Eating grapes good for sleep?

In the results of a recent study, grapes contain melatonin. Therefore, there is an opinion that eating grapes before going to bed will help you sleep better. So is this really true?

1. Is it good to eat grapes before sleeping?

Grapes are a purple fruit that contains the sleep hormone, melatonin. This is what scientists in Italy have announced a new discovery about grapes.
In humans, the brain's pineal gland produces melatonin to help regulate sleep and wake cycles. Melatonin levels increase in the evening as a signal for sleep and decrease as dawn approaches.
Accordingly, scientists have analyzed the high concentration of melatonin in grapes. However, the amount of this hormone can vary between breeds. In addition, researchers have shown that melatonin levels can be boosted by antioxidants and alcohol in wine if you drink wine instead of fresh grapes.
Thus, thanks to the melatonin source obtained from eating grapes before bed, people can achieve better sleep quality, sleep deeper and more soundly.

2. Other Health Benefits of Grapes

Grapes are a nutrient-dense fruit that makes them a healthy choice when it comes to vitamin C, vitamin K, and antioxidants. Accordingly, when thinking about vitamin C, most people probably think of oranges as a good source. However, grapes are also a great way to get vitamin C that few people know about.
In addition, grapes have a lot of value to answer "is it good to eat grapes" with other health benefits from grapes as follows:
2.1 Helps the immune system Because grapes are a good source of vitamin C Amazingly, they can improve the body's immune system against bacterial and viral infections like yeast infections.
2.2 Prevent Cancer Filled with antioxidants, grapes can help fight free radicals, which are molecules that can damage cells and can lead to cancer. In addition, grapes are also high in an antioxidant called resveratrol, which may protect against cancer by reducing inflammation and stopping the growth of cancer cells. On the other hand, grapes also contain catechins, quercetin and anthocyanins, other antioxidants that may be a powerful cancer-fighting combination.
2.3 Lowers Blood Pressure Since grapes are very low in sodium, eating grapes before bed goes well with a low-sodium diet at dinner to help lower blood pressure.
Moreover, grapes are also high in potassium, which can help balance blood pressure. Indeed, people with low potassium intake may often have an increased risk of developing high blood pressure.
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Ăn nho trước khi ngủ rất tốt cho người bệnh lý huyết áp cao

2.4 Protects against heart disease The resveratrol in grapes can not only help prevent cancer but has been shown to help protect against heart disease.
One study also showed that people whose diets had more potassium than sodium were less likely to die from heart disease than those who did not have a lot of potassium in their diets.
2.5 Lowers High Cholesterol The fiber-rich content of grapes makes this fruit a good choice to help lower high cholesterol.
In a study of people with high cholesterol, those who ate three cups of red grapes per day for eight weeks had lower total cholesterol and reduced "bad" LDL cholesterol.
2.6 Protects Against Diabetes Grapes have a low glycemic index, which means eating grapes will not raise blood sugar.
In fact, studies show that nutrients in grapes can lower blood sugar and may increase insulin sensitivity, helping the body increase glucose use.
2.7 Helps Maintain Brain Health That's all there is to say about the resveratrol in grapes, which benefits the body in a variety of ways. Powerful antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress, which can have a positive effect on the brain.
For patients with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, it can be a sign of oxidative stress and the resveratrol component in grapes helps reduce the risk of those diseases.
2.8 Improves Bone Health Thanks to vitamin K and minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium, eating grapes can help your body maintain strong bones.
While all of those nutrients are important for bone health, more research is still needed to fully understand how grapes can help keep bones healthy.
2.9 Slow down the aging process Indeed, when women eat a lot of grapes, they can help keep the face young in the long run.
This is achieved thanks to the ingredient resveratrol, which is a potent antioxidant, which stimulates the SirT1 gene, which is associated with longer lifespan by influencing cell structure and cell protection cell.
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Ăn nho trước khi ngủ có thể giúp làm chậm quá trình lão hóa

3. How should grapes be eaten for good health?

There is a wide selection of grapes to eat with many health benefits, from grapes in colors such as green, white, purple and red.
It is important to choose the most available in their natural form. So, instead of drinking grape juice or eating raisins, fresh, unprocessed grapes are the grapes that will help your body get the most nutrition.
A suitable adult serving of grapes is about one cup per day and you can get the same benefits from eating grapes two to three times a week. Besides eating them directly, consider changing the way you eat them, rather than adding them to smoothies and salads like chicken salad. Alternatively, try freezing grapes and some other fruits with fresh milk and buttercream for a sweet, mouth-watering dessert.
In summary, scientists have announced a new discovery about grapes, as a good sleep food. The high content of melatonin in grapes is the meaningful answer to the question of whether to eat grapes before going to bed. Accordingly, eating grapes before bed is a simple, gentle and wonderful choice in the evening. Such a serving of grapes is both low in calories, rich in nutrients and vitamins, and can help promote better sleep.

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