cook the powder. SEE ALSO: What foods can a 6-month-old baby eat?
cách nấu bột gạo cho trẻ 6 tháng tuổi
Cách nấu bột gạo cho trẻ 6 tháng tuổi

3. Cooking menu for 6-month-old babies

If you don't know where to start cooking baby powder for babies, you can refer to the menu for cooking powder for 6-month-old babies as follows:

3.1. Weaning vegetable powder with carrots and red apples

02 teaspoons of rice flour; 300ml water; 50g red apple; 75g carrots. Method:
Peel the red apples and carrots and wash them. Bring to boil with water at medium temperature; Remove boiled carrots and red apples to cool, then proceed to puree or puree them. Can use a little boiled water to blend together; Mix 2 tablespoons of prepared rice flour to dissolve evenly with the remaining amount of boiling water, add the carrot and red apple mixture to the puree. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until the dough is cooked.

3.2. Chicken meal powder with potatoes, pumpkin

10g rice flour; 15g chicken (choose lean parts) puree, 15g potatoes; 15g pumpkin puree; 40ml water; 1 tablespoon cooking oil. Method:
Drop chicken into 30ml of cold water; Wash the peeled potatoes, bring them to a boil, then mash/mash them; Dissolve 10g of rice flour in the remaining 10ml of water; Put the chicken, potato and pumpkin puree into the simmer; When the above mixture is just cooked, continue to add rice flour and stir until the flour is fully cooked; Add a spoonful of cooking oil for children and the porridge is complete. SEE ALSO: A complete guide to weaning as recommended by the National Institute of Nutrition
Cách nấu bột cho trẻ 6 tháng bằng thịt gà
Cách nấu bột cho trẻ 6 tháng bằng thịt gà

3.3. Rice flour cooked with powdered milk

1⁄4 cup rice; 1 cup of water; 2 tablespoons milk powder. Method:
Wash the rice, pour the washed rice into the pot and cook it into porridge, then puree it; Add 2 tablespoons of powdered milk and stir well with the milled rice to complete a nutritious and delicious rice flour dish for your baby.

3.4. Chicken egg yolk powder with tofu

20g rice flour; 1 egg yolk; 30g tofu; 200ml water; 1 teaspoon cooking oil. Method:
Boil the tofu in boiling water for about 1 minute, then take it out to dry and then proceed to puree it. Bring 20g of prepared rice flour into the water and stir until dissolved; Add tofu and 1 egg yolk and stir well; Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Add cooking oil for children to increase flavor, stimulate taste buds to help children eat more deliciously. Above are the sharing on the menu of cooking flour for 6-month-old babies to help them eat well and gain weight quickly. All the ways to cook flour for 6-month-old babies mentioned above are very simple, easy to do and are used effectively by many mothers. Mom can completely apply these formulas right now. Hopefully, the above article will be of great help to parents in the process of raising healthy and scientific children.

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