Food for Diabetes: Can I Substitute Honey for Sugar?

Some people with diabetes eat honey by adding honey to coffee and tea to enhance the taste, but is honey safe for people with diabetes? The answer is yes, but only under certain conditions.

1. What is honey?

Honey is a thick, yellow liquid produced by honey bees and other insects, such as some species of bees and wasps. Honey is derived from nectar in flowers, which bees collect and store in their stomachs until returning to the hive.
Nectar is composed of sucrose, water and other substances. It has about 80 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent water. Bees produce honey by eating and chewing the nectar over and over again. This process helps to remove water.
Then the bees will store the honey in the honey to use it as an energy source during the winter because it is harder to find food at that time. Despite being a natural sweetener, honey has more carbohydrates and calories per teaspoon than sugar.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one tablespoon of raw honey has about 60 calories and 17 grams of carbohydrates.
Honey also contains many vitamins and minerals, including iron, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, potassium and calcium. In addition, honey is also an antioxidant that prevents and slows down cell damage.
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2. How does honey affect blood sugar?

When having diabetes, many patients will wonder what to eat to control blood sugar and prevent complications. One of the most commonly asked questions is honey, because this food has a sweet taste, so patients are concerned that it will increase blood sugar if eaten.
Honey contains natural sugars and carbohydrates and has an effect on your blood sugar. However, when compared to refined sugar, honey has less impact.
2004 study evaluated the effects of honey and refined sugar on blood sugar. The subjects of this study included people with type 1 diabetes and people without diabetes.
The team found that, in the group of people with diabetes, honey raised blood sugar about 30 minutes after eating. However, the participants' blood sugar levels then dropped and remained at a lower level for two hours.
This leads researchers to believe that honey, unlike sugar, can increase insulin levels, which is an important hormone for blood sugar control.

Although honey can increase insulin levels and help people with diabetes control blood sugar, there are no studies that prove honey helps prevent diabetes. This may make sense, however, as researchers have found a possible link between honey and a lower glycemic index.
In a study of 50 people with type 1 diabetes and 30 people without type 1 diabetes, researchers found that, compared to sugar, honey had a lower blood sugar-lowering effect on all participants. In addition, honey also increased the subjects' C-peptide levels, which are released into the bloodstream when the body produces insulin.
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Mật ong có thể làm tăng nồng độ insulin ở người bệnh tiểu đường
A normal C-peptide level means the body is making insulin. However, more research is still needed to determine if honey can be used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

3. Risk when diabetics eat sugar from honey

Patients should note that honey is sweeter than sugar. Therefore, if you are replacing sugar with honey, only a small amount is needed.
Because honey can affect blood sugar levels, people with diabetes should avoid consuming honey and other sweeteners until their diabetes is completely under control.
Honey should be consumed in moderation. However, to know the exact amount, people with diabetes should consult their doctor before using honey.
If your diabetes is well controlled and you want to add honey to your diet, choose raw, organic or raw honey. These types of products are safer for people with diabetes because honey is all natural with no added sugars.
However, pregnant women and people with compromised immune systems should not consume raw honey, as it is unpasteurized.
If you buy processed honey from the grocery store, these products may also contain added sugar or syrup. And added sweeteners can affect your blood sugar.
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Besides, honey still has certain benefits such as increasing insulin levels and helping to control blood sugar.
Replacing sugar with honey may also be beneficial, as honey is a source of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. A diet rich in antioxidants can improve the way your body metabolizes sugar, and the anti-inflammatory properties in honey have the potential to reduce diabetes complications.
Diabetes is a dangerous disease, causing many serious complications. The outcome of treatment depends greatly on the early or late detection of the disease. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is providing a diabetes screening package to help patients detect the disease early and provide effective advice and treatment regimens for each case.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, please book an appointment on the website for service.

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